ThunderclapSasquatch @ ThunderclapSasquatch Posts 0Comments 408Joined 2 yr. ago
What do you mean Japan was never Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire?
Explore space, meet new people, kill them and eat them when they shoot your dog.
Read books, feed the door, dream the riddles answer, become one that will never die.
Mystery Inc.
Green is a secondary color
If you hate turn based games why do you buy them? It's like if I bought COD and complained about everything being too fast and the lack of civ building mechanics
Manwich is a canned sauce you add to hamburger, it's roughly BBQ flavored in nature.
It's like a tortilla made of a giant cornchip. Breakage can be an issue but they don't explode like glass or anything.
If it's important draft everyone then. Not just the men
Your sense of time is too short is what's being said.
Trading bodily autonomy for voting isn't right, especially when half the country is not only exempt but fights any attempt to make it more equal.
Extremely loud and demonic.
I agree, now how do we go about making everyone else see it too?
That top one is kinda sexy ngl
They changed his hair color those time even
That's an aspic, jello but for meat flavors!
Dammit Greg, did you get another rock pregnant?
At least they were nice about it and didn't make some colonial ass slur about "civilized society"
Fuck that we broke away centuries ago.
Book of Hours is dropping its first DLC in September, great game.
It means the round fired by the gun is .308 inches in diameter, or 7.62mm. Gun caliber is measured in inches for Imperial.