bradorsomething @ bradorsomething Posts 21Comments 2,719Joined 2 yr. ago
Where are you traveling from? West coast I’d say Hawaii, southern us I’d say playa del carmen and cancun.
Like all positions, this is nuanced. There is a lot of rebuilding on hold in Maui due to toxicity concerns with debris. So locals are rather upset tourists are getting lodging while some locals have trouble being housed. Yet at the same time, tourism is the economy. So the locals can’t both want people to stay away from them and expect their money… this isn’t a marriage.
A French General complained about the presence of American troops at an exercise, and said “I wish these Americans would leave.” The American General overheard him, and asked “Should we also take the men in the graves who died invading Normandy?” The French General, surprised, turned, and he said, “Yes, when your president has you turn and run, try not to forget them when you pack.”
I own a couple small companies, and I blow off steam with Lemmy when I have time.
That is a great obscure word, but catamite generally implies religion… if he’s mandalorian, I’d say that’s a bingo.
The humanitarian aide workers.
I don’t agree with your assessment of how things will shake out. The primary concern of north and south korea fighting in ukraine (I need a new bingo card) is that the fighting could trigger N Korean attacks at the boarder, which will destabilize the region, and allow China’s neighbors to step up their military positions for legitimate cause.
China’s window to attack Taiwan was after Russia took Ukraine - now they are probably recalculating their plans and building a billion drones. That should hold for a while.
My largest concern is trump winning, and europe finding an excuse to trigger article 5, dragging us all into war, so that trump either abandons the alliance and diminishes the US world standing (or biden if he refuses to aid). European nations know ukraine isn’t the first and isn’t the last, and they might as well fight a crippled russia when the US might intercede. If the US did blink, we’d see a loss of allies and Taiwan might as well assume they’re gone in 30 years, as Europe would ignore US aid requests.
Well, clearly you are not a bot on reddit then.
Begun, the drone wars have.
Europe also has the frightening option to attempt to trigger article 5 before January, and make the US choose whether to honor the commitment or leave Europe. It sounds nuts, but if you know you have yo fight russia eventually, it’s bold but could work.
Have you ever considered giving head riding a sybian?
Adam something is such a strange name, too.
I hope you’ve made it out of russia, things are getting nuts there. I wouldn’t even be in georgia now if I was you.
Now this is a Noncredible Defense.
Best turrets in space, gotta give them that.
He sounds credible, don’t be so defensive.
Back around 1980, putting up decoration before december 1 was frowned upon, and people were upset stores were creeping up on thanksgiving.