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  • It's not necessarily my favorite episode but it pops up always when I think of ST

    It's voyagers episode where they observe the planet which is in its own time pocket, so the whole evolution of the society happens in days from voys perspective

    • That's a good one, and I can't wait to see it again since I'm going through the shows with my wife (her first viewing of any of them)

      The doctor beaming down for "just a minute" and being there for some ridiculous amount of time, I can't remember exactly how long.

      Great episode.

      • 3 years. He was down there long enough to become a fan of a local sports team and chats up the astronaut about it when he gets back.

    • When I think of TNG, the first episode I think of is Yesterday's Enterprise.

    • Your comment would please the Ground Shaker

  • Tos: Balance of Terror

    Snw: Quality of Mercy, Subspace Rhapsody

    Ent: In a mirror,Darkly

    Ds9: Sacrifice of Angels,

    TNG: Tomorrow's Enterprise, All good things, Relics, The Best of both words

    Vgr: Year of Hell

    Prodigy: All the worlds a stage

    Lower Deck : to many to list

  • It would have to be "Chain of Command". there are FOUR lights

    • Also up there for me. Easily top "handful" since I can't pick an actual order.

      When he admits he really did think he saw five.... I'm not crying, you're crying.

  • I liked the ds9 episode where they were playing baseball. "Take Me Out to the Holosuite"

  • Voyager Counterpoint, where Janeway and the Inspector flirt tactically, and she beats him with science in the end. It very narrowly beats out Year of Hell.

    I also really like Old Friends, New Planets, the season finale of the most recent season of Lower Decks. I don't think it beats the other two, but it came damn close

  • TOS, third season, episode 8: For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky

    I also love The Cloud Minders from the same season (episode 21), but that first one gets me every time, I have no idea why.

    EDITED TO ADD: I also really like most of the SNW episodes, but haven't seen them enough times to have a clear favorite. Possibly Ad Astra Per Aspera, or Charades, lol.