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Robert Morris warned sex abuse accuser she could be prosecuted for seeking compensation, emails show
  • It finally clicked for a friend when I asked him if he knew how old the "young women" were in another case, and he said "I don't know... 25?" which then got corrected to "16 or 17" when I reminded him that the "young women" in question were minors.

    So finally I called out and asked his daughter to show us the cool picture she was working on in the study, and she excitedly runs in to show us. She was 9 at the time.

    I asked him how he enjoyed the picture that "young woman" drew for us. I literally saw the change on his face when it clicked.

  • Fortifications for residences of the little creatures that live on the head
  • Hide a bin ladin or demon core in there and you're good to go

  • Get scattered
  • Hanlon's Razor and all that, but I just assume that's to drive up interaction in the post.

    Rant/ramble ahead, you can skip:

    By misspelling something, or just doing/saying something that common sense should say is wrong ("life hack, I just discovered this thing that literally every 5 year old already knows about") you will draw out all the people who are genuinely trying to help, people who just can't help themselves but smugly correct someone, people who THINK they know the right way but aren't sure, people who claim to have never seen the right way before, and all the bitch fights such comments produce.

    The increased interactions make the post do better in algorithms, which means it goes out to more and more people, who continue the cycle.

    My wife watches short form endless scrolling videos despite knowing how bad those are for your mental health, and some of the people she stops to watch are CONSTANTLY pulling the "common sense says otherwise" one. Like my dude you did NOT just figure out in your 20s that you can wait for the shower to warm up before you get in. Literal toddlers know better. It's such a simple thing, I genuinely do not believe anyone in their 20s just gets in the shower while the water is still cold because they never figured out they can wait for the warm water. But hoooo boy did their video take off and have millions of views, and thousands of comments about how wild that is.

  • 'Russian spy agency forgot to pay its bill’: Did a delinquent ChatGPT account expose a pro-Trump Russian bot campaign?
  • As long as you rake in the cash quick enough, you can be rich before anyone realized that you're the problem.

    And now you've got money to pay people to beat them into submission when they complain.

  • If Dolly Parton can be canceled, we’re in serious trouble
  • I worked at a sporting goods store that sold guns and athletic apparel during the Colin Kaepernick/Nike deal, and the amount of people coming in to BUY Nike clothing and some ammo to shoot it with....

    I wonder if it ever clicked for any of them that they're still buying Nike and more importantly, they're giving free advertising every time they upload a video to facebook to show all their buddies how they owned the libs today.

  • Constantly. Or "oh, I thought I told you already."
  • Honestly I have no idea.

    And its not just my immediate family either.

    When my grandfather died, nobody in my family had been told he was having anything done until that morning, so we scrambled to visit him. There wasn't any huge problem, but any time someone in their 70s is in the hospital, especially for a surgery, it's cause for concern.

    And its a good thing we did because he bled out during the surgery, which was supposed to be a minor surgery in his lower abdomen.

  • Constantly. Or "oh, I thought I told you already."
  • I found out my mother had HEART SURGERY two weeks ago when my sister sent a weird "she's out of the operating room and I recovery" message, I thought she meant her mother in law and was informing my parents on the family group text, since my parents know her a lot better than I do.

    Nope. It was my own mother, and nobody told me about a surgery they all knew about 6 months in advance.

  • Microplastics discovered in human penises for the first time
  • Oh hey, maybe now the problem will be taken seriously.

  • Up is an illusion in space
  • There is a federation standard for which way is "up" based on the plane of the galaxy.

    So at least that explains why Federation ships always meet on "level ground"

    as for why the romulans, klingon, and various other non federation, especially non friendly species from the other quadrants, would be oriented the same way?

    Idk, maybe the progenitor race from that one single episode of tng that never showed up or was spoken of again made some kind of subliminal or genetic memories of which way up should be.

  • Something from the old days
  • I was about to say, "what do you mean 'old days', I'm still playing!"

    This game will outlive DOOM being run on things.

    Or more likely, someone will figure out a way to play one in the other.

  • Chinese EV makers proposed a 25% tariff on large European ICE cars, state media reports
  • JUST

    DO IT

    Hell, make it 100%.

    All countries

    100% import taxes on all ICE

    Make people demand EVs

    Motivate countries to produce in-country.

  • Move Stonehenge to Tuvalu to Protect it from the Effects of Climate Change Activism
  • Well, depending on who you ask, a protest from a westerner is invalid simply because it's a westerner.

    Doesn't even matter if it's supporting a "non-westerner" cause, because then you're just another colonizing westerner appropriating something you couldn't possibly undertand. Regardless of your actual understanding, of course.

    I really don't know what the OP comment is even trying to say, it just comes off as weirdly confrontational.

  • has been fixed rule. :)
  • NCD is leaking again...

    Not that I mind.

  • She's a lovely woman
  • Lol ain't that the truth.

    But I also don't do any of that for a job, so I doubt my boss will agree!

  • It was the best of times, it was the worst of times
  • I actually like doing this.

    I don't like smoking usually, but when I do, any additional flavors like lighters just make it worse.

    Not really all that useful when I want to smoke at night though....

  • She's a lovely woman
  • What if I can operate several different types of forklifts, reach trucks, skid steers, and an excavator, but I'm not "certified"?

  • Main road to Grindavík (Iceland) is covered under lava
  • And if you take a hit to performance (you will) you might get fired! And then all that was for nothing.

    Honestly I think if that happened to me I'd fire the building. From existence.

  • Do you recognise any usernames on Lemmy?
  • He was usually in 3, and in DS9 when Picard catches him before he disembarks the Enterprise, he leaves from 3 and Picard mentions it's O'brien's favorite transporter room.

    There may or may not be a few patterns in storage...

  • Ouch
  • Given how far she can "hear" people screaming through a mountain, it'd be interesting to know the limits of her "vision".

    Like we saw that she can "see" farther if she's on solid ground, and if she concentrates on the solid floor or something connected to it.

    We also saw she can increase her "vision" by punching into the rock and (using a few assumptions here) using the vibrations of the strike combined with more of her skin being in contact with the stone.

    So could she use a large metal ball to smash into the earth to "see" a super long distance? Could she see huge cave systems in mountains? Could she locate lost civilizations from miles away?

    Also, what does an earthquake "look" like?

    So many things sighted people will never know.

  • Took me a couple of tries, but it totally works.
  • My favorite repeatable mission, as intended by the devs: we need you to roll this barrel as far as you can by walking into it

    My solution: looks at barrel... looks at C4... (20 seconds later) clickBOOM

    Honestly if they teamed up with the Just Cause team, they could make something quite interesting. Maybe not good, but certainly interesting!

  • Memes of the Star Wars Prequels Transporter Room 3
    The EMH is channeling a power from a galaxy far, far away.
    What is your all-time favorite episode of star trek?

    It can be from any series, and if you want to pick a favorite from each show go ahead.

    Picture very much related.

    The Federation finally realized the EMH could use some upgrades!

    In order to heal someone, first you gotta have something to heal. Loads rifle with medical intent

    Starfleet sure has some weird practices when it comes to "privacy"

    Then again, with how much can be done casually by literally anyone who is on the ship, not just starfleet personnel, what even is privacy anymore in 2380?

    What is this, a crossover episode?

    I would actually love this.

    Maybe not the upper pylons getting kawhooshed, but a parallel world episode or like.... Literally even a holodeck gone mad episode.

    Obrien could take out some of his frustration as Cowen of the Genii.

    He shows such mercy

    Really, what do they expect? Mental Healthcare is more or less nonexistent everywhere he goes.

    Transporter_Room_3 Transporter Room 3

    Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

    I'm someone's favorite.

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