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Anon gets diagnosed
  • Similar story here. Asperger's runs on both of my parents' sides of the family. In addition Dad has ADHD and mom has BPD. I ended up with the Autism+ADHD combo with sprinkling of CPTSD on top. I don't even know where the neurological problems end and the psychological problems begin.

    Have not talked to either in well over a decade.

  • Sam Altman indicated it's impossible to create ChatGPT without copyrighted material, but a new study claims 57% of the content on the internet is AI-generated and is subtly killing quality search resu
  • Copyright isn't meant to help independent creators. At least not small ones. You have to pursue legal action against people to enforce it. Small creators do not have the money for that.

  • Brazil’s supreme court upholds ban on Elon Musk’s X over ‘illegal conduct’
  • It might be their third most popular country but that doesn't necessarily mean it's profitable. Brazil isn't exactly known for spending a lot on things like Twitter Blue or ads, especially per capita.

    I have a theory they looked at the numbers and realized that shedding the load would save more money than they would gain by staying. But then again that might be giving Elon too much credit.

  • Spotify Is Filling Up With AI-Generated Music to Scam Revenue From Real Bands
  • (unless any human creativity is involved then that has copyright )

    This is the part people usually forget when they spout "it can't be copyrighted." If a human edits the output in some capacity then that is still copyrighted. It's not really the gotcha a lot of people seem to think it is.

  • What about clicking a checkbox means I'm human? How does Cloudflare determine I'm human from that?
  • Yeah at least Google will let you in after you solve 5 puzzles. It's shit but it's possible. With CloudFlare you are at the mercy of whatever hidden criteria they're using.

    If you change your user agent from Firefox to Chrome for instance, CloudFlare will never let you through.

  • Linux Scores A Surprising Gaming Victory Against Windows 11
  • I remember Overwatch was one of the first DirectX 11 games to run really well when DXVK was new too.

  • Framework 2880 x 1920 (new) display review
  • Yeah I run 150% scaling, haven't really had any problems honestly.

  • Why Wayland adoption to have official support in programs is so slow?
  • Oh hey, I love your work on Plasma's HDR and color management. Glad to see you on Lemmy.

  • AMD Ryzen 9 9950X & Ryzen 9 9900X Deliver Excellent Linux Performance Review
  • Phoronix is the ONLY website I disable uBlock Origin for.

  • Ladybird Browser Team Selects Swift as Preferred Language
  • I thought it was weird such an old piece of software had so much Rust in it. I noticed all the Rust-related things while Firefox Librewolf compiles but never looked into it further.

  • Just Switch Over
  • I have been playing through Elden Ring again with a friend using the seamless co-op mod and my friend on Windows gets (what we assume is) shader compilation stutter in every new area while my game has been smooth as butter.

  • So I installed Arch Linux... Is this it?
  • There is a pretty big difference in terms of usability between Arch and everything else because of the rolling release model and the AUR. Lots of things you would have to manually install from a git repo or track down a PPA for can be installed like a normal package.

  • Crowd Cheers as Convicted Rapist is Eliminated in Olympic Beach Volleyball
  • Only because people like you refuse to change. That's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    I don't understand why you want to be wrong so badly. What do you even gain from that? In this case using the wrong word isn't even just wrong it's objectively harmful but for some reason you want to keep doing it anyway? Why?

  • Crowd Cheers as Convicted Rapist is Eliminated in Olympic Beach Volleyball
  • Why do you need to call him something if it's inaccurate? Just call him a child rapist and be done with it. Words have meanings and there is no reason to use them incorrectly.

    As for who it's hurting: everyone. Pedophila literally has nothing to do with rape. It is a disorder. It's estimated it effects as much as 3% of the population. The vast majority of those people have never done anything wrong. They were simply born that way. The more people conflate the medical term with crimes the less likely pedophiles are going to seek help or treatment. Nobody wants to risk being outed as part of the most hated group of people on the planet.

    If you want to actually help children instead of being angry the best course of action is to destigmatize the disorder so people can get counseling without fear of ruining their lives. Forcing people to bottle up their feelings/urges/etc. does not lead to good outcomes.

  • Crowd Cheers as Convicted Rapist is Eliminated in Olympic Beach Volleyball
  • The majority of child molesters are not pedophiles. It is more about power dynamics / them being an easy target.

  • Google Chrome warns uBlock Origin may soon be disabled
  • This breaks any site that uses CloudFlare's Turnstile for me. It will loop forever and never let me through if my user agent is set to Chrome.

  • YouTube's server-side ads resulted in a black screen for ad blocker users
  • Even if they fully render them into the video with absolutely no way for an extension to tell where it is something like Sponsorblock where people manually enter time codes could still get around it.

  • Anon hates their family
  • Usually being "lazy" is also the result of some kind of untreated medical issue or disorder like ADHD, autism, sleep apnea, etc. or any combination of those. Almost no healthy person would make the choice to sit around doing nothing for years at a time. Treating it like it's some kind of lack of will or moral failing only makes it worse.

  • FOSS Alternative to Chromecast?
  • Plasma actually has a UI for smart TVs if you weren't aware, although I have never used it myself so I'm not sure how good it is.

  • Buying a Pixel 7 Pro, install Custom ROM or stay on default?
  • Interesting. I've been rooted and running custom ROMs for a decade at this point and have never had an issue with banking apps.

  • ayaya ayaya
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