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From the mouth of Mike Wazowski himself, Elden Ring is balanced around using everything
  • I kinda like the repeating bosses. Sort of similar to fighting Genichiro multiple times over the course of Sekiro, and each time there's something new to the fight. Granted, Elden Rings repeat fights aren't quite so developed... but it's also a decent way to make assets stretch and save on dev time.

  • What are your predictions on the Trump/Biden debate happening tomorrow?
  • I could maybe see "Tankie" piercing through Trump's social circles and winding up in his vocabulary just cus he's catty and vindictive and the people in his favor are always shifting. But Biden? No way. I think his team are very careful what they say around him. Plus, there's gotta be, like, at least one or two degrees of kevin bacon between him and anyone online enough to use that word.

  • Australia just did that.
  • this is my assumption for basically all post-apocalypse and/or dystopia fiction. Unless you specify what's going on the rest of the world, I'm just gonna assume everywhere else is fine.

  • Too much wokeness, smh.
  • doncha think this precise, narrow set of conditions and behaviors emerging in middle-20th-century suburbia are the pinnacle of achievement? that this is as good as it gets forever? dorncha wanna die for our way of life???

    Must be some crisis brought on by drifting away our gender existentialist mythology, yeah, yeah definitely that, pay no attention to our inability to articulate a positive vision of the future

  • How do we stop AI?
  • This isn't a conversation about AI so much as it is about computers in general. Everything has been computerized, we've been living in the aftermath of that for decades now. What they're calling "AI" is just newer computer programmes. Which, isn't to say any of what you've outlined is wrong -- all that is and has been a problem for a while now. I believe keeping in mind that these are just programmes running on computers gives us a clearer picture of what we're dealing with.

    ...for example, computers are fragile as hell. Gotta keep them away from water from dust from magnets from electromagnetic radiation from static charges from too much voltage from not enough voltage... and on top of that, a lot of modern software (and even some hardware!) is completely bunk without network access.

  • Majority of Middle-Class Americans Say They Struggle Financially
  • The term originated in the early modern period of Europe. It refereed to a relatively new class of people who had wealth and power to rival the aristocracy, but were born peasants. IE, capitalists. If you asked a medieval lord, they'd tell you our ruling class is their middle class.

  • 15 minuet magic kingdom

    I know it's spelled "minute". That was a typo and I am not going to fix it.

    Yankees never incorporated evolutionary thinking into their understanding of markets and capitalism

    ...really, we've not really incorporated it into our understanding of the natural world, either. The closest we got was the late 19th century project to justify the racism we were already doing (or "Social Darwinism", when it's attempting to appear grown-up and respectable).

    The way we talk about class is still firmly grounded in 18th and 17th century ideas. An evolutionary perspective would have us thinking about this along multiple generations, across enough spans of time that the individual is incidental - a part contributing to a greater system. On this scale, it doesn't matter how good, how just, how longsighted this or that president or industry titan or """great man""" is, cus soon they'll be dead. Someone else moves in to take their position. It's the structure around them that truly continues, that defines the flow of history.

    That kind of thinking is anathema to the US civic tradition. We are discouraged - in schools, in churches, on television, in our art - from such broad considerations. It doesn't matter that statistically most people here die in debt having worked all their lives -- they just didn't do enough willpower! So they must deserve their sorry plight! The Elect, whether chosen by God or the Market (not much of a distinction, for a lot of people here...), are thus equally deserving of their 'success'.

    Even our atheists think like this! They've just replaced 'God' with an Operating System. They belittle religion for projecting a familiar patriarchal figure into the great unknowns of the cosmos, then turn around, point to the sky, and say it must be a desktop interface. And non of the underlying assumptions change! The aesthetics and the words are different, but we're still trying to cram a planetary biosphere of billions of people down the throat of a framework that refuses to consider anything bigger than the individual!

    Lenin once wrote something like, 'things go on existing even after they've hit their expiration date'

    (id look up the quote, but it's funner to butcher ideas and re-arrange them in new language)

    i feel like that's not just the US as a nation state, but Yankee culture and society in general. Like, I'm starting to think we're just not capable of incorporating new experience into our collective learned behaviors. Not even after COVID - the polite thing isn't to mask up or even hand-sanitize when you have cold or flu symptoms, it's to pretend like nothing happened (and AIDS barely gets talked about and only in the past-tense...)

    Most of the art and music and literature getting remixed remade and referenced is from the 20th century, or has roots beginning in that time. In terms of infrastructure, very little built this century seems to have any amount of longevity in mind.

    Geopolitically we're still doing Cold Wars and proxy-conflicts -- even when those have been rendered obsolete by our own fucking actions the previous (and first...) time there was a big Cold War. And we never stopped funding and arming settler colonialism, even with practically unanimous condemnation in the UN (take away our VETO for the love of all things good TAKE IT AWAY)

    i don't know that i have a conclusion for this. On a personal level, living in the 20th century US but having 21st century tech reminds me way too much of Fahrenheit 451. It's maddening. Like I'm trying not to notice the great big Amygdalae on the Healing Church; there's no outlet for the Insight so it's just hovering there and i'm scared to walk too close to it for fear of how others respond.

    anti-bri'ish posting


    stolen from

    but tumblr wants a login for that blog so see it here

    mirror universe policemen

    stolen from

    New Law Requires SNAP Recipients To Balance Food On Nose Until Receiving Command To Eat It New Law Requires SNAP Recipients To Balance Food On Nose Until Receiving Command To Eat It

    WASHINGTON—As part of an effort to ensure the benefits were only allocated to those in “true need,” a new federal law went into effect Thursday requiring all Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program recipients to balance food on their nose until they receive the command to eat it. “There’s no reaso...

    New Law Requires SNAP Recipients To Balance Food On Nose Until Receiving Command To Eat It

    cross-posted from:

    > read more:

    star trek heritage post (July 6th, 2022)

    took a ride on the amtrack

    saw some good friends. Lost my marbles, caught them. touched some tree stumps. Looked at a redwood and saw the past looking back at me. took pictures with both types of cameras, talked, listened. Cried shuddered wailed all quietly to myself.

    got back this morning heard some news.

    i am FUCKING steamed

    🎵♪🗒️ new News old, new News old, I've heard this one all before -- this young man skipped spring and went straight to simmer.

    What is the weak nuclear force?

    I think it's kinda interesting that there's a whole universal force that kinda goes uncommented upon in popular physics. I also don't know anything about the strong nuclear force, but I heard someone say once that it's actually just electromagnetism on a small scale? If there was, like, a good documentary that centers the history and experiments that lead researchers to conclude the existence of these things, that would be helpful. Being able to situate research in historical context really goes a long way to getting my head around a concept.

    Dude literally received death threats from Italian fascists for his research on Italian cuisine

    >Parma is quiet at night. The man sitting opposite me is paranoid someone will overhear our conversation. “They hate me here,” he explains in a hushed voice. He checks behind him, but the only other person in the osteria is a waitress who has had nothing to do since serving us our osso buco bottoncini. The aroma of roasted bone marrow wafts up from the table. Amy Winehouse’s cover of “Valerie” plays on a faraway radio. > >“Can I badmouth them?” he asks. I tell him he can. After all, he hasn’t been invited here to expose corporate fraud. He has come to tell me the truth about parmesan cheese.


    >There’s a dark side to Italy’s often ludicrous attitude towards culinary purity. In 2019, the archbishop of Bologna, Matteo Zuppi, suggested adding some pork-free “welcome tortellini” to the menu at the city’s San Petronio feast. It was intended as a gesture of inclusion, inviting Muslim citizens to participate in the celebrations of the city’s patron saint. Far-right League party leader Matteo Salvini wasn’t on board. “They’re trying to erase our history, our culture,” he said.

    (sorry if this is the wrong com for this)

    We are all boomers.

    >"Everyone [in the United States] born after 1945 is a boomer. The only difference is that, over time, precarity increases and technological sophistication also increases."

    -- Matt Christman, Hell of Presidents Ep. 10

    This is it. This is the one good take on yankeedom's generational politics. The generation we traditionally define as "boomer", people born within the first twenty years after the end of WWII; that generation has far more in common with subsequent generations than any of us do with any generation before. In the broad view of history, we're the same.

    The early boomers were the first to attend a nationally standardized schooling system -- what is, by and large, still the same system we have today. The early boomers were the first generation to grow up with television -- with audio/visual mass media dominating not just the public consciousness, but also the early developmental phases of children. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they were probably also the first generation of US citizens where the majority reach adulthood without knowing chronic hunger. Hell, the first generation in which the majority have not seen the unadulterated night sky.

    We have all these things in common with them. Getting mad at them for being how they are is an understandable response. But, I also think it's kind of silly. Those first boomers had to navigate all that without the benefit of older adults who had grown up in similar conditions.

    Doot Doot, Vague Post


    >The trouble with the rise of the YouTube Video Essayist™ is that everybody wants to be the next Defunctland or Hbomberguy, but all the wannabes know is how to be an influencer, so the resulting video essays are always really about themselves. You’ll get a forty-five-minute video with maybe fifteen minutes of actual, topical information padded out with half an hour of tedious theatrics about how hard it was to do research for the video and how nobody wanted to talk to them, and I’m just sitting here like “yeah, dude, it was hard because you don’t know how to perform research, and nobody wanted to talk to you because your behaviour toward your prospective sources amounted to borderline harassment, and that’s how it looks in your own version of events which has clearly been spun for optics – I can’t even imagine how badly you must have gone about this in reality”.

    tell me why this wouldn't work

    cus at first blush, it seems like a really sensible suggestion and i myself cannot think of any fault with it in principle


    >We should base our regions off watersheds instead of state lines, for example, this is the midwest [diagram of the Great Lakes–Saint Lawrence River Basin]

    Facebook is attempting to enter the fediverse, apparently

    cross-posted from:

    > Meta threads will open federation to the fediverse soon, and while this is mainly to mastodon it will still affect lemmy. They are acting like they won't be evil, but let's be real this is Facebook when have they ever done that. > > This article which has been trending lately explains some of the issues. > > This comment here is a simple analogy if you can't be bothered reading the article. > >

    Dear Hexbear, if you want something to dunk, scrape twitter or reddit dead princess.

    I FOUND IT THANK GOD this video is so important

    dead princess.

    If you want to find the mythilogical GOOD POSTS, try tumblr.

    If you already have an aversion to tumblr because of the reputation it has garnered in the past, rember this important fact: tumblr has not gotten any better. This is a shocking abnormality among its peers in the web ecosystem; the rest of them have gotten significantly worse.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Wheaties [comrade/them]

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