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Talking To Joe Like He's A Confused Dog
  • repurposing let's go Brandon is not their chosen slogan, is it?

    I have some terrible news for you about Dark Brandon.

  • Made a Hexbear account, howdy everyone!
  • It's fine. We've already adjusted your social credit score accordingly.

  • Caption this.
  • The High Court of the Juggalo Nation.

  • DuckDuckGo is serving AI garbage now
  • Unironically, I've been getting better search results from Yandex since this AI dogshit started picking up steam. I'm contemplating switching over full time.

  • You guys ever find out how psycho the height people are on reddit?
  • I spent over 40 years of my life telling people that I'm 5'11", only to find out a couple years ago I'm actually 186cm, and my mother has no idea how to use a tape measure. Which also explains why the baseboards she measured out for when we finished her basement never fit correctly.

  • What's going on with the "Chinese Police Stations" in Canada thing?
  • There's nothing else to it than that. It's offices providing services to citizens abroad. Like every western country has.

  • Populus (1998) & "god games"
  • I've been playing some hidden gem indie games from that era, too. Ever heard of "Super Mario World"? I've never seen anything like it.

  • My wife and I cleaned and maintained all of our standing fans today (summer heat posting)
  • I'd like to imagine Italians lubing machine parts with olive oil lol

    This is actually the real reason why the Axis Powers lost World War 2—Stalin didn't do shit.

  • Critical support for rookie Mike
  • Haha he doesn't know that laws aren't for rich people! How did he graduate from cop school?

  • Clown to Clown Communication
  • Listen, assholes: you either do what the Pope says, or you establish an Antipope. I'm not even Catholic and even I know the rules.

  • The Oklahoma Department of Education can't log in to its own website because the person who had the password left and didn't give it to anyone. They haven't been able to login for 2 years.
  • Me: "I wish we had SSO and 2FA."

    Corporate IT: "We have SSO and 2FA at home."

    The SSO and 2FA at home: everybody logs in with the same username and password, and it doesn't set cookies so you have to do it constantly

  • Check out this dope ass saurid

    Fingies are for cowards. Koleken inakayal is a true apex predator.

    All of my kids now have Hexbear accounts.

    And all of them have good enough opsec to never acknowledge their dad with terrible opsec.

