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G@mer moment.
  • I feell like they'd give you life for that in the states.

  • Anything look good on the Steam Summer Sale?
  • Dread Delusion is really good actually. It's very much a vibes-based run around and pull at strings game. Not too challenging, very bite-size quests, but it gives you plenty of cool world-building to chew on while you do tiny puzzles and whack enemies.

  • All humans who have ever lived
  • Kind of makes me think about comparing the very fucking long period of time before agriculture where humans were just monkeying about compared to the shorter period of time afterward with a lot more people and then even the relatively quite fucking short modern period with even so many more people. When you think about the rate of change of human living, for instance, how fast it is now; is that just because there's so many more of us? I mean there's more of us because of things like the agricultural and industrial revolutions, but is it also a bit of a feedback loop? There are perhaps some frightening connotations to that - but to say my actual point, maybe it's appropriate to think about the "amount" of history in human-years rather than just years.

  • How do you get white men at your org to shut the fuck up and make space for other people?
  • I was in an organization previously that had different hand signals for the audience to give a speaker if they were droning on too long. You'd put your arm across the top of your head if they were going on a tangent and raise an arm with a limp hand if they were beating a dead horse.

  • Wasps
  • Hymenoptera means "membrane wing" which I think is pretty neat.

    I am quite afraid of bees and wasps, but I know how to be chill around them and haven't been stung yet. This is good because I also love them.

  • These two approach you at the bar and say they "really like your vibe." wyd?
  • It's actually thinking about getting an even smaller ball. Seems more suitable for such a pathetic little thing.

  • These two approach you at the bar and say they "really like your vibe." wyd?
  • Yeah what if they did something naughty with it

  • G@mers and sexism, name a more iconic duo.
  • Yeah we're just gonna keep seeing people find problems with this game as it's among the first kind of "prestige" video games coming out of China. Also there probably is sexism in the studio and also the game looks pretty sick.

  • Hexbear lore: The "power dynamics" thread
  • I've got a lot of favorite awful threads, but this (power dynamics thread) is very near the top of the list.

  • Deleted
  • "Oh, right on." if you want to know more, "How do you feel about that?"

  • tag thyself
  • wild to me that we don't have a car battery emote.

  • Smh they turned my generic woke fantasy into generic woke fantasy
  • The tone of the trailer did seem kinda "wacky genre fantasy". But I haven't played since DA2.

  • Cities Maolines
  • Is the game good yet and can you mod it pirated or did their new setup fuck that up?

  • Honest question: what is your ideas for a solution in Palestine/Israel
  • I've believed that a single-state is the only viable solution for a while now, so I'm curious what you mean by this. Are there issues with a one-state outcome that you feel are absent from or more tractable in a two-state outcome? Or do you think that a two-state outcome is just more readily possible and that the problems inherent to it can be overcome? I guess where I come down on it is that a two-state outcome doesn't necessarily or readily address the problem of continued Israeli antipathy and colonial activity. While a one-state outcome wouldn't necessarily address this, I do think it more readily can, provided that the circumstances of its formation give power to the Palestinian population and disempower Zionists. Not to oversimplify or to say that any of this will be easy to achieve or will be particularly graceful even under ideal circumstances.

  • This shits gayer than the folsom street fair
  • Bi invisibility finally a superpower. Just gotta keep the finger guns holstered.

  • What game would you consider as good as disco elysium
  • I found Pentiment, while a much smaller game, to be quite well-written and ultimately deal with similar themes of loss and a world that is changing toward an uncertain future. Both settings have a sense of mourning for a time and way of life that is already past, and just clings on here and there in the backwater.

    It's also absolutely gorgeous with great attention to detail in how the characters are portrayed and speak and how that relates to their age and social position. In general, the game is a bit of a love letter to the early modern period (go figure, it's Josh Sawyer) and it is rather charming to inhabit a pretty well-realized rendition of that; to see what everyone is eating, what they wear, what their lifeways are.

    So if you want some more of that rather wistful coziness that Disco has, it's pretty good for that. Also it's also a detective game, but like Disco, that sometimes takes a backseat to the setting.

  • Adobe Is Locking Users Who Don't Agree To New Terms That Allows The Company To Use And Sub-License Their Content
  • I'm having a real bear of a time finding a FLOSS animation program with tweening etc. that does not suck ass.

  • Hitomi Tohyama 当山ひとみ‎– Sexy Robot (1983) (Full)

    Been digging on this lately. Found it by way of the previous compilation of Japanese funk/jazz/city pop I posted previously. The first and titular track is hit or miss, but keep going and there's some tight stuff going on.

    Herons Fly - Rare Japanese Funk

    Rocked to this one a few times. I don't how much of it I'd really call funk, more Jazz and some more adventurous citypop, but there's a couple funky ones in there. I really dig the cultural conversation between Japan and the US. Film (westerns and jidaigeki) and video games (the whole history of rpgs), but there's an equally very cool dialogue in music. Probably fashion and food as well! Anyway, hope you enjoy these tracks.

    King Crimson - Larks' Tongues In Aspic Part I

    Love how seamlessly this track goes from tingly to heavy.

    Claudio Monteverdi - Canzonette, Book 1

    I suppose it must be obvious by now that I have a soft spot for Renaissance European music. There is some really beautiful interplay of harmonies through relatively simple melodic forms, similar to my previously posted Cantigas de Santa Maria. I find it very interesting the development in this respect in this period where western music first got put to paper with much regularity. When we look at folk music in western Eurasia (from the Atlantic to the Steppe), such that we have record of, we see a lot of participatory and formal songs. In Renaissance music we see the beginnings of taking those repeated melodies and playing with their arrangements and timing to create overlaps and rounds that explore the different possibilities within a single melodic phrase. (Of course, I would be remiss not to acknowledge the tradition of monastic music and chants here.) This might be the beginnings of what would develop into the more intensely described movements of later early modern music and into the modern music of the impressionists and romantics, ultimately into through-composition and even serialization, Although this is just one route, looking solely at the high art music of Capital C Composers.

    Anyway, do enjoy.

    The Mars Volta - Frances the Mute (2005)

    Recently was reminded of The Mars Volta and decided to give a listen to this classic. It might be my favorite of their albums. L'via L'Viaquez is such a great track. I've liked these guys for a long time, but one summer some years back I just layed down and listened to that song over and over untangling all of its patterns and it was very special. Happy Listening.

    Alfonso X el Sabio - Cantigas Santa Maria (1221-1284) [FULL ALBUM]

    I put this shit on for gaming and vibration. There are a lot of different modern recordings of selections from this musical body, but this is a pretty good one. The first few seconds of bad synth are just the intro.

    Herbie Hancock - Butterfly

    From the very fun album, Thrust (1974)

    Herbie Hancock has such a broad oeuvre, it's hard to say what my favorite is, but this album is a classic for me.

    Moonworm Moonworm [any]
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