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First look at New Action Movie titled 'Nuke' starring Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un
  • Putin obviously knows English and German from his posting in Germany during his KGB days

    Yeah. He was a lieutenant colonel assigned to the East German stasi. Can find archive copies of his stasi identification floating around online.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • And even old artillery is incredibly accurate if the team operating the gun has both modern targeting computer software and access to localized real-time meteorological data. When you throw in the use of aerial drone spotters, that old artillery performs almost as well as the highly integrated artillery systems NATO nations field.

    It's funny because the actual gun isn't where any of a magic of modern artillery is but instead the targeting computer and data links. US defense contractors just upcharge to integrate all that tech into a single piece of equipment and disregard all the drawbacks involved.

  • Black Wolf is a new ride sharing app...
  • I'm the US at least, the license is referred to as a "guard card" and is issued by state governments. It's the bare minimum requirement to work as a bouncer or security guard because it empowers the holder to forcibly detain someone to either remove them from a property or hold them until police arrive. Without the license a bouncer or security guard runs the very real risk of facing kidnapping charges should they detain someone or try to forcibly remove them from an area.

  • Big guberment infringing on my right to mutilate my cattl... i mean, my workers
  • Nvm, it turns out SawStop has agreed to open their patent up to the rest of the industry royalty free should such a law ever be passed.

    The real issue with the law is SawStop holds an exclusive patent on the concept of power tools detecting fingers and automatically stopping. They have enforced their IP right ruthlessly and as such hold a monopoly that allows them to charge a $900 premium.

    So I guess the problem is the US government mandating the technology without first seizing the patent and opening it up to competitors. It would be like the US government mandating airbags or seatbelts without the patent holders opening the IP up to the entire industry. Iirc Volvo holds most of the patents for a lot of automotive safety technologies but has always allowed the rest of the industry to use the tech royalty free in order to promote industry wide adoption.

  • The struggle of Feminist Lesbian g@mer.
  • Anyone else remember how in the fantasy material of the 1980s male characters were in outfits just as ridiculously skimpy as the female ones? An era of leather daddies and heavy metal. The armor was ridiculous with greased up muscles and armor plates that exposed 75% of their skin. Usually it was something like an armor plate covering a single side of their chest with the other side and their abdominals exposed. Outfits never made sense for anything other than looking sexy.

  • Smells like freedom.
  • Only real use I can imagine for these is wildland firefighting. I figure it's supposed to be used for reducing risk to firefighters when the time comes to create backfires in the path of a wildfire. Can sit in the truck with a remote control and send the robot dog to walk a few miles setting a line of fire.

    Checked company website. Looks like they also market it for agricultural use and deicing. From a childhood spent farming, I can see how it might be useful in agriculture. Every year farmers need to set fires and burn what remains of fields after harvesting crops like grain. A few times over the years I witnessed people get themselves in dangerous situations (trapped in the middle of a fire or their pickup truck trapped) after the fire spreads in unexpected directions. Being able to stand back at the edge of the field and remotely set the fires could be useful. The risk of burning up a $9,000 robot dog is a lot cheaper than a human life or $60,000 pickup truck.

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    France sends combat troops to Ukraine battlefront
  • You are right about that. The French Foreign Legion aren't black operations soldiers but rank and file military. The French equivalent to US JSOC units are their Commandement des Opérations Spéciales units.

    This recent action by France is equivalent to the US deploying a USMC expeditionary force near the Ukrainian frontlines.

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    France sends combat troops to Ukraine battlefront
  • very much doubt the US will enter Ukraine

    US JSOC troops have been fighting in Ukraine since before the Russian invasion. The first month of the war saw a sudden uptick in US special forces killed in training accidents and new unnamed stars going up on the walls of the CIA lobby in Langley. Same shit happened in the month following Oct 7 and Gaza.

    At the bare minimum Green Berets have been deployed the entire time attached to Ukrainian units as "advisors". None of it is a controversy or escalation because the US has JSOC special operations soldiers and CIA paramilitary soldiers doing black ops shenanigans in most conflict zones around the globe. They are like cockroachs.

  • At least 17 people died in Florida after medics injected sedatives during encounters with police
  • No reason to use ketamine unless you are in the process of intubating them or they have woken up during surgery. Putting someone on a breathing machine happens in a hospital environment not on a sidewalk done by an EMT. Ketamine at high doses is a powerful dissociative (forces mind to switch to 3rd person view) used by anesthesiologists when someone becomes conscious during traumatic procedures. Like when someone wakes up while surgeons have their chest opened up or they need to be woken while intubated on a breathing machine. Causes what would be an extremely traumatic experience to become an out of body experience that a person will likely dismiss should they even remember it.

  • Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) develop thread that can record sound SRI is developing textiles that record audio - SRI

    Turning piezoelectric materials and lithium-ion batteries into thread, innovators will weave fabrics that record sound.

    SRI is developing textiles that record audio - SRI

    Indistinguishable from regular clothing, all of the necessary components (microphone, lithium battery, etc) are woven into the fabric itself.

    >Under a contract from the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), an expert team led by SRI research engineers Marcus Bagnell and Nicole Heidel, specialists in fiber technologies and collaborators at North Carolina State University and International Fabric Machines (IFM), a textile maker, will seek to incorporate a piezoelectric material into a fabric that acts like a microphone — a textile that can record audio. The key component will be piezoelectric threads woven into the fabric, which were demonstrated in Nature last year. The team will work to seamlessly integrate the sensor, along with its support electronics into a textile that closely resembles the ones used in off the shelf clothing.  > >“When sound waves strike the fabric, it stretches the piezoelectric threads, producing an electric signal like the diaphragm of a microphone,” says Bagnell, who is principal investigator. “The fabric is essentially a drum. The sound waves bend the piezoelectric threads, creating an electronic waveform that can be recorded and played back.” > >Pulling on the thread  > >The project is known as “Smart Electrically Powered and Networked Textile Systems” — SMART ePANTS, for short. Eventually, the team hopes to fashion a whole garment — a shirt, pair of pants, socks, underwear even — that records sound. IARPA refers to these garments as primary clothing.

    Iran's state news agency says Guards have seized MSC Aries vessel 'linked to Israel'

    >April 13 (Reuters) - Iran's state news agency IRNA said on Saturday that its Revolutionary Guards had seized the MSC Aries vessel it said was "linked to Israel" and it was being transferred to Iran's territorial waters. > >A Guards navy special forces helicopter boarded the Portuguese flagged vessel and seized it, IRNA added.

    [NOT A JOKE] Israeli war cabinet minister Benny Gantz said that Hamas fighters "are eliminated or in hiding" declares Hamas defeated, but sees years of fighting ahead
  • The US kill-death ratio is also telling.

    During the Global War on Terror less than ten thousand US citizens killed in the conflict but around a million Afghans and Iraqis directly killed along with around 4 million people across the region indirectedly killed. Even the Vietnam war was something like 40,000 US citizens killed in exchange for around 3 million killed on the Vietnamese side. Hell... the US kill-death ratio in the World War 2 Pacific theater, some of the most brutal fighting the US has engaged in, was only 70,000 US citizens killed in exchange for 2.5 million Japanese soliders and somewhere around 1 million Japanese civilians killed.

    The US has amazing kill-death ratios across all its wars excluding its civil war when busy fighting among itself. It's disgusting really. The US will lose a few thousand while killing millions on the other side. Even in total war engagements the US loses thousands while the other combatants lose many millions. Since 1775 the US has only lost around 650,000 even when including both the US civil war and World War 2.

    People always make the mistake of assuming during colonial adventures the US is doing anything other than smashing everything up (immediately wiping out the opposing military) then sitting back and milking any insurgency for as long as it is profitable to maintain a low intensity conflict. The US has really only ever fought two conflicts on a total-war footing (Civil War, World War 2) but managed to have hundreds of colonial adventures and so-called police actions throughout its entire history. For most of its history the US has been fighting one or more military actions somewhere, starting with westward expansion across North American then the so-called banana-wars advancing US corporate interests across Latin America and various colonial or cold war adventures across the entirety of the eastern hemisphere.

  • Chud Struggle Session
  • Only group that has at all times been "white" since whiteness and "race science" were pioneered somewhere around the 1600s are English people of Britain. They pioneered the idea to explain why behavior of the British empire was actually the natural order of things and a just cause.

    There were points where pale ass groups like the Irish and Germans weren't white while darker skinned Europeans like the Spanish and Portuguese were. Ofc European nobility were always white even when the commoners of their nations weren't.

  • Brave America ran away! Bravely ran away, away! When danger reared its ugly head, it bravely turned its tail and fled!
  • Not an embassy. Iran has made it clear that should the US push too far their plan is to start blowing up the hundreds of billions of dollars of US industrial infrastructure (oil, refineries, docks, etc) in the Gulf region and North Africa. Most of those state oil companies have their infrastructure owned and operated by US companies like Exxon who then cut them a percentage of the profits.

  • Amazon Ditches 'Just Walk Out' Checkouts at Its Grocery Stores Amazon Ditches 'Just Walk Out' Checkouts at Its Grocery Stores

    Amazon Fresh is moving away from a feature of its grocery stores where customers could skip checkout altogether.

    Amazon Ditches 'Just Walk Out' Checkouts at Its Grocery Stores

    > Just over half of Amazon Fresh stores are equipped with Just Walk Out. The technology allows customers to skip checkout altogether by scanning a QR code when they enter the store. Though it seemed completely automated, Just Walk Out relied on more than 1,000 people in India watching and labeling videos to ensure accurate checkouts. The cashiers were simply moved off-site, and they watched you as you shopped.

    US universities secretly turned their back on Chinese professors under DOJ's China Initiative US universities secretly turned their back on Chinese professors under DOJ's China Initiative

    American universities increasingly distanced themselves from Chinese professors targeted under the China Initiative and similar federal agency investigations, often pressuring them to resign voluntarily or retire early.

    US universities secretly turned their back on Chinese professors under DOJ's China Initiative
    *eyes bulging out of sockets* Like z-z-zoinks, Scoob!! This isn't OG k-kush!
  • Yeah, it was carfentanil. The large animal veterinary formulation used to anesthetize elephants and rhinoceroses. Carfentanil has 20 to 100 the potency of fentanyl, which is why whenever idiots steal some from veterinary supplies cities end up with an uptick in overdoses.

  • nice try reddit

    apparently I'm in the top 75,000 users and potential dumb money

    Bidens’ dog, Commander, bit Secret Service personnel in at least 24 incidents, records show | CNN Politics Bidens’ dog, Commander, bit Secret Service personnel in at least 24 incidents, records show | CNN Politics

    Commander Biden, President Joe Biden’s family dog, bit US Secret Service personnel in at least 24 incidents at the White House and other locations, according to new internal USSS documents obtained by CNN.

    Bidens’ dog, Commander, bit Secret Service personnel in at least 24 incidents, records show | CNN Politics
    Reddit Plans to Sell Stock to Loyal Users in Unusual IPO Wager

    >Reddit plans to place a big chunk of its IPO shares in the hands of its users, an unusual move that could build loyalty but also comes with risk. > >The company plans to reserve an as-yet-undetermined number of shares for 75,000 of its most prolific so-called redditors when it goes public next month, according to people familiar with the matter. The users will have the opportunity to buy Reddit shares at its initial public offering price before the stock starts trading, a privilege normally reserved only for big investors. > >Ideally for the company and its underwriters, Reddit shares will rise in their stock-market debut, bestowing big gains on those who buy in at the IPO price. If the stock falls, however, it could anger those members of Reddit’s community—a group that, broadly speaking, hasn’t shied away from boycotts in the past. > >Banks generally favor selling the bulk of an IPO to big money managers that tend to hold stocks for a relatively long time. Individual investors are viewed as more fickle and prone to selling at the first sign of weakness.

    China Vows to Centralize Tech Development Under Communist Party China Vows to Centralize Tech Development Under Communist Party

    China’s ruling Communist Party will play a bigger role in steering its vast technology industry, the latest sign that Beijing intends to exert more influence over swathes of the world’s No. 2 economy.

    China Vows to Centralize Tech Development Under Communist Party
    Houthis reportedly sink British ship in Red Sea Houthis reportedly sink British ship in Red Sea

    Yemeni rebels attempting to impose a blockade on Israel fired rockets on a British ship and reportedly managed to sink it, the first time it has succeeded since the start of Israel's war on Hamas in Gaza

    Houthis reportedly sink British ship in Red Sea
    Democrats are now the party that benefits from low voter turnout?

    College-educated voters increasingly align with the Democratic Party, but simulations show that since 2016 Democratic Party no longer benefits from high voter turnout. Democrats would perform better in low-turnout elections, like local or primary, and Republicans in high-turnout general elections.


    Party realignment is occurring along the lines of education in the United States. As college-educated voters increasingly align with the Democratic Party, it is necessary to revisit the partisan effect of turnout. We predict that, since 2016, the Democratic Party no longer benefits from higher turnout. Using validated voter turnout from the Cooperative Election Study (CES), we simulate election results across turnout rates for the 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, and 2020 elections. Our findings show that increases in turnout greatly benefit the Democratic Party in the pre-Trump era. However, this pattern has drastically changed. In 2016, 2018, and 2020, the Democratic Party sees a much smaller gain in vote share as simulated turnout increases, but also a large vote share advantage when voter turnout is extremely low. These results indicate that continued party realignment along the lines of education could lead to a persistent reversal in the expected partisan effect of turnout—where Democrats perform better in low-turnout local or primary elections and Republicans perform better in high-turnout general elections

    Erik Prince Calls for U.S. to Colonize Africa and Latin America Erik Prince Calls for U.S. to Colonize Africa and Latin America

    On his podcast “Off Leash,” Erik Prince said the U.S. should “put the imperial hat back on” and take over and directly run huge swaths of the globe.

    Erik Prince Calls for U.S. to Colonize Africa and Latin America
    The U.S. just sold its helium stockpile. Here’s why the medical world is worried. The U.S. just sold its helium stockpile. Here’s why the medical world is worried.

    MRI machines need thousands of liters of liquid helium to function. Health care workers say they can’t afford any disruptions to the helium supply chain.

    The U.S. just sold its helium stockpile. Here’s why the medical world is worried.

    Privatizing the US national helium reserve. Gonna laugh when in a few years the government of another nation ends up owning it. Helium is dwindling finite resource that key technological infrastructure relies upon.

    111 Human ‘behavioural crisis’ at root of climate breakdown, say scientists

    New paper claims unless demand for resources is reduced, many other innovations are just a sticking plaster

    Human ‘behavioural crisis’ at root of climate breakdown, say scientists


    Two Navy SEALs are missing after a night mission off the coast of Somalia Two Navy SEALs are missing after a night mission off the coast of Somalia

    Two U.S. Navy SEALs are missing after doing a nighttime boarding mission off the coast of Somalia, according to two U.S. officials. In a statement Saturday U.S.

    Two Navy SEALs are missing after a night mission off the coast of Somalia

    >WASHINGTON (AP) — Two U.S. Navy SEALs are missing after conducting a nighttime boarding mission Thursday off the coast of Somalia, according to three U.S. officials. > >The SEALs were on an interdiction mission, climbing up a vessel when one got knocked off by high waves. Under their protocol, when one SEAL is overtaken the next jumps in after them. > >Both SEALs are still missing. A search and rescue mission is underway and the waters in the Gulf of Aden, where they were operating, are warm, two of the U.S. officials said. > >The U.S. Navy has conducted regular interdiction missions, where they have intercepted weapons on ships that were bound for Houthi-controlled Yemen.

    111 Two Navy SEALs are missing after a night mission off the coast of Somalia

    Two U.S. Navy SEALs are missing after doing a nighttime boarding mission off the coast of Somalia, according to two U.S. officials. In a statement Saturday U.S.

    Two Navy SEALs are missing after a night mission off the coast of Somalia


    do people think it had any effect?

    they've already weathered a decade of CIA drone strikes and Saudi air strikes. did anyone believe these recent strikes were anything but performative actions by a humiliated US administration?

    China’s Nuclear-Powered Containership: A Fluke Or The Future Of Shipping? China’s Nuclear-Powered Containership: A Fluke Or The Future Of Shipping?

    Since China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC) unveiled its KUN-24AP containership at the Marintec China Expo in Shanghai in early December of 2023, the internet has been abuzz about it. Not jus…

    China’s Nuclear-Powered Containership: A Fluke Or The Future Of Shipping?

    >Here the KUN-24AP container ship would be a massive departure with its molten salt reactor. Despite this seemingly odd choice, there are a number of reasons for this, including the inherent safety of an MSR, the ability to refuel continuously without shutting down the reactor, and a high burn-up rate, which means very little waste to be filtered out of the molten salt fuel. The roots for the ship’s reactor would appear to be found in China’s TMSR-LF program, with the TMSR-LF1 reactor having received its operating permit earlier in 2023. This is a fast neutron breeder, meaning that it can breed U-233 from thorium (Th-232) via neutron capture, allowing it to primarily run on much cheaper thorium rather than uranium fuel.

    An additional benefit is the fuel and waste from such reactors is useless for nuclear weapons.

    Another article with interviews:

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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