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Linux user share on Steam breaks 2% thanks to Steam Deck
  • I'm on a similar journey and have started self-hosting as many services as I can. I've got Jellyfin (open source Plex alternative), a WebDAV server to replace google drive, a Valheim server, and a git server to host the code. I'm doing this with kubernetes on an old mini PC I picked up for 50 bucks on eBay. I plan to put more mini PCs in my friends' and family's homes to build a cloud for us with backups of everything stored in multiple locations. It'd be cool to pass it down to the next generation and have our family memories preserved in a medium we own completely.

  • What is something that you pay attention to that most other people do not?
  • Armor and clothing in movies and shows with historical settings. I really appreciate when they get the details right and it can be really jarring when it's bad. The Northman is a good example of what vikings probably dressed like, which is basically the same as how all medieval people dressed. Simple wool and linen tunics and big cloaks fastened with broaches. No fur capes or leather armbands or cornrows, looking at you Vikings on the "history" channel.

  • Google Admits Its AI Overviews Search Feature Screwed Up
  • I'm pretty sure I live in a city between you and Dearborn but I don't want to say the names and dox us. I just thought it was fun to piece together with the few clues and my familiarity with the area

  • Biden camp warns Trump could still get re-elected with ‘unhinged campaign of revenge’
  • America has been a meat grinder the whole time and never really represented any of the things we claim it did. All men were created equal but slavery and genocide were fine? If anything we're closer to that ideal now than we ever have been

  • ALAB.
  • Especially when they censor the letters with shapes that resemble the letters. A vertical line covering an i is like blurring just the middle finger when someone flips the bird

  • Elon has been lathed.
  • You are correct. The bending changes the microscopic crystal structure in the steel and would be a weak point. You'd have to completely redo the heat treatment to get it back to normal and at that point you're essentially scrapping the bridge and using new steel, which is exactly what they're gonna do because they're not idiots like Musk

  • Florida teen allegedly shoots, kills sister after argument over Christmas gifts
  • The George Floyd protests were outliers and the bigger picture shows that Tennessee is one of the most violent states in the country:

    Even if you look at homicides per county, violence in TN is pretty widespread:

    Granted, Washington state's homicides look fairly evenly distributed there but the worst areas are outside of Seattle. Also, based on your description of TN I'd expect it to look like Illinois where most homicides occurs in specific areas of Chicago

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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