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Russia's T-72 Is The Best Tank on Earth and Ukraine Knows It

  • Hummm "faulty systems". This sure sounds like propaganda to me.

    • Ah yes, US mainstream media famously doing propaganda for Russian military. 🤡

      • The author of this is a pathetic Trump lover that makes comments like this “ But he’s not wrong. Europeans should be in charge of European defense and they should stop looking to us or any outsider for help. I’m fine never sending another penny to Europe. They can make fun of me all they want as long as I’m not funding their defense They’re welfare queens” This is not mainstream media it is propaganda.

  • Reality sure gets under the skin of western chauvinists.

    • Even the Russians have better tanks than the T-72 which they have not committed to this battle. It is ridiculous to say the T-72 is the best tank on earth.

      • If you bothered to RTFA then you'd see that what makes T-72 such a good tank is the balance of functionality and simplicity. What matters in actual war is that the machine is reliable, that it can be repaired easily in the field, and that parts can be produced quickly. Incidentally, this is the same lesson Germans learned in WW2 where their Panthers were technically superior to T-34s, but were too expensive too make and too difficult to maintain.