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U.S Troops Loot Syrian Oil and Wheat Continuously
  • @zephyreks @NaibofTabr I know I say this immediately after having posted feet porn but my point is still valid I swear

  • U.S Troops Loot Syrian Oil and Wheat Continuously
  • @zephyreks @NaibofTabr "In order to make a claim about media events you need journalistic credentials."

    Holy shit get the fucking boot out of your mouth you're making feet fetishists look like upstanding members of society

  • What's your best pick up line?
  • @lemmylem @asklemmy "Your eyes are pretty cute, but I can make them even cuter if you come home with me tonight."

  • Bird flu virus found in pasteurized milk, though officials maintain supply is safe
  • @Omega_Haxors @Alsephina If it's in the pasteurized milk, does that mean we should only be drinking raw milk right now?

  • Lemmy Babies of the Rexodus - it's been 9 months, how has Lemmy changed you?
  • @governorkeagan @j4k3 >on Reddit after a post had a certain number of comments/upvotes, I knew that mine would never be seen. I don’t have that feeling on Lemmy.

    Posts federate to other instances - even off Lemmy - at different speeds. Those of us on Pleroma/Mastodon who browse TWKN will just see random posts from wherever, and how popular the post is ends up being irrelevant.

    Enjoy your first tiny taste of what the internet is like out there lemmybro.

  • Sacré Bleu! Cheese enthusiasts are mourning the possible extinction of brie cheese
  • @Grass @BrikoX This is actually kinda weird. How do you wind up with a fungus that we can't reproduce well without cloning it?

  • Two-Thirds of U.S. Adults Would Rather Wait to Watch Movies on Streaming
  • @neme That's for the best. The movie theaters are mostly complete garbage as an experience, and a total waste of real estate. Hopefully if this trend continues we can free up a bunch of land that's utterly meaningless.

  • walkable cities mean sittable cities
  • @Sdnimm543 @stabby_cicada I believe India has a solution for you.

  • Listen here, kulak...
  • @TheAnonymouseJoker >Pro-NAFO

    Yes I do support the North American Futanari Organization. Why wouldn't I support it?

  • Listen here, kulak...
  • @TheAnonymouseJoker @Alpharius >Communist states are not going around establishing hundreds of military bases, carpet bombing and genociding countries and creating a media-military propaganda machine for their citizens to fear boogeymen for the horrors their own politicians and corporations are committing against them.

    China does a solid chunk of that - they broker deals to use other country's ports as naval bases, they have an ongoing genocide of the Uyghurs and Falun Gong, they were responsible for the mass spread of COVID in late 2019/early 2020, and their propaganda machine is strongly tied to their military.

    It is disingenuous to pretend communist states do not do things that the largest communist state in the world does.

  • Is this nostalgia or depression?
  • @Johanno @Early_To_Risa I should hope that I die some time this century, I can't imagine living another 100 years of this bullshit.

  • What thing are you exponentially more experienced in than the average person?
  • @radix @Oka This is the most boring possible skill. How do you achieve it?

  • What thing are you exponentially more experienced in than the average person?
  • @cyberpunk007 @Oka I am good at dating women with one eye.

  • Removed
    What's the difference betone lemmy instance or another?
  • @CandleTiger @Frub >I see lemmy and mastodon going the same way if they grow enough.

    This is one of those things where exactly what happens depends on what group of people you're in. There's lots of sub-100 person instances which are basically "using your cool friend's server" or "using some cool rando's server."

    The reality is that if you ask someone to pay to shitpost on fedi, they'll cap the cost at "whatever it costs to self-host," which ain't much.

  • Biden calls China a 'ticking time bomb' due to economic troubles
  • @CatholicSocialist @marx_mentat You should be able to block domains on lemmy as a user - just about every other fedi instance allows you to do this.

    NSFW emojis - such as their pigpoopballs - often gets places defed, if you're mad enough you might bring that up to your instance admin.

  • What would sell better if people knew about it?
  • @whatisallthis Interesting claim, bidet salesman. I may actually consider it.

  • What would sell better if people knew about it?
  • @whatisallthis @Weirdbeardgame >Just dry off snd that’s it.

    Doesn't that still mean you have to wipe shit water off your ass?

  • An upswing in actual, literal shitposting
  • @Quacksalber @zzzzz >With Lemmy vs. reddit, all you really choose is who gets to moderate you. There is no different experience using either platform.

    But there is a hugely different experience. Here on the fediverse, you can talk to people whose mouths are not filled with corporate cock.

  • ceo_of_monoeye_dating CMD

    Monoeye Lover | Can't draw sadly | Good at Math | Please help my friends come here, I miss them greatly.

    I only block individuals I suspect of being journalists. I mute instances which either:

    1. Defederate from
    2. Have me personally blocked
    3. Are effectively automated spam instances, such as or those which have succumbed to discord bot spam.


    No statements made by this account should be taken as support for the trans community.

    Featured on sometimes.

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