Smh they turned my generic woke fantasy into generic woke fantasy
Smh they turned my generic woke fantasy into generic woke fantasy
Smh they turned my generic woke fantasy into generic woke fantasy
This is ignoring the real problem with DA4: why is Varric back again?
They changed his hair color those time even
Ok then dont buy it and
snowflakes.I mod my fantasy games to make them even more
Everyone NO PANTS! I already have to get pants SHOVED DOWN MY THROAT EVERY DAMNED DAY! I CAN'T GET AWAY FROM IT! All women are NB, trans, and fembois with highly detailed uncut 4K res dicks. No one is cishet in MY FANTASY games.
My brother in Andraste, the game is set in Thedas because it's THE + Dragon + Age + Setting. It's so generic they kept the place holder name for the continent it's set on.
Let me guess, they added a black person?
They made all the love interests player-sexual (will romance regardless of gender), which upset reactionaries because "there's no straight option", because even if you play a guy and romance a lady, she could have romanced a lady too.
It's wild because player-sexual NPCs is kind of a step back from DA:I, that had explictly Bi characters (Iron Bull, Josephine), explicitly straight (Blackwall, Cassandra), explicitly gay (Dorian, Sera) and people who had limited romance options like Cullen (only female humans and Elves) and Solas (only female elf, but was meant to be bisexual but only to elves but cut due to time).
Fallout 4 is 9 years old and has player-sexual romances. The complaint about player-sexual relationships is that it erases queer identity and queer characters people can see. Having a character like Sera or Judy (from Cyberpunk) who is explicitly a lesbian etc. The argument for it, is if you don't you get silly things happening like Mass Effect having clearly queer or bisexual characters locked as straight.
I liked Cyberpunk's relationships. There's a moment after rescuing Saul, where Panem and V are drinking and can flirt, Panem has her legs on top of V, V can run their hand up Panem's thigh. If you're masculine it leads to a kiss and falling asleep together, if you're feminine it leads to a jarring shift in tone as Panem suddenly recoils realizing you're not joking and then awkwardly tries to diffuse the situation.
Even though it's a scene of rejection, it feels like a real lesbian experience, with all the discomfort attached.
I'm guessing there are women in it without
DA3 already had a powerful, bald, black woman as a companion so Bioware really has to up the ante if they want to be more woke in DA4. It must be revealed that in Tevinter the slaves are all woke and wear nametags with their pronouns, and that every slave-owner is white and speaks with a southern drawl.
The tone of the trailer did seem kinda "wacky genre fantasy". But I haven't played since DA2.
A franchise which only had one good entry and it was the first one
I liked Dragon Age 2. It was not good gameplay wise, but I did like that you were just some guy/gal and their odd collection friends hanging out in a fantasy city doing jobs and get rich schemes, rather than some chosen hero on quest to save the world.
Inquisition had some really good story beats but it was basically like playing a single player MMO, so much grinding and fetch quests.
Yeah, I sincerely don't understand why people keep buying these games. Bioware massacred all the gameplay elements that actually made the game special.
This CriticalDrinker dude is a character or is a real dickhead?
dickhead... last time I've heard of him, beyond politics, this guy really slept out on Midsommar and said it was boring, no film analysis beyond that...
No analysis, just vibes...
After BG3 coming out how can anyone enjoy this trash from a company that makes nothing but trash?
Woke age the wokeguard
WAOW I can't believe they included short kings in my Dragon Ages. Varric?? Who thought that men under 7 feet tall are cool????
I am pretty sure they grow guys like this on a farm... next things are gonna be the cynical agarthan, the meth critic, poopenfahrtenkommando and Jack the cockroach rantsona
Poopen Fahrten Kommando is my favorite magma album
it's a german word, you gotta write it together
I've been getting this sub and some other generic
sub recommended to me lately and I keep them around like little guilty desserts of stupidity. Their vague and wildly flailing seriousness is very funny to me.