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2 wk. ago


Proton Drive files export


  • Ahh, damn. Those shorts spread like a virus through all social media and they don't even allow to disable it because it makes the stupid views and money.


    Thanks for the answer.

  • Youtube


  • It would be the best to try out many different breeds of fish to figure it out. Smoked mackerel and smoked salmon have very distinct taste and can be either a very good start or the opposite. Besides that maybe trout? Also depends what kind of fish they sell at your local stores.

  • The German Language

    Matrix community

  • It's a violence occuring on both sides. And they're not welcome anyway.

  • Some people are against Proton in general because of what their CEO said. Besides that it seems neat.

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  • A cursory glance at Wikipedia tells me that Flatex AG bought Degiro (and a few other companies) and then changed the name to Flatexdegiro AG.

  • In Austria also Flatex seems popular.

  • Well, it's good, but it's annoying with the interface and finding what is where.

  • Buy European

    Excel alternative

  • I can't get through the stage of switching from MS Office to Libre Office especially that I kind of need Excel desktop version. Thus I'm still keeping Windows on my laptop.

  • DeepL is better as a translator.

  • is also hosted on Cloudflare.

  • You have all information here.

    So Server Host for is Cloudflare, Inc.

  • So doesn't the problem lie within regulations? Maybe they could just be better adjusted to the society? In decentralised solutions you also rely on "someone" that decides about the group, but different thing would be with distributed solutions.

  • Well, the speaker said that when you have freedom then you also need to understand everything around you and be responsible for everything that's related to you otherwise you will lose your safety. That's why he came up with conclusion freedom OR safety

  • Ask Lemmy

    Freedom and safety

  • Yeah, remove buyfromeu on

  • Did you choose this number on purpose?

  • Decentralization

    Cons of decentralization

  • There are still some ways to use banned apps and programmes. Besides it takes away opportunity of making your own decisions and creates the atmosphere of censorship.

  • aww

    what happened here?

  • Are there any important apps that don't work?

  • Buy European

    Fairphone & Ubuntu Touch