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Seriously, why aren't most people using adblock these days
  • not exactly, JavaScript is the most important piece that sites uses to track users . Not the only but the most important

  • Seriously, why aren't most people using adblock these days
  • I don't use adblock because it increase my browser fingerprint I just disable all JavaScript , no cookies and block tracker requests by my DNS server.

  • Instagram and Facebook under EU investigation for causing child addiction and harm
  • By the level of conspiracy they are I think they have a high rank in community

  • Instagram and Facebook under EU investigation for causing child addiction and harm
  • I lost both mother and father for conspiracy theories. Unfortunately no way back . They are totally brainwashed

  • iPhone owners say the latest iOS update is resurfacing deleted nudes
  • I'm an android user and I shred my files using a app that uses an algorithm that overwritten that bytes of the file

  • Chat Apps, Government Ties, and Transparency – Threema
  • I use Signal as my main daily messenger the two major problems in my opinion are:

    1. Centralized server (AWS)
    2. Requires a phone number to register
  • you don't need more 4GB of RAM
  • me a hard KVM user need a lot of RAM

  • It is so convenient and free.
  • I don't use any service of them

    I just use Google Pixel 8 but with other system.

    But Google is almost impossible to totally escape (their trackers and codes are in almost all sites in the web)

  • All my real Americans from US State stand up!
  • me too ( I'm not from Empire aka USA )

  • Too soon?
  • I am absolute sure this image is a clear reference to Mass Suicide at Jonestown

  • ELI5: What kind of security mechanisms do software companies use to ensure that the source code of their products will be practically impossible to discover?

    Exemple: How does Apple guarantee that the iOS source code will not be discovered by an adversary?

    Is there any type of different encryption for this case?

    Your VPN provider won't go to jail for you for 5 dollars Your VPN provider won't go to jail for you for 5 dollars

    The phrase in the title is a common trope that comes up when VPN services are discussed. While this statement is technically correct, it can be misleading, as it implies that all providers handle law enforcement requests and prepare for worst case scenarios similarly, so their conduct cannot be a di...

    Your VPN provider won't go to jail for you for 5 dollars

    It is something to always take into consideration and not forget.

    Fedora Linux Chemical Wonka
    Problem simulating Fedora Sway (SPIN on VirtualBox

    Hi guys!

    I downloaded the Fedora Sway (SPIN) ISO, but when I try to simulate it in VirtualBox, nothing happens.

    Does anyone have any tips on how to proceed in this case?

    Any tip is welcome.

    Problem installing Fedora Sway on VirtualBox

    Hi guys!

    I downloaded the Fedora Sway (SPIN) ISO, but when I try to simulate it in VirtualBox, nothing happens.

    Does anyone have any tips on how to proceed in this case?

    Any tip is welcome.

    80's Music Chemical Wonka
    Accept - Aiming High

    Not the most famous album but one of the best album of this incredible German band. I really love this album and this song too.

    #RockmadeinGermany 🇩🇪

    80's Music Chemical Wonka
    Modern Talking - You're my heart, you're my soul.

    From my country (Germany) with love

    GL.iNet routers are trustworthy?

    I'm looking to replace my portable modem with a GL.iNet router because I saw that they claim to use OpenWRT which is a open source firmware.

    My question is:

    Is their OpenWRT version actually reliable?

    Tyranny of Microsoft

    Microsoft’s agenda is very clear, they want control and surveillance over the flow of information on the internet.

    Tyranny of Microsoft

    Microsoft’s agenda is very clear, they want control and surveillance over the flow of information on the internet.

    Tyranny of Microsoft – Simplified Privacy

    Microsoft’s agenda is very clear, they want control and surveillance over the flow of information on the internet.

    Set up OpenWRT as Bridge mode (main router)

    Hi folks!

    I have a modem/router from my ISP and an OpenWRT router that I would like to use as my main router. Would anyone have any tips on how to configure my OpenWRT router to work as my main router? I watched some videos on YouTube about Bridge Mode but it wasn't very clear to me.

    Every help is welcome.

    Free (as in freedom) PDF editor for Android?

    Does anyone know a PDF editor free (as in freedom) for Android?

    Thanks for any support!

    Reflectacles to escape Facial Recognition?

    What do you guys think about this glasses to use daily to escape Facial Recognition? Worth the price? Does it really work?

    Reflectacles to escape Facial Recognition

    What do you guys think about this glasses to use daily to escape Facial Recognition? Worth the price? Does it really work?

    Which privacy related feature do you want most in Android or want to see in a future release?

    I have a Pixel 6 with GrapheneOS but all opinions are welcome.

    My choices:

    1° Disable screenshot feature 2° Desktop mode

    chemicalwonka Chemical Wonka

    🇩🇪 Marxist, Free (as in freedom) Software Advocate and a loyal player of Yu-Gi-Oh TCG

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    Comments 654