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Genocide joe comes out against outdoor cats, what now hexbears?
  • Actually he spent 90 minutes mumbling incoherent sentence fragments and bringing up his worst issues in questions about his strongest issues.

  • Supreme Court overrules Chevron defense - federal courts no longer have to defer to federal agency experts
  • There's nothing in the constitution that says teflon shouldn't be in food.

  • There's some new icons in the world of adult animated comedy
  • The right is starting to get better at comedy and it's making lefties nervous.

  • The excess savings Americans stored away during the pandemic ran dry months ago, and the US economy is feeling the effects.
  • They're writing about me. I spent $6.75 a week and now I'm out. Good luck with the economy and all that shit now.

  • How did you guys end up so funny? Serioisy if I'm having a bad day or I need to feel good about myself. I make a shit post and you make me lmao
  • I'm extremely mad about stuff and I want people to be mad too, but if I just complain about stuff all the time people find exhausting, and people respond better if I layer humor in.

  • Supreme Court wipes out anti-corruption law that bars officials from taking gifts for past favors
  • I can't believe how pissed off this stuff still makes me. They're morons that dress up in black robes so people will take their arbitrary pronouncements seriously.

  • Seeing old geezers (millennials) on Reddit codgering around, posting unsolicited lectures on /r/genz and falling in the same self-aggrandizing apathy of previous generations.
  • Millennials are killing fantasies of empathetic and moral cultures.

    Seriously, boomers were racist Reaganites at the same age. It is an objective measurable fact that boomers voted for and still support a lot of destructive shit and we're all living with it and trying to figure out how to get out of the hole. We have a genuinely more empathetic and moral culture right now. No, it's not good enough, but don't give up hope that it won't continue getting better. No generation is free of assholes and every generation has empathetic and tolerant people.

  • Dr Disrespect admits that he sent "inappropriate" messages to a minor, says he won't stop streaming on youtube
  • I had a bad feeling about him but ultimately decided I didn't know anything about him.

  • Follow-up to old post about man-made horror: man-made horror has been commercialized and is also live-streamed. (Brain organoid computing)
  • A bit unrelated but once there was an experiment to engineer pigs with some human organs for transplants and they shut it down because they couldn't guarantee a pig wouldn't develop a human brain.

  • Something I think everyone here should internalize 🤗
  • THINKing is the twelfth type of liberalism.

  • NSFW Removed
  • Dissociated lefty, even the name template. It's hard to relate to anybody in this hellworld considering that most people are just varying degrees of fascist.

  • Holy fuck, r/neoliberal just destroyed communism, shut this site down
  • It really is interesting how these people can skate by saying the USSR and Nazis had an alliance while I have to actually be knowledgeable about history and economics. I suppose I wouldn't think what I do if I weren't knowledgeable. I would probably think what they think.

  • Liberals: vote so that we can defeat fascism! Them defeating fascism:
  • Biden put Lina Khan in charge of the FTC and she banned noncompetes, and he also put some good people into the NLRB who were also involved in the noncompete bans. I'm happy he picked (or more likely his handlers picked) some good people for those jobs. But he's not talking about this stuff. He's letting Israel carry out genocide and talking about "securing" the "border" hitler-detector while cops beat up protesters. He's combative with journalists in a pretty similar way to Trump, except he's clearly not as sharp as he used to be so it's embarrassing to watch even if you do hate the journalists. Liberals would be talking a lot about the soul of the nation if Trump was doing this stuff. The soul of the nation is fucked and always has been.

  • USA Demsocs: "Bernie could have been like my wholesome white nationalist!!"
  • I just want to get this person to read Reform or Revolution. rosa-shining

  • Things that make Hexbears angry
  • I really hate when people say they're socialist because they accept that we need police and an army and roads.

  • Unscratched fascist mad their manipulations still got a little too much social fascism in his fascism

    He also says "He gets an A+ in not being Donald Trump." !cheeto-man and "He’s been excellent on Ukraine."

    It still frustrates me that democrats hate FDR. Me? I don't want a "New Deal" that can be revoked, I want the whole fucking thing, I want the bourgeoisie to suffer, I want them to be trapped on this planet with no place to hide, with a class conscious proletariat that is done fucking around. That's why FDR wasn't good enough for me. You neoliberal scumbags don't even get the privilege of not liking FDR.

    9/11 Building 7
    I like how the numbers compare

    4 hour gap? Looks like he almost forgot to never forget 9/11. !bern-disgust

    adultswim_antifa adultswim_antifa [he/him]

    Socialism With Sam Hyde In Gulag Characteristics

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