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Leg day, bros
  • all they need to do is stop being so scary and we can be chillin

  • Rare vegan 🇱󠁬󠁌
  • with all due respect i dont see what that has to do with humanoid goats with massive fucking titties

  • Rare vegan 🇱󠁬󠁌
  • what makes this an L again

  • Friday Facts #416 - Fluids 2.0 | Factorio
  • fuck yeah

    fluids desperately needed some improvement and it looks like this will make things much nicer

  • [ALBUM] Mike & Rich - Expert Knob Twiddlers (1996)

    i just listened to grush (slapper btw, thank you @die4ever for posting it) and it made me think of another mike paradinas album i hadn't listened to in a while

    fun fact when i first listened to this i did not connect the dots that "mike & rich" are in fact two of the greatest to ever do it, thought it was just some guys lol

    also i love this album cover so much

    [TechHut] my favorite app (Neofetch) is dead
  • hey its me the guy you predicted would tell you the thing you said i would tell you

    the reason people say neofetch is useless is because the information it gives you is not very detailed when compared to something like inxi for example

  • We can't even talk in this community dedicated to vegans without someone coming along and meatsplaining.
  • i hear you - i've basically learned to avoid any topic or activity related to food with other people irl, which really sucks.

    cooking is one of my favorite hobbies, can't talk to my friends about it anymore. hell, a close friend from high school completely stopped talking to me because we had literally one very reasonable and civil (from my perspective) debate about veganism. it's been years since i heard from them.

    i got a single one of my close friends to even consider trying it, and i've been too anxious to even bring it up since last we spoke about it - a couple years ago now. they didn't seem to believe in the ethics/lifestyle of it and i'm terrified of learning that this person i care so much about has decided that their sensory pleasure is worth more than the lives of the animals they eat.

    my experiences with speaking about veganism to the people that i care about is that it is a taboo subject; one that will make other people upset with me and potentially ruin relationships. and i think that fucking sucks.

  • We can't even talk in this community dedicated to vegans without someone coming along and meatsplaining.
  • yeah the hardest part of being vegan is interacting with non vegans. gotta love how the default response to veganism (you know that thing we do to try to better the planet and animal rights and shit) is to argue as if doing something about the issues you care about is a negative trait.

    mfs always got something to say and love attacking a thing that as far as i'm aware is proven to be better for personal health, the environment, your wallet, and animals.

  • It's sad to see so many good titles get ruined because of this
  • yeah fast and furious is basically anime and i love it for that

  • [Alpha Beta Gamer] Games to Get Excited About Fest 2024. - Over a Hundred Exciting Indie Games to Get Excited About.
  • i really like how this is just about the games. no corporations, no awkward presenters on a stage, just a bunch of cool games i would not have known about otherwise.

    thanks for posting this - got a few new games on my wishlist :)

  • Customer service
  • she samsung on my blorbo till i spurlock

  • Vegan sandwich protein
  • chickpea salad is my go-to for sandwiches! i usually go with chickpeas, mayo, and curry powder or buffalo sauce, but nori sounds phenomenal - gotta try that

  • Hobbies Wednesday - what have you done this week? Can be anything from cooking to tabletop rpg to gardening, scuba diving, etc.
  • do it! there are tons of how-to videos and articles online about fermentation. my only warnings are:

    • make sure your containers are clean
    • know what kahm yeast looks like and that it's safe so you don't freak out and think it's mold just in case you grow some

    i would say it is only marginally more difficult than pickling. you just have to calculate how much salt you need in the brine by weight - generally 2-5% of the combined weight of the water + veg - then you chuck the stuff in a jar and wait. the easiest way i've found is to weigh the veg in the jar covered with water, then pour the water out, add salt and pour back in so you have the perfect amount of brine. the only downside about it is you have to wait a while (up to a couple weeks depending on what you want).

  • Hobbies Wednesday - what have you done this week? Can be anything from cooking to tabletop rpg to gardening, scuba diving, etc.
  • hell yeah for pickled red onions - such an awesome item to have in your fridge at all times and they make most things better. i forgot about my most recent batch for a few months but that's the beauty of pickling lol, they are still delicious even now. super easy too, i recommend anyone reading this who has never tried before to give it a shot - it takes like 10 minutes and most of that is boiling water/vinegar.

    have you ever tried lacto-fermenting vegetables? it scratches the same itch pickling does for me, and it gives the veg a flavor that is hard to get otherwise. i like to do hot peppers mostly, but you can chuck anything in there really.

  • Hobbies Wednesday - what have you done this week? Can be anything from cooking to tabletop rpg to gardening, scuba diving, etc.
  • finally got myself a set of crochet hooks - i've been wanting to learn for a while but i've also been slacking on my current embroidery project so i'm trying to power through that before i start crocheting

    gonna try to make some desk chair arm covers since mine are doing that cool thing where the material breaks and peels and is really uncomfortable

  • Simple question: Are you a nice person?
  • i want and try to be but i don't succeed every day. i hate thinking about those times when i don't succeed, but being mindful of those times is a big part of what i can do to succeed more often.

  • Terror in Resonance 10th Anniversary Visual
  • i remember it being pretty good in the beginning and not bad towards the end. it isn't making any top 10 lists but it was enjoyable with a unique premise

  • deleted
  • this is the correct response.

    get it in writing that they accept the risk that comes with not upgrading so it can't come back on you. all you can do is CYA and make recommendations - if management does not agree with your recommendations make sure you have it documented that you informed whoever is making the decision of the risk.

    if you think your employer will somehow still try to hold you accountable for this, save the aforementioned correspondence using something your employer does not manage i.e. a personal device. you could also let other people than this specific individual know about this so it isn't just your word vs his.

  • Everyday, as an American
  • exactly! whenever anyone says imperial units are "more intuitive" and better reflect "how it feels to humans", i can only think: obviously, you grew up with it. that's what you know.

    no matter what measurement system you were raised on, it will feel intuitive to you and reflect how you as a human experience the world because you are used to measuring things in those units. having said that, i'd much rather we used metric if for nothing else than the ease of unit conversion.

  • Photoshop Terms of Service grants Adobe access to user projects for ‘content moderation’ and other purposes
  • corporation yet again proving that if you want to be free to use your own things that you paid for on your own computer you can never trust anything that requires an internet connection to not trample all over your rights

    love it very cool really vibing with the current state of software and the internet

  • [ALBUM] Kodomo - Still Life (2008)

    i listened to this for the first time yesterday and was stunned that i hadn't heard it yet because it is straight bangin the whole way through

    [ALBUM] Lusine - A Certain Distance (2009)

    holy guacamole an idm community

    found lusine earlier this year, and man i love this guy's music. i haven't found a release of his that i don't like lol

    my fav tracks off this one are two dots and tin hat

    a couple audio questions - how to set audio levels automatically or via cli?

    hi all,

    i've been getting some comments that my mic is quiet so before i go looking for a new one, i thought i'd check to see if this could be solved with software. i don't have an amp or anything for my mic and to my knowledge it shouldn't need one, but it is pretty old now and i forgot what actual product it is.

    i'm on arch using kde with pipewire. i am already using kde's (or maybe something else does this idk) feature to raise maximum volume to 150% in the audio volume window, but this will turn itself off at unpredictable intervals and is also seemingly not always enough.

    so i ask - is it possible to set some setting or use some linux audio magic to raise my mic output volume? and in the same vein of changing/setting audio levels, is it possible to configure the volume level on my system to not go above a certain level - as in all audio above x level is clamped back down to x?

    full transparency edit - not 10 minutes after hitting the post button i found the volume knob on my mic that i swear to god was hiding so well and was definitely not just right there the whole time and definitely not accidently turned way down. still would like an answer to the second question though lmao

    linux-compatible speedrunning tools and/or livesplit tricks

    hi, is there anyone else here who is disappointed with the speedrunning tools available for linux users?

    i've tried livesplit through wine but i can't get global hotkeys or autosplitters working, and speedrunning in general doesn't allow for the leeway required to tab out, split, and tab back in. i did give this a shot but it seems like livesplit server is deprecated and the project never got any more work done. also tried livesplit one, but again i couldn't figure out global hotkeys or auto splitting.

    i used to use a tool called flitter but i would really prefer something more configurable like livesplit.

    ok actually midway through writing this and looking for links to the things i've used in the past, i found this tool that does support global hotkeys. autosplitter would be nice, but it's better than the rest.

    i'll still post this though - i'm curious if there are any tools/tips/tricks/etc others have to share.

    what are everyone's thoughts on pikmin 4?

    decided someone needed to start sprouting some pikmin in here. i'm almost finished with it (i think) and as a long time fan of the series, this one has really got me hooked. i was so worried from the trailers that the new stuff like oatchi and the dandori battles wouldn't flow right or that the new aiming/lockon system would mess the game up, but it all works amazingly. there is so much less fiddling around with your pikmin and making sure everyone is in the right places and more just doing stuff. it rocks.

    pikmin 4 area spoilers

    i just got to the 6th area and i am blown away by just how much is in this game! my jaw dropped when i saw there was a 5th full area, and i actually said "no way" out loud when they revealed the 6th area. AND this area addressed my issue of not all the pikmin types being useful! it just feels like this game is ready to burst with content between the numerous areas, caves, replayable dandori things, night missions, and the olimar mission which i haven't played yet.

    my main gripe i have so far is the tried and true classic pikmin critique: the game suffers from being too easy in most areas. hopefully someone puts out a difficulty mod that isn't on kaizo levels at some point.

    i also wish the caves were a little more complex, but the huge overworld areas make up for it with some of what i would call the best level design in the series.

    what do you guys think of the new game? what's your favorite pikmin in it? favorite area? cave?

    Baby Steps Reveal Trailer - thoughts?

    anyone else excited about this? i love these types of getting over it -likes and i'm super excited to give it a try. Moving that style of game into a 3d space introduces all sorts of challenges and gameplay options and im sure people are gonna have insane strats for stuff.

    i could imagine a speedrunning community going crazy with this game instantly upon seeing it

    Vegan businessfish
    first vegan lemmy post

    hi lemmy, seeing as there isn't an established vegan community on here (that i could find), i thought someone ought to bite the bullet and make the first post.

    what do we want out of this space? to be like the vegan subreddit, a place for vegans and a place to spread veganism to non-vegans? or something more staunchly anti-carnist?

    whatever the case, happy to be annoying and b12 deficient in a new space not controlled by a corporation

    businessfish businessfish

    vegan, linux evangelist, mario 64 speedrunner, hiker, food enjoyer

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