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I'm getting old
  • Well, Dune at least does a half-assed attempt at explaining how this is a projection of a possible human future. Star Wars didn’t.

    That being said, I wouldn’t call Dune “crunchy” sci fi at all. It’s a perfect example of why fantasy gets lumped in with sci fi so much (which, honestly, I hate)

  • What the rise of queer Republicans tells us about America
  • From the article: “Beyond ideology, the big consistency is that this is mostly a story of white gay men”

    Uh, DUH!

    So it’s not generically “queer” Republicans on the rise, it’s “gay white male Republicans”, then they changed the title to make it seem like it’s unexpected.

  • Iowa schools must tell parents if a child changes their pronouns
  • This is just guidance from the Iowa DoE. This has been a law for a year now, but the DoE wouldn’t put out official guidance on it, making school districts scramble to figure things out on their own.

    If a student even asks a hypothetical “if I were to ask to be called by…”, parents have to be notified. Generic notice was given to our GSA that students that were unsure if their parents were supportive should ask to be called by their last names to avoid being deadnamed.

    As a teacher, every student became a “they”, all my seating charts were done by last name, and I had to refuse calling students nicknames unless it was noted in our official system. As a trans teacher, I was targeted by a parent who tried to set me up. A student asked to be called by a shortened name where it was unclear if it was a different gender from their given name (think like Chris for Christina). They did not ask any other teacher to do this, and their parents refused to sign anything allowing it. So I refused, and parents tried to escalate it. Fortunately my admin is amazing and just removed the student from my class.

    Side note: the same year they did this, they also passed a law that mandated that the student mental health survey that the CDC puts out every year be replaced by their own Iowa version. The only difference? They removed questions about sexual orientation and gender identity questions. These questions include things like “how often have you had thoughts of killing yourself” and “how often do you feel down or depressed”. We know, statistically, that these laws will increase suicidality among queer students, but now we don’t have any way to prove that the laws they passed had that effect. It’s downright evil.

  • What do you think of this prediction?
  • Publicly traded companies are, by law, driven to make as much money as possible for shareholders. Privately held companies are not held to this same limitation. So while a company like Valve could be highly profit-driven (let’s be honest, all for-profit companies in a capitalist system are driven by this motivation), it doesn’t seem to be driven to maximize profits in the short term. This means that they can focus on things other than profit if they so choose.

  • Biden says the next president may get to name two Supreme Court justices
  • Yup. Until at some point the American people got fed up with the clown show. But some of us have been waiting for them to get fed up with it for quite some time. Maybe this would exasperate the issue to the point where we actually do something.

  • Why don’t you like Apple?
  • I mean, I wouldn’t expect to have custom Linux ROMs for an iPad. For an Android device, which is already Linux based, that would make sense. But it wouldn’t surprise me if the newer iPads had builds for them since they’re built on the same processor as the MacBooks

  • Can we defederate from

    I’m not sure what’s going on over there, but half the time I see a post from there or go into a comment section and it’s just…bad. Like old reddit the_donald bad. Constant trolling, etc. You TS just really bad vibes. I’ve been blocking the communities as they come up, but I’m not sure what else I can do.

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