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Small, well-built Chinese EV called the Seagull poses a big threat to the US auto industry
  • Just want to remind people that BYD has been in the American market since 2011. They've been involved with building industrial vehicles like trucks and buses.

  • Small, well-built Chinese EV called the Seagull poses a big threat to the US auto industry
  • BYD has been making buses and work trucks for the US market for years. I've only had a ride on a few BYD buses, but they seem to be quality.

  • What is the General Consensus of Web3?
  • There was this idea that instead of having the web powered by large data companies like Google and Meta you could keep all your information in the blockchain. It was an attempt to "take back control".

    However, most of the proponents kinda forgot that the web is already decentralized and only portions are controlled by Meta and Google.

    Then, of course, we had the grifters come in.

    The whole thing was built on a misunderstanding of how the web actually works.

  • A broken man
  • It ain't like it used to be. Just upgraded my machine to an Nvidia for the first time in like 10+ years.

    sudo apt install nvidia

    After a reboot it was smooth as hell. I remember the dark ages. I remember fucking with settings. 😐

  • It do be like that
  • You can avoid people who aren’t ready to accept they may be exceptional

    Cool. You know some of us are starving out here, right?

  • YouTube's war against third party apps is just as ridiculous as its war on adblockers
  • I create content that goes into YouTube. I generate a tiny bit of revenue from that. I have no say into how YouTube treats my viewers. If you watch the ads, awesome, I get some money. If not, I'm just glad you watched the video.

    The majority of content on the platform is made up of channels my size and smaller. Most of us are getting paid pennies.

    But YouTube doesn't care about us. They want to appease the larger studios.

  • The land of the free!
  • Turns out the judge on his 2020 conviction was caught doing some questionable shit.

    He's still going to be serving time for the 2022 conviction.

  • Tesla’s profits sink as the company struggles with cooling demand
  • Once again, the Simpsons predicted it.

  • What a waste!
  • That's the ticket. Dress up nice for yourself!

  • Don't care what the reason is.
  • Yet, shoplifting happens more often in poor areas. I'm sure you can cherry-pick op-eds about middle class and even rich people doing it, but in reality, it's mostly survival.

  • Don't care what the reason is.
  • but let’s not pretend that people aren’t stealing to make some money.

    Perhaps it's safe to say they're poor. Poor people often don't have enough money. Still sounds like a job of desperation.

  • When do you consider a system to be bloated?
  • It's bloat if it slows me down and brings me zero benefit. I have a few extra packages on my system, but it's still snappy. That's not bloat to me.

  • Just a mechanic checking out a car
  • Squatters Rights!

  • Discord is nuking Nintendo Switch emulator devs and their entire servers
  • Yes. They get squeezed again and again and keep falling for the same grift.

  • [SOLVED!] On an Android phone is there an open source method of compressing files?
  • Depending on your phone you might have an image resizer built into your photo gallery. Having said that, there's always imagemagick.

  • Missouri executes Brian Dorsey for 2006 double murder after mercy bid backed by 72 correctional officers
  • We need to abolish the death penalty in this country. This simply should not be a thing we do.

  • Gimme like $300+ per year, chump.
  • Alternative Take: There's some pretty damn good alternative software. Nothing is a drop in 1:1 replacement, but damn good options. You can easily edit a PDF with LibreOffice.

  • That'll teach ya
  • Not everyone is as lucky to be able to do that either.

  • What discontinued foods do you miss?
  • The Double Decker taco from Taco Bell.

  • Liking an OS isn't a personality trait ❌
  • Your experience here is what I mean. You have used Windows a lot, so you understand how it all works. I don't.

    I struggled to find drivers for obscure hardware under Windows. If there are no modules, no git repo, it can be confusing where to get them. I found a bunch of sketchy looking websites that claimed they had the drivers, but no obvious way to safely install them. I still don't know the proper way to do it.

    I am familiar with Linux, so I know I need to find modules that I can compile against my kernel. 9 times out of 10 it's effortless for me.

  • For your consideration, `updog`

    Installing is easy just add:

    alias updog="sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y"

    to your .bashrc or .zshrc

    Hot Take: SAG Joining the Strike will Make Deadpool 3 better

    When it was just the writers strike they had to keep going forward but no one was allowed to write gags or improvise gags. Now that the actors are striking the whole production can't go forward.

    There's a high chance that the two strikes will end together and production will continue without any limitations. We might have the film delayed but I'd rather wait a bit longer for a better film.

    It's time for a new generation.

    I hope you enjoy this painstaking remaster of one of the best desktop wallpapers of all time. Now it's up to you to configure your theme to match.

    Hey, just, uh, wanted to clear the air a bit.

    Hey, just, uh, wanted to clear the air a bit. You know when you're saying "Linux," what you're probably referring to is what some folks call "GNU plus Linux," if you really want to get into the weeds of it. But don't sweat it, alright? I'm not here to be a buzzkill or anything.

    See, what we call "Linux" is actually just a part of the whole thing, man. It's the kernel, the core, the... engine, you could say, of the operating system. But the GNU stuff, that's the body of the car, the seats, the steering wheel. You need both to take a drive, you know?

    But look, it's not a big deal. We're all just trying to get from point A to point B, right? So, whether you're saying "Linux" or "GNU plus Linux", it doesn't change the journey. It's just semantics.

    Sure, I get it. Richard Stallman and the gang over at the Free Software Foundation, they put in a lot of effort into the GNU software, and I respect that. But sometimes you gotta go with the flow, man. And right now, that flow is "Linux". It's simpler, it's what people know, and frankly, it's the Linux kernel that's making the whole thing work in the first place.

    So next time you want to get technical, feel free to drop a "GNU plus Linux". Stallman would probably give you a nod of approval. But if you're just chilling out, hanging back, and you say "Linux"... well, it's all good, man. Linux is just Linux. And there's nothing wrong with that.
