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A Rising Enforcement of Censorship
  • I'm not surprised they could. I've worked on things that send SMS messages and I'm aware that carriers filter for spam and scams (perhaps not as effectively as one might hope).

    I'm surprised to hear of messages being blocked for mere profanity.

    Anyway, SMS sucks, default to something else and fall back to SMS as a last resort. Gently encourage your contacts to use Signal.

  • What's the reason for the empty comments, lately?
  • This comment does not show an image when viewed on The image is also missing viewed on The original Mastodon post does have an image.

  • People who still wear masks (and aren't immunocompromised)...
  • That's correct; the omicron variant that became dominant a bit over two years ago was more contagious and less deadly than those that preceded it. Current variants are similar to omicron in those respects.

    The rate of long-term disability is still high.

  • People who still wear masks (and aren't immunocompromised)...
  • I'm not immunocompromised or any other kind of high-risk and I wear an N95 mask in most indoor public settings.

    I plan on doing it until something changes. That could mean any of:

    • SARS-CoV-2 mutates into a dominant strain with a low risk of long-term disability
    • A new vaccine is developed that reduces the risk of long-term disability following COVID, or probability of infection to virtually nil
    • Monitoring programs, such as CDC wastewater testing show a low risk of infection

    It seems to me people collectively decided to stop caring about COVID even though most of the risks that were present two years ago still exist. I would therefore ask the inverse: why stop protecting yourself before the danger is over?

  • Modern-day outlaws, ‘sovereign citizens’ threaten the rule of law
  • The article has a weirdly alarmist tone to it.

    Yes, there are a bunch of people claiming to know loopholes in the law through which they don't need a license to drive and the county sheriff (who will absolutely arrest them for driving without a license) is the supreme authority. A few of them will resist the police with violence. People unsuccessfully advancing crackpot legal theories and a few isolated incidents of fighting the police are not a threat to the rule of law.

  • Why don’t you like Apple?
  • SMS fallback. A feature which you can use with any app on Android

    SMS fallback is not a common feature of internet-based messaging apps on Android. Signal used to do it, but does not now. I don't think WhatsApp or Telegram ever did.

  • Why don’t you like Apple?
  • I have no doubt about the part where iPhone fans waste no opportunity to tell someone else they should get an iPhone. It's the other side of the argument that falls flat: Alice receives video from Charlie that's perfectly fine, but Bob's iPhone sends a pixelated mess, and Bob says the iPhone is better?

  • Why don’t you like Apple?
  • Interest in RCS is recent - newer than iMessage, which launched in 2011. RCS with Google's proprietary extensions is just another proprietary messaging app, and I am not particularly excited about it.

    even so far as “patch” a fix that was created to make it possible for their customers to communicate securely with Android users.

    There's no shortage of options for doing that. What Apple wants is tight control over all of its walled gardens, which should be no surprise given the company's history. They're very good at making it appear as if decisions made to increase their profits are aligned with the interests of users. It's probably even true that someone would have exploited the technique Beeper Mini was using to send spam if Apple hadn't closed it.

  • Why don’t you like Apple?
  • Just doesn't seem plausible to me. If Alice gets low-quality images from Bob and higher-quality images from Charlie, her most likely assumption if she's not sophisticated enough to be aware of the cause is that Bob's phone has a bad camera.

  • Why don’t you like Apple?
  • It seems unlikely to have that effect when the recipient presumably communicates with people who have other brands of phone, from whom they receive better looking media.

  • Why don’t you like Apple?
  • It seems like an odd decision to me, as it would make the iPhone look like it has a substandard camera to someone receiving media from one by MMS.

  • Why don’t you like Apple?
  • MMS does have size limits that can hurt image quality, but I have the impression iOS applies limits of its own that are considerably lower. I'm not sure why anybody in 2024 wouldn't have at least a couple modern messaging apps, but it seems a lot of people don't.

  • Why don’t you like Apple?
  • Android doesn’t support iMessage

    I think it's the inverse: iMessage doesn't support Android.

    Those aren't equivalent statements; the first implies that something about Android makes it impossible for Apple to produce an iMessage client for it when that is purely a business decision on Apple's part.

  • Why don’t you like Apple?
  • Major privacy issues that come to mind include:

    • App store lock-in on iOS combined with terms incompatible with the GPL mean that some of the most privacy-respecting software cannot be distributed for Apple's mobile devices.
    • Apple proposed, but ultimately did not implement client-side scanning for end-to-end encrypted cloud storage. That such a thing even made it to the public proposal stage shows either incompetence (unlikely) or a lack of serious commitment to privacy (more likely). Apple's proposal may have emboldened EU regulators who are trying to mandate client-side scanning for encrypted chat apps.
    • Browser engine lock-in on iOS means hardened third-party browsers are unavailable.
    • The popularity of Apple's platform-exclusive iMessage service in the USA may be hindering adoption of cross-platform encrypted messaging. On the other hand, without it perhaps most of its current users would use SMS, which is obviously worse.
  • Is anonymous e-sim legit?
  • would the government be able to find out that I own the anonymous e-sim on it if my other sim in my phone is another provider not silent-link

    Yes. They can almost certainly tie the hardware ID (IMEI) of your phone to your identity through your non-anonymous service provider, and probably do through mass surveillance programs. Whether that's a security problem for you depends on what you're doing with it; surely you aren't using SMS, standard phone calls, or unencrypted messaging services for anything you really want to keep private.

    If you want phone service that will resist targeted surveillance by local authorities, even routinely turning on the cellular modem where you live, work, or study is a risk. This article detailing one person's approach to securing a phone was posted to Lemmy today and should give you a clue about the possible threat models.

  • YouTube is testing server-side ad injection to counteract ad blockers
  • one with ads and the same vids without for premium user

    If it worked that way, which others have already explained it doesn't, that would break their business model of showing each person individually targeted ads.

  • Nevada Democrats sue to block Green Party from 2024 ballot
  • How democratic of them.

  • ‘It is not illegal to teach drunk’: Charges dropped against 2nd grade teacher accused of being intoxicated in class
  • I am drinking port as I type this.

    A sober teacher who is negligent in some other way resulting in an unreasonable danger to the children in their care also commits a crime.

  • Maven Imported 1.12 Million Fediverse Posts
  • TikTok is really popular operating on essentially the same principle. I, for one want nothing to do with that.

  • ‘It is not illegal to teach drunk’: Charges dropped against 2nd grade teacher accused of being intoxicated in class
  • If a dangerous situation arose and the teacher failed to respond appropriately due to drunkenness, I'm sure that charge would be appropriate.

  • Recommend a server-side email classifier

    I've been self-hosting email with Maddy for a bit, but haven't shared any of the addresses widely yet in part because I haven't set up a spam filter. I'm pleased with Maddy; there's much less to learn to get a server up and running with sane default behavior than with the email software of old.

    Ideally, I'd like to go beyond just spam filtering and have something with arbitrary categories like newsletters and password resets. I would prefer that it learn categories when I move messages to IMAP folders from a mail client. Maddy can feed messages into arbitrary programs and pick a destination folder based on their output.

    Web searches turn up a ton of classification programs, most of which seem to be more interested in playing accuracy golf with well-known corpora than expanding functionality beyond simple spam filtering.

    Please stop blocking VPNs for established accounts

    I often use a commercial VPN service, which I suspect is not rare among Lemmy users. Most of the time, I'm able to post to, but on occasion I am not. The default web UI provides zero feedback, just a spinning submit button forever, but if I look in the browser dev tools, I can see it's being blocked.

    I understand that some limitations are necessary to prevent spam and other abuse, however this is a very blunt instrument. The fact that I have a 10 month old account with consistent activity should outweigh any IP address reputation issues.

    Perhaps the VPN limitations could be narrowed in scope to cover only account creation and posts from young accounts.

    Anduril firmware adds dark mode Release 2024-04-01 · ToyKeeper/anduril

    It has been a long time coming, but today marks a monumental leap forward in the world of illumination, and I'm proud to announce an upgrade which will usher in a new era of lighting technology. Yo...

    Release 2024-04-01 · ToyKeeper/anduril
    What RSS readers should I recommend to others?

    If I want to quickly pitch "you should follow X, Y, and Z using RSS because [problems with social media]" to people who have never heard of RSS, what readers should I recommend?

    I want at least web (not self-hosted), Android, and iOS options. Native apps for Mac and Windows would be nice as well. Linux users probably already know what RSS is.

    There absolutely must be a free option good for at least 25 feeds because unfamiliar tech is a hard enough sell without having to pay. I'll grudgingly accept ads if that's the tradeoff for something beginner-friendly.

    Image uploads blocked by Cloudflare

    When I attempt to upload images to via the desktop web UI, I get the following error message:

    > SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data

    Looking at network traffic in dev tools, I see that I'm getting a 403 page from Cloudflare saying:

    > Sorry, you have been blocked > You are unable to access > Why have I been blocked? > This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks....

    I also get error messages when trying to upload images using Connect and Sync on an Android device. I successfully uploaded images in the past.

    2000 subscriber giveaway

    We just hit 2000 subscribers! I’d like to thank everyone for showing up here to create a new community, and what better way than giving stuff away?

    I’m giving away the Nitecore MH10 v2 I reviewed. I can ship it anywhere in the USA or EU, but EU winners will have to wait until mid September. This is a basic, beginner-friendly flashlight that can accept almost all 18650 and 21700 batteries.

    To enter, leave a top-level comment on this post before midnight UTC on Sunday, August 27, 2023. Only accounts that have posted or commented on /c/flashlight prior to this being posted are eligible to win.

    Webpack hashing problems after Mastodon server update

    I just updated my Mastodon server to the latest version due to a security vulnerability. I got a 500 page and error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported in the logs from mastodon-web.

    I could reproduce by running bin/webpack from the command line. Some searching led me to try Node 16 LTS, but then I get an apparently blank page when I load the site and call to eval() blocked by CSP in the browser console.

    The API works normally; this only affects the website.

    Does the hard-use folder I want exist?

    I want a folding knife that can get away with most most of the things I know better than to do with a folding knife. That leads to specific criteria:

    • Price: under $100, lower is better. I might break it.
    • Lock: crossbar, backlock, compression, or something similarly strong. Not liner/frame/button. I might want to trust the lock more than is prudent.
    • Steel: tough stainless like AEB-L, 14C28N, or Nitro-V. I might baton through salt-driftwood with it and put it away wet. See toughness chart.
    • Blade: Ideally 3.25-2.5" (85-90mm) and a tip that isn't dainty. I might pry with it.
    • Pivot: washers, not bearings. I might get mud in it.
    • I dislike thumbstuds, but will accept them if they're not in the cutting path.
    Update: Olight paid me

    Less than 24 hours after yesterday's post, an Olight rep got in touch by email. A few hours after that, they sent the full payment.

    YSK: Your phone camera's aspect ratio is 4:3; setting it to anything else crops your photos

    Why YSK: I've been seeing an increasing number of phone photos shared online in 9:16, 9:21 or similarly tall aspect ratios, often with parts of the subject cut off. I've asked a few people why they cropped their images that way, and none of them knew they were cropped.

    Pre-release: Zebralight SC65c HI, the first flashlight with a stacked LED

    Stacked camera sensors have been a thing for a while now; they have improved sensitivity to light by stacking translucent photodiodes on top of each other.

    The Nichia 719A is the inverse; translucent LEDs are stacked on top of each other (in a single package) for increased intensity.

    Banner contest

    I grabbed random photos from my reviews for the community icon and banner so we'd have something right away, but I think it would be fun to have rotating community contributions.

    Post flashlight-related images that are your original content in replies. Upvote images you like. The image with the most upvotes on Monday, June 19 will become our banner for at least a month.


    • We'll ignore downvotes
    • Images should be suitable for the roughly 3:1 crop of the desktop banner and the squarer formats used for mobile and the sidebar
    • Images should be on-topic and tasteful
    • Mods may disqualify submissions for reasons I haven't thought of yet
    /r/flashlight is on strike

    Most people here are probably already aware of the situation on Reddit. This is a thread to discuss it here.

    Golden hour pocket dump
    • Skilhunt M200 v3 (Nichia 519A)
    • Artisan Cutlery Archaeo NL
    • Google Pixel 4A
    • An old leather trifold wallet
    • Keys
    • Sandisk USB A/C flash drive
    • A few Euros
    Zak Zak
    Posts 18
    Comments 653