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[DEV] Coming Soon to Shattered: New Trinkets and Splash Art!
  • The new Splash art for loading screens is amazing. Thank you for this quality of life addition.

  • Linux only has 0.3% market share in Antarctica unfortunately
  • Linux is the only interplanetary OS.

  • Dear iPhone users:
  • Both of these are way too expensive for me.

  • Regain Control in my ass
  • Die Moorsoldaten in my ass (the swamp soldiers in my ass)

  • Fact.
  • It's a circlejerk so it's vegans making fun of vegans and veganism and things surrounding the topic

  • ich▪️💥⬛iel
  • Mittlerweile isses 1 Ausbildung und nicht mehr 3

  • ich▪️💥⬛iel
  • oder einfach Pflegefachkraft

  • ich▪️💥⬛iel
  • Pflegefachkräfte wäre ja zu einfach und zu oft gebraucht

  • Brace for whole new levels of noncredibleness - this is not a drill!
  • Why are they illiterate I thought comlunist countries liked teaching people to read so their propaganda became more expensive.Can't have shit in DPRK?

  • GNU-Linux
  • How'd you get internet working?

  • Garlic bread is communion with the divine
  • It's commonly used just that way in a lot of languages without replacing it since the meaning or rather connotation can also get lost when translating it easily.

  • Garlic bread is communion with the divine
  • Did they seriously translate Inshallah/Mashallah?

  • I thought I was alone
  • Come on I write way more unhinged shit >:3

  • I thought I was alone
  • New bottom surgery just dropped!

  • Shit...
  • Buy Linux How? Like he could buy individual OSs like Redhat or Ubuntu maybe but Linux :o ?

  • Sleep is important

    Caption in impact font: "Gay couples sleeping knowing their kid is immune to yo mama jokes".

    Below is an Image of a person sleeping well.

    celeste celeste

    Any pronouns

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