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November Plasma 6 update November Plasma 6 update

Well, I skipped October, oops. So it’s been two months since my last Plasma 6 update, but you can find all kinds of other good stuff about Plasma 6 on including this post from Kai. Probably t…

November Plasma 6 update

Probably the big news is that we released the Plasma 6 Alpha today! What does that mean? Well, go read this blog post by David Edmundson to find out! In a nutshell, you should try out the Plasma 6 Alpha out using one of these distros (or by building it yourself using kdesrc-build) if you’re an adventurous person who has a backup and wants to help make the final release better by reporting bugs or even fixing them. It really does help!

Fedora Linux 39 is officially here! - Fedora Magazine Fedora Linux 39 is officially here! - Fedora Magazine

We’re pleased to bring you Fedora Linux 39, our complete, community-built operating system. And stop by our virtual release party! It's free!

Fedora Linux 39 is officially here! - Fedora Magazine

We’re pleased to bring you Fedora Linux 39, our complete, community-built operating system. And stop by our virtual release party! It's free!

Garrett: Why ACPI?

"Why does ACPI exist" - - the greatest thread in the history of forums, locked by a moderator after 12,239 pages of heated debate, wait no let me start again.

bye bye reddit
  • Thank you for relaying this information

    Vulcan is a proud Relay user and relying on this app for Reddit for years, but The Snoo Platform alienated me away and nowadays, Vulcan is roaming around here and fediverse.

  • Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01 Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01

    Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01

    Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01

    Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01

    Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01 Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01

    Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01

    Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01

    Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01

    Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01 Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01

    Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01

    Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01

    Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01 Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01

    Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01

    Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01

    Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01

    FGO subreddit banned, no word on what happen
  • Apparently it's resolved.

    Still, this doesn't inspire confidence towards The Snoo Platform, back-end wise.

  • How all this icon stuff is going to work in Plasma 6 How all this icon stuff is going to work in Plasma 6

    Today I want to discuss in detail our plans for icon theming in Plasma 6. It will be rather technical, but may be of interest if you’re a user, developer, or theme author who wants to know wh…

    How all this icon stuff is going to work in Plasma 6

    Today I want to discuss in detail our plans for icon theming in Plasma 6. It will be rather technical, but may be of interest if you’re a user, developer, or theme author who wants to know...

    New idea I'm gonna try out
  • This is a great idea!

  • CIQ (Rocky Linux), Oracle and SUSE Create Open Enterprise Linux Association for a Collaborative and Open Future CIQ, Oracle and SUSE Create Open Enterprise Linux Association for a Collaborative and Open Future

    New trade association brings together open source Enterprise Linux community It will provide an open process to access source code that organizations can use to build distributions compatible with RHEL RENO, Nev., AUSTIN, Texas, and LUXEMBOURG—August 10, 2023—CIQ, Oracle and SUSE today announced the...

    New trade association brings together open source Enterprise Linux community It will provide an open process to access source code that organizations can use to build distributions compatible with RHEL

    RENO, Nev., AUSTIN, Texas, and LUXEMBOURG—August 10, 2023—CIQ, Oracle and SUSE today announced their intent to form the Open Enterprise Linux Association (OpenELA), a collaborative trade association to encourage the development of distributions compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) by providing open and free Enterprise Linux (EL) source code.

    Digital Realty Singapore uses electrolysis to clean its cooling water
  • Ng told us that each DCI unit costs around SG$33,000 (US$25,000) and can treat - very roughly - enough water for about 1MW to 1.3MW of cooling infrastructure. To cover the whole output of SIN10 would therefore need 20 to 25 DCI units, which suggests a cost of maybe US$500,000, although no figures have been quoted to us for the deal.

    The installation was partially funded by a Singapore government program to save water, and Digital claims it saves 1.24 million liters of water per month.

  • Digital Realty Singapore uses electrolysis to clean its cooling water
  • Ng told us that each DCI unit costs around SG$33,000 (US$25,000) and can treat - very roughly - enough water for about 1MW to 1.3MW of cooling infrastructure. To cover the whole output of SIN10 would therefore need 20 to 25 DCI units, which suggests a cost of maybe US$500,000, although no figures have been quoted to us for the deal.

    The installation was partially funded by a Singapore government program to save water, and Digital claims it saves 1.24 million liters of water per month.

  • Linux Containers - Incus - Introduction

    The Linux Containers project has announced the addition of Incus, which is a fork of LXD 5.16 started by Aleksa Sarai.

    Chip companies join forces to form new RISC-V venture Chip companies join forces to form new RISC-V venture

    Initial drive starts in Germany, pushes automotive blueprints

    Chip companies join forces to form new RISC-V venture

    Initial drive starts in Germany, pushes automotive blueprints

    Chip companies join forces to form new RISC-V venture Chip companies join forces to form new RISC-V venture

    Initial drive starts in Germany, pushes automotive blueprints

    Chip companies join forces to form new RISC-V venture

    Initial drive starts in Germany, pushes automotive blueprints

    NVK Has landed!

    NVK, an open-source Vulkan driver for NVIDIA GPUs

    kbin Login bug fixed?
  • Can confirm, it's gone, yay!

  • This week in KDE: porting, Dolphin, and KWin This week in KDE: porting, Dolphin, and KWin

    I wrote about all the porting work done recently for Plasma in yesterday’s Plasma 6 update. That work consumed a lot of time due to a big push to get it all done, so this week there isn’…

    This week in KDE: porting, Dolphin, and KWin

    I wrote about all the porting work done recently for Plasma in yesterday’s Plasma 6 update. That work consumed a lot of time due to a big push to get it all done, so this week there...

    MIT scientists propose power storage using cement blocks
  • Blocks of cement infused with a form of carbon similar to soot could store enough energy to power whole households. A single 3.5-meter block could hold 10kWh of energy, and power a house for a day, and the technology could be commercialized in a matter of years, the scientists say.

  • MIT scientists propose power storage using cement blocks
  • Blocks of cement infused with a form of carbon similar to soot could store enough energy to power whole households. A single 3.5-meter block could hold 10kWh of energy, and power a house for a day, and the technology could be commercialized in a matter of years, the scientists say.

  • No apologies as Reddit halfheartedly tries to repair ties with moderators
  • Fox brand in entertainment is so tainted that Disney replace and rebrand almost all of acquired Fox-branded TFCF assets with other brands (such as 20th Century Studio, Disney Studio, and Star).

    The merger agreement with TFCF stated that Disney is entitled to a perpetual licence of "20th Century Fox" (only for movies) from the current Fox Corporation but Disney decided to replace the brand anyway. As for Fox-branded channel outside North America (and Australia, because Fox Australia is owned by News Corp Australia and never in any way affected by Disney merger), Disney obtained a temporary licence and must end all usage of Fox brand by 2024.

    Star, originally Satellite Television for Asian Region, now became worldwide brand and replaced most of Fox-branded channel outside North America.

  • IBM, Red Hat and Free Software: An old maddog’s view
  • Recently I have been seeing some cracks in the dike. As more and more users of FOSS come on board, they put more and more demands on developers whose numbers are not growing sufficiently fast enough to keep all the software working.

    I hear from FOSS developers that too few, and sometimes no, developers are working on blocks of code. Of course this can also happen to closed-source code, but this shortness hits mostly in areas that are not considered “sexy”, such as quality assurance, release engineering, documentation and translations.

  • What to do about ghost magazines that have no content?
  • Yup, become the agent of engagement

  • What to do about ghost magazines that have no content?
  • Keep sharing contents, eventually readers and participants will come

  • Reddit Tests is Own Verification Markers with ‘Official’ Profile Tags
  • Copying Muskrat's playbook, so predictable from the Lord of Snoo...

  • Oracle's revised Java licensing terms 2-5x more expensive
  • "Clients are moving towards third-party Java runtimes such as Azul, Amazon Coretto, Eclipse Temurin and IBM Semuru since Oracle announced the heavy pricing model. Other surveys also indicate decline in Oracle JDK usage and increase in use of other Java runtimes," Tyagi said.

  • Elon May Have a Huge Issue Because Microsoft Owns the “X” Trademark
  • And in #Japan, with #VisualKei #Vkei (#JapaneseRock) band #XJapan.

    The frontman #Yoshiki even called out #Twitter Japan of their trademark right (which is legitimate).

  • Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins
  • They are panicking

    IPO during this time will be a PR disaster (although the Lord of Snoo spez probably doesn't even care about this).

  • Reddit’s only free iOS app icons are ugly now
  • Gonna love The Lord of Snoo's shenanigans.

  • why doesnt html work in profiles/bios anymore? i was having so much fun 😭
  • Unfortunately, the security risk is a huge with HTML.

  • do you say it as kay-bin or k'bin?
  • Vulcan says "k'bin".

  • VulcanSphere VulcanSphere

    Heya!, VulcanSphere is here, Interests including watching anime, reading manga, playing video games, watching motorsport, and listening to diverse range of music. Have a somewhat unhealthy obsession with cyberpunk and its aesthetic (night city, neon lights, and rain)

    Visit my personal website:

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