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What's a trait you look for in potential partners that seems uniquely in your trait wishlist?
  • Not trying to give relationship advice, but have you considered that your 1st criterias should be "has hobbys/interests and their shit somewhat together"? with the full-time job criteria, you could ironically filter out a perfect fit and end up with the same kind of person again, without realizing it.

  • What's a trait you look for in potential partners that seems uniquely in your trait wishlist?
  • no worries ❤️ it was a weird way to say it, ive actually never met anyone who says they "refuse" it. but honestly the ones who want to, can be frustrating and even depressing i mean sure, its never a disadvantage to speak english, but imagine this kind of convo dozens of times [context: i live in vietnam]

    why you want to learn it? - i want to work in [european county where english is not an official language and labour/immigration laws only allow high skilled workers for specific positions which cannot be filled with ppl from shengen countries]

    what do you wanna work there? - customer service

    then should i be the asshole who destroys their dreams or the asshole who plays along and feeds their delusions? so if someone is just not interested or is maybe learning korean/japanese/chinese (which probably will be way more useful for them regarding career stuff) its simply a plus for me.

  • the real history
  • I know that after my death a pile of rubbish will be heaped on my grave, but the wind of History will sooner or later sweep it away without mercy and my blunts will be admired in museums for they are rolled for eternity ...

  • What's a trait you look for in potential partners that seems uniquely in your trait wishlist?
  • i mean i would not refuse anyone who speaks or wants to learn english. i have friends to help them with that (as best as i can, meaning helping practicing, not teaching). but idk, where i live there seems to be a certain type of person who wants to learn it, and they often tend to have some unreasonable expectations regarding how it will improve their lives. no judgment or anything, but i also try to learn a fucking language here (which turns out to be WAY more difficult than one might expect) and the more i hangout with english speakers the less i learn, because we just fall back to english. so over the years some kind of appreciation for people who simply have no interest in english seems to have emerged.

  • Putin issues a nuclear warning to the West over Ukraine
  • i get that viewpoint but isnt there a moment where they go like am i testing my weapons and make money, or am i just training my enemy and improve their capabilities?

  • Putin issues a nuclear warning to the West over Ukraine
  • but what if isreal starts nuking (honestly the only [word not found] i can see doing it), who else will follow and nuke who?

  • What's a trait you look for in potential partners that seems uniquely in your trait wishlist?
  • for someone with such an interest in communicating and reading, youre pretty good with reading into stuff 😅

  • Putin issues a nuclear warning to the West over Ukraine
  • not invading kyiv because its muh attrition war, but then nuke the eu and us, because of a few rockets, right, right, makes sense 🙄

  • What's a trait you look for in potential partners that seems uniquely in your trait wishlist?
  • not really a trait, but the lack of interest or refusal to learn english is a huge plus.

  • Thoughts on parental controls?
  • very reasonable, but i think one should keep in mind that sometimes seeing things by mere accident can mess a child up. not going into details, but when i was a kid i wanted to torrent flash (the program to do animation stuff). well, it wasnt flash what i downloaded, it was a collection of photos. photos which haunt me to this day.

  • Thoughts on parental controls?
  • i dont have children, but the "patental control" feature of nextdns improved my own mental health a LOT. probably would not use it on my kids tho, they wouldnt even know something like the internet exists lol.

  • what does "remastered" even mean?
  • late reply and you probably dont care, but holy shit, I DO GET IT NOW! i bought something from bandcamp simply to support the artist, then i got it as FLAC and jesusfuckingchrist! all those years spotify was stealing like 50% of the music i listen to! switched to apple music and god dammit ... those remasters do sound SO MUCH better, its like discovering everything new! keep the those remasters coming 😍 (but with 24bits pls, i swear i can hear the difference in like 90% of cases, made blind tests and all) the only confusing thing is this spatial audio / dolby atmos stuff. could literally not stop crying when listening to beethovens 9th and dark side of the moon, but the doors were so bad, i cannot even listen to the "normal" versions anymore just listened again and was wrong again, sounds kinda cool, keep those coming too i guess, no idea, but you audio and master engineers are doing gods work, keep it up and all the best 😊👌

  • how to meditate?
  • thank you for your and everyones reply, really appreciate it! 🥰

    i tried different meditating things over the last few days and really seem to struggle with the "focus on the breathing" aspect of it. if i focus too much (which is not a lot) i start to feel uncomfortable and eventually forget how to breathe, which leads to the sensation of not getting enough oxygen. even after stopping, it takes me like 10 minutes to not think about breathing anymore to be able to breathe normally again.

    anyway, i got some of those baoding balls, which are super nice. i can better focus on the breathing somehow, as i get a bit distracted from it. but even with them, i cannot really sit quiet more than 5 minutes, because of all the thinking and impatience.

    Thoughts will arise like random noise and we shouldn’t judge ourselves for it, but we don’t have to follow our thoughts. We don’t have to indulge in them and let them take us for a ride. This happens all the time and we don’t even realize it 99.99-whatever% of the time.

    i get all kinds of random anxiety inducing thoughts throughout the day. they can circle or focus about hurtful things or seemingly (very mild, so not really; no trauma whatsoever, worst that can happen is a panic attack) existential threats, but are mostly about random stupid shit. just by being aware of those thoughts, as in oh look, thought A is coming, it will probably lead to emotions X and Y, should i ride along with it right now? i am able to stop ~80% of the shit that i could never stop before. kinda crazy!

    also interesting is, that i can break actual hurtful/threatening thought spirals, but not random thoughts that have zero impact on my life. *like whats up with that elizondo guy, does the cia want me to believe aliens are real now? and do people really watch this hasan guy? *its weird how much those 2 questions alone will enter my mind again and again and again and again and refuse like crazy to leave, while i can somehow – with a simple 2-second choice – just not engage with personally deeply depressing or real-life actual frightening things.

    crazy stuff. super glad, i finally got into it.

    ps. what do you mean with

    Also, meditation practice is powerful and can lead you to dark places if you aren’t careful. Some silicon valley types who meditate for “productivity” have found that out. Also, you must always pair meditation with an ethical practice.

    for my ethical practice idk, i was really "anti everything spiritual" the last 15 or so years. But my best friend got into all that, and then when I listened to this episode of refleft, it set off the whole thought process (and the one linked in the post made me decide to really start it). but yea, new to all of it.

  • there is nothing that makes me feel closer to divinity than doing my Abstract and Discrete Mathematics coursework unaided
  • yea math is cool i guess, but if you want to bring it to the next level, call it the pythagorean publicity stunt instead of the pythagorean theorem 😎

  • how to meditate?

    so yea ... planning to do that now... but how does it work? what even is meditating? how long to do it? (or be it? and what is it? 🤔) and when they say needs to be daily do they like literally mean daily?

    also anyone got the full episode of this one? 🥺 (love the guy, but cannot afford patreon right now)

    thanks, love you all 🥰

    Signal Is More Than Encrypted Messaging. Under Meredith Whittaker, It’s Out to Prove Surveillance Capitalism Wrong
  • the www, the lsd, first flag on on moon, and then the mdma 🇨🇭😜

  • Deleted
    please send me some good vibes or something
  • This comment from OP made me laugh super much. No matter the context context, i wish you all the courage needed and then some! ❤️

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • CW: depression and worse

    oh god yes, extremely lonely and unable to make any new connections.

    for the most part of my life, i was one of those cannot be alone people. an afternoon or evening spent alone was painful, a full day almost unbearable. the very worst was being single, really bad, came with depression and whatnot. so i avoided being single and/or alone for +90% of the time between the teenage years and the beginnings of my 30ies.

    then, after the end of a relationship (together literally 24/7 for years), i realized that i cannot be alone and should work on that. i did that and it was good. but i got so good at it, that it now feels strange. and it did not mix well with my tendency towards depression.

    i can be with myself, but its not that im doing cool shit (anymore). im lonely and depressed to the point where... lets say it was justified that my friend contacted ppl cuz she thought im about do something bad. also i cultivated a diazepam/modafinil addiction, which i now need in combo for breakfast to have a normal day.

    but yes, i have one friend in the place where i live, and she is not a bad or toxic person, actually quite sweet and kind, but i completely cut her (and by that also her boyfriend who i really like) out of my life, blocked every way of her contacting me and ignored her repeated hammering on my door. I dont even remember why, probably she said something too much for my hypersensitivity. those months were lonely (as they all are) but not particularly worse than any other time. few months ago she came over when my door was open and i was in a good mood, so we just hugged and are friends again now, which is really nice.

    but its strange to think that, within 1 second, i was ready and then committed to end a many years lasting friendship over something that I dont even remember now. who does that when they already feel extremely lonely and literary have no one else?

    also, in the past years i rejected every single person who took any romantic interest in me. who does that when they really fucking crave this kind of company for years? also there are dating apps, why am i suddenly unable to use those?

    i wonder a lot if my life can be called a life and if i can be called a person in the real sense of those words. i feel pretty good/optimistic these days, but at some point something just went wrong i guess, and i probably need more than a few good days.

    may i ask what you realized recently, and how?

  • Switzerland moves towards cashless future with instant payments
  • got a point there, the twint TOS are straight up criminal, if this new system kills twint im in support of it.

  • Switzerland moves towards cashless future with instant payments
  • man if only some kind of "technology" existed to securely hand over big amounts of money, like maybe the cash could be "stored" somewhere, like in a "database" of some sorts, and we could then use some kind of "unique identifiers" and make like "transfers" in cases where the needed cash amount is so big that carrying it around makes us feel uncomfortable 🤔

  • Revolutionary Left Radio: Building a People's Art: Vietnam, Socialist Realism and Cultural Revolution Revolutionary Left Radio: Building a People's Art: Vietnam, Socialist Realism and Cultural Revolution

    Ruehl Muller joins Breht to discuss his upcoming book, put out by Iskra Books, titled "". Together, they discuss Vietnamese Socialist Realism, Maoist China, Cultural Revolution, dialectics, the death drive, fascism in Germany and Israel, New Democracy, and much more! Find this book, stay up to date ...

    Revolutionary Left Radio: Building a People's Art: Vietnam, Socialist Realism and Cultural Revolution

    even if you have zero interest in art, listen to this.

    kinda bad audio quality in the beginning, but you will not regret it, promise!


    cross-posted from:

    > >Ruehl Muller joins Breht to discuss his upcoming book, put out by Iskra Books, titled "Building a People's Art: Selected Works of Trường Chinh and Tố Hữu". > > >Together, they discuss Vietnamese Socialist Realism, Maoist China, Cultural Revolution, dialectics, the death drive, fascism in Germany and Israel, New Democracy, and much more!

    [Windows] Firefox keeps random site data

    I've enabled "Delete cookies and site data when Firefox is closed" but while all cookies gets deleted, some random site data does not. Are my settings wrong, is this a bug, and what even is that data?

    Additional Info: I use RFP, want to keep browsing history and site settings. Thank you very much.

    Are the Microsoft DigitalSafety Policies normal? (rant; not important; boring)

    So I've read the linked policy and believe it or not, but turns out we literally cannot use Microsoft Services to conduct crimes against Humanity or do things that are illegal in +99% of all countries.

    I'm usually not easily triggered, but why should I pay for a Corp that seems to view me as a malware and spam distributing pedophile terrorist bully that is involved in drug trade and human trafficking?

    And who exactly is this aimed for? Which criminal on god's forsaken earth will read this and conclude, oh darn it, guess I need to stop my operations then?

    Also, the Services Agreement etc. is full of language like "we might delete your account and Data for reason X, Y or Z or maybe for no reason at all lol", which is itself bullying and causes stress, cuz for example, it's still not clear whether we can use stuff like Cryptomator, Joplin or Duplicati (never had a Problem with it, but still, why not clarify that instead of "don't commit stuff that will land you in a Cell in Den Haag")

    I know most of you use Linux, and this might be what finally pushes me to that step too. Never saw an Ad in MS, it's not bloated, and I trust Defender, BitLocker, Core Isolation, Secure Boot and the Memory and Folder Protection stuff, but don't need to be insulted like that. Just need to find an Office Writer with tracked Changes in Balloons, LanguageTool support and something like AHK.

    Bonus Question. Has anyone a batch/torrent Download link for 1 TB of Public Domain Images? Doesn't matter what it is, Art, Space, Stock images, just something that is ok with the MS Guidelines. I might not use the storage anymore, but I'm sure gonna use it.

    keep calm

    I hereby publicly and officially denounce any political ideology that I previously may have held to a smaller or bigger extent and fully admit that I am nothing but a dirty campist.

    [Vietnam] ‘Very ashamed and remorseful,’ central bank inspector says at $12B fraud trial 'Very ashamed and remorseful,' central bank inspector says at $12B fraud trial - VnExpress International

    The State Bank of Vietnam’s disgraced inspection chief Do Thi Nhan said she regrets taking a bribe of US$5.2 million to cover up wrongdoing at Saigon Commercial Bank.

    'Very ashamed and remorseful,' central bank inspector says at $12B fraud trial - VnExpress International

    > The State Bank of Vietnam’s disgraced inspection chief Do Thi Nhan said she regrets taking a bribe of US$5.2 million to cover up wrongdoing at Saigon Commercial Bank.


    >She pleaded with the court to show leniency given her remorse and other mitigating factors like handing in the entire bribe money to authorities and excellence performance at work earlier. >But prosecutors said the mitigating factors notwithstanding, her crimes were "exceptionally cunning" and worthy of a life sentence for bribery.


    >The prosecutors have recommended capital punishment for her for committing severe crimes over a long period and causing irrevocable consequences.

    [solved] cannot Boot Debian from USB

    I'd like to install/run Kicksecure from my "EAGET USB 3.2 Solid State Pen Drive" as described here. (Im not set on Kicksecure, just read about it on privacyguides; open for suggestions! I just want something ... well secure and easy to use.

    ... However, my Windows PC does not recognize the USB with Debian as a bootable medium.

    What I did:

    1. Download debian-live-12.5.0-amd64-xfce
    2. Flash it to USB with balenaEtcher
    3. Try to boot from it in all possible ways

    I also tried other Linux distributions like Mint and Ubuntu ... nothing gets recognized on that USB, expect Tails. After it recognizes it as UEFI OS and I select Harddisk Mode.

    Tails is amazing, love it! But I just don't really need Tor, and mostly I need to use an App that will simply not connect via the Tor network and cannot be configured to do so.

    Thank you very much 😊

    Edit: Not everything can boot on windows I guess. But in my case Ubuntu suddenly could after turning off the PC and remove it from its power source.

    /c/cybersecurity - Cybersecurity News & Discussion birdcat
    email TLS question

    Infomaniak claims to use TLS, but

    > The first link in the TLS chain is executed via a purely internal network by the webmail and Smtp servers and is not available in TLS for performance reasons.

    is this normal, acceptable, irrelevant, standard, a red flag?

    they are the biggest hosting provider of Switzerland, so I somehow have a hard time believing, they lack resources to implement TLS right.

    pls make baby 🥺


    ProtonMail voluntarily offers Assistance for Real-Time Surveillance ProtonMail voluntarily offers Assistance for Real-Time Surveillance | Steiger Legal

    The following text is an unofficial English translation of the article ProtonMail bietet freiwillig Hand für Echtzeit-Überwachungen as published on 23 May 2019 in German. The translation was arranged for …

    From 2019, but still [this fullstop signals not only the end of that sentence, but also the end of this statement]. And here [those two words indicate that new information/context is being added; it is being indicated that we now no longer talk about the article, which the uneditorialized post title references and the post link leads to] something a bit more recent about the glorious “swiss privacy” [this makes it further clear that the following is about swiss privacy in general and not about Proton]

    key points

    [they were added because the main article is about Proton and written in english and because OP assumed that most in here are unable to read german and care less about general swiss privacy than they do care about Proton]

    • New reporting based on documents and court records shows that since 2017, the internet traffic of Swiss citizens has been massively monitored and read when it crosses borders, which happens routinely even for communication within Switzerland.

    • The intelligence service's claims that purely domestic Swiss internet traffic is collected are false, given how internet routing actually works. Traffic flows across borders dynamically, not through static "cables" as claimed.

    • All data is stored and searched, including retrospectively, meaning the intelligence service builds an ever growing haystack of private communication to dig through. This includes communication from journalists and lawyers that should be protected.

    • In 2023, steps were taken to expand monitoring further by requiring more Swiss internet providers to enable access to their infrastructure, including providers that don't directly deal with cross-border traffic. This contradicts previous claims about how the monitoring would work.

    • Critics argue this invalidates assurances given earlier by the government and intelligence officials and constitutes mass surveillance that violates civil liberties. There are plans in 2024 to revise the intelligence law again, possibly to retroactively legalize monitoring practices already occurring.

    create fake password manager export

    Im looking to create a real looking .cvs or .json file as if it was exported from a password manager.

    • E-Mail should always be the same and of my choice. Username should not be weird/random letters.
    • Websites should be real, random standard websites like facebook, twitter, instagram etc. no weird stuff.
    • bonus if it has credit cards or notes like "bitcoin wallet".

    I found mockaroo, but the stuff it generates is too random. Any other tools that are suitable for this and can be used by a noob?

    Many thanks!

    How to stop privacy/security theatre? How to stop worrying?

    I guess a lot of us do some form of privacy/security theatre. I'm at least doing it quite a lot of it, and it's difficult to stop thinking of new things that could (but probably never will) go wrong.

    So instead of hearing how safe and cool your setup is, I'd like to hear how you simplified things and stopped the (hopefully 🤔) needless overthinking.

    Text Tools Pro | The expander that loves to be triggered GitHub - lochidev/TextComparePro: Text expander for android - with espanso config import/export

    Text expander for android - with espanso config import/export - GitHub - lochidev/TextComparePro: Text expander for android - with espanso config import/export

    GitHub - lochidev/TextComparePro: Text expander for android - with espanso config import/export

    Text Tools Pro is a text-expanding power utility that facilitates the sending of custom messages with a trigger.

    It will type out phrases like omw = on my way! the current date in any format, or even stuff like in2h = time from now in 2 hours, or simply lol = 🤣

    In short, Text Tools Pro, developed by a Sri Lankan student, will significantly improve your typing experience on Android; use it.

    PS: here is what you need to enter to get the in2h stuff:

    key: in2h value: {{time_in_two_hours}} var name: time_in_two_hours var type: date format: HH:mm Offset: 7200

    when were you superficial/shallow?

    I was a huge pixies fan and after a few years somehow stumbled upon a live video and was. shocked. joy gone, could not listen to the band anymore. in my mind they where so immensely cool, young and obviously hyper attractive. but seeing those old bald men kinda ruined the music.

    also, where is my mind is really pointless, what is it even about? but I only care about it since I know how they look. that's bad huh.

    what does "remastered" even mean?

    listening to lots of music lately and almost every second song is "remastered"; original is often not even available anymore.

    and not one single time i can hear any kind of improvement. so what does it even mean, to remaster a song?

    one of the worst cases, imo is atomic by blondie.

    friggin classic

    b-side abbba song?

    and to add: iʼm not some kind of nostalgic puritan, plenty of songs get better after some remixing, covering and whatnot, like

    The Clash - Rock The Casbah (12 inch Version)

    But the remastered version?

    dear god, if i wanted to listen to sting, i would listen to friggin sting.

    NATO Chief Admits NATO Expansion Was Key to Russian Invasion of Ukraine NATO Chief Admits NATO Expansion Was Key to Russian Invasion of Ukraine — Jeffrey D. Sachs

    The continuing U.S. obsession with NATO enlargement is profoundly irresponsible and hypocritical. And now Ukrainians are paying a terrible price.

    NATO Chief Admits NATO Expansion Was Key to Russian Invasion of Ukraine — Jeffrey D. Sachs

    Who would have though that our dear Jens Stoltenberg is a Putin apologist; quote:

    > “The background was that President Putin declared in the autumn of 2021, and actually sent a draft treaty that they wanted NATO to sign, to promise no more NATO enlargement. That was what he sent us. And was a pre-condition to not invade Ukraine. Of course, we didn't sign that.

    > The opposite happened. He wanted us to sign that promise, never to enlarge NATO. He wanted us to remove our military infrastructure in all Allies that have joined NATO since 1997, meaning half of NATO, all the Central and Eastern Europe, we should remove NATO from that part of our Alliance, introducing some kind of B, or second-class membership. We rejected that.

    > So, he went to war to prevent NATO, more NATO, close to his borders. He has got the exact opposite.”

    App for Pixelfed? Pixelfed - Decentralized social media

    Learn more about Pixelfed, the free and open-source decentralized photo sharing social media platform

    Pixelfed - Decentralized social media

    Is this legit?

    Why no f/neo/play store download? How to verify I'm not downloading something evil, the size alone (188mb) makes it look suspicious.

    Also, wasn't there another, unofficial app before?

    birdcat birdcat

    Appreciate and upvote every reply to my comments/posts if I can detect any effort being put into it; even if I think you completely missed what I tried to say or strongly disagree with your opinion.

    Occasionally I cannot resist shitposting, hyperbolic, ironic, sarcastic or populist rhetoric; no /s

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