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It's okay, tankies love fascism, so they're not put out by the result
  • lol we already have fascism. They’re crushing antiwar protests, the media is in lockstep, labor demonstrations have been broken and they’re pissing away the cost of healthcare, free college and any number of other benefits on supplying a genocide.

    I’m never gonna vote for Biden again and if you don’t want to either, consider voting for the party for socialism and liberation.

    You don’t have to support the genocide.

  • How to speed up accessing lots of files on another computer? Some kind of local cache?
  • You’re getting a lot of advice in this thread and it’s all pretty good, but not all of it seems to answer the problems you have in your order of priority or under your constraints. I’ll try to give an explanation of why I think my advice will do so then give it.

    Getting off usb will speed up file access and increase the number of operations you can do from the laptop on your lan. Some stuff will still need to be copied over locally, normal people like us just can’t afford the kind of infrastructure that lets you do everything over the lan. For those things, rsync is perfectly good, and they’re most likely going to be enough of an edge case that it won’t be very often.

    When you’re ready, and from your responses in this thread I’d say you are, a vpn doesn’t expose you to much security risk if any. There are caveats to that, but if you’re doing something like openvpn or wireguard it’s all encrypted and key based and basically ain’t nobody getting into it unless they were to get a key off an old computer you use and didn’t wipe before throwing out or something. That would solve your remote access bonus problem. No pressure and in your own time, of course.

    You are me twenty years ago.

    Cobbling together solutions from what’s available at the cost of the parts from the hardware store. Serial experiments lain but shot in the trailer park boys set. Hackers with the cast of my name is earl.

    Don’t ever change.

    So you want to kick the bad habit but don’t have enough physical space in your desktops case or enough sata ports! You have a bigger tower case but don’t know if it’ll really hold the drives you want.

    The best bet is to transplant the motherboard and power supply from your sff desktop into the big case. If the big case has at least three 5 1/4 bays you can use a bracket to go from 3 big bays to 4 or 5 smaller 3.5” hdd bays. I’d recommend 4 instead of 5, more on that later.

    If the big tower case has the little dangly 2x 3.5 bay cage hanging down from its cd cage, you can use four strips of sheet metal and a carpenters square (or the square corner of some copy paper) to make a column of hdd mounting space all the way to the floor of the chassis. Just remember to use vibration damping grommets.

    Make sure when you’re filling your tower up with drives to put some fans blowing on em. Drives need to be kept cool for maximum life. Those 3 cd bay to 4 hdd bay adapter brackets are nice for that because they usually have a fan mount or one included.

    Now you need sata (or maybe ide) ports to plug all these in. Someone else already said to use those cheap little sata expanders and those are great. I used an old cheap pc mounted in a salvaged case just like you might with four of em back in the day.

    You’ll actually want to use the towers power supply if it has one and it works and matches the sff desktops connectors because it probably has more power capacity than the sff desktops supply. You may need some molex or sata splitters to get power to all your drives.

    Consider mergerfs and snapraid once you have this wheezing Frankensteins monster operational.

    Mergerfs displays all the drives as one big file system to the system and to users. So if drive one had /pics/dog.jpg and drive two had /pics/cat.jpg then the mergerfs of the two of them would have both pictures in the /pics directory when you open it.

    Snapraid is like if raid5 (really zpools because you can have many parity devices) but it only runs once a day or whatever and is basically a snapshot.

    Anyway sorry for the tangent. Post some pics of the tower case or its model number or whatever and I can give better advice about filling it with drives.

  • How to speed up accessing lots of files on another computer? Some kind of local cache?
  • You have two problems.

    Transferring between your laptop and desktop is slow. There’s a bunch of reasons that this could be. My first thought is that the desktops got a slow 100mbps nic or not enough memory. You could also be using something that’s resource intensive and slow like zfs/zpools or whatever. It’s also possible your laptops old g WiFi is the bottleneck or that with everything else running at the same time it doesn’t have the memory to hold 40tb worth of directory tree.

    Plug the laptop into the Ethernet and see if that straightens up your problems.

    You want to work with the contents of desktop while away from its physical location. Use a vpn or overlay network for this. I have a complex system so I use nebula. If you just want to get to one machine, you could get away with just regular old openvpn or wireguard.

    E: I just reread your post and the usb is likely the problem. Even over 2.0 it’s godawful. See if you can migrate some of those disks onto the sata connectors inside your desktop.

  • Not Dead Yet: WD Releases New 6TB 2.5-Inch External Hard Drives - First Upgrade in Seven Years
  • I solder new usb connectors and all manner of other connectors on to stuff all the time.

    I’m at a 100% success rate getting data off stuff that just needs new connectors.

    If you need data recovered, the literal best case scenario is that it’s just got a bad connector.

  • Centrists gonna centrist...
  • i tried over and over again to engage with you and find out your outlook but after you said it wasn't worth your time you started insulting me.

    come on, you can do better than that!

    tell me why you think what you do! tell me why you think it's better to run biden than any other candidate!

  • bUt BoTh SiDeS dA sAmE
  • I keep acting like there’s a possibility of getting someone other than Biden or trump because there is.

    I made reference earlier to Biden stepping down at the convention. That’s possible, although we’d need another ‘68 to prompt it. I think that’s more likely than trump not getting the nod at the rnc, but I’m sure they’ll be some subset of weirdos there calling for their own guy instead of him.

    But let’s assume there’s no chance of getting a different candidate from one of the two parties. Even then, like I said earlier, Biden was past the pale for me years ago. Im not gonna vote for trump unless his platform changes wildly, so in that case im not acting like your assertion isn’t true, im acting like it doesn’t matter.

    Because to me it doesn’t.

    And I keep asking you where your limit is. Because everyone has one.

    So how far is too far for you? When do you look at two distinct bad choices and say “no thank you”?

  • bUt BoTh SiDeS dA sAmE
  • I wasn’t framing a moral argument. Don’t you have a point Biden could cross after which you’d see more utility in building up a third party for next time?

    What do you think will happen if trump is declared the loser?

  • bUt BoTh SiDeS dA sAmE
  • Okay, but like I asked, when do you turn your back on that and work toward something else? When do you say to yourself “it doesn’t matter which of these two are better by whatever metric, I won’t stand by and assent to either of them”?

    Surely some action by the Biden administration is far enough beyond the pale to make you look for a different option, right?

    Even if you took a purely utilitarian approach, at some point both major parties are so far beyond what you consider acceptable that the effect of a third party vote cast with full knowledge that party won’t win is of greater utility than some poison compromise.

  • bUt BoTh SiDeS dA sAmE
  • So what’s your red line? If genocide isn’t enough to get you to turn your back on the democrats at the very least unless they drop Biden from the ticket, how far is too far? How bad can it get before you decide it’s more important to support a third party you actually believe in?

    Mine wasn’t even the genocide.

  • bUt BoTh SiDeS dA sAmE
  • I’ve never seen anyone who thinks neither candidate is acceptable try to argue for one over the other.

    I know personally plenty of people who advocate sitting this one out and some like myself who say we ought to vote third party (psl in my case) though.

    I’m really surprised the dyed in the wool true believer dems aren’t pushing for ol genocide Joe to step down at the convention.

  • Software for remote desktop with phone confirmation to use on untrusted machines
  • All your concerns are true of remote x sessions and while I’m not familiar enough with Wayland to defend this claim, I’d bet they are true of remote Wayland sessions too.

    The old way of doing a secure remote x session was by tunneling it through ssh. When I needed remote desktop reachable anywhere I used passwordless 2fa ssh as the tunnel.

    How exactly were you planning on initiating this connection to the host machine from an untrusted client, using their binaries?

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