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Looking for linux workflow ideas
  • Just to add, Digikam for organizing, DarkTable for processing, GIMP for anything DarkTable doesn’t do.

    The biggest downsides, for me, with the FOSS route compared to Linux, is that the UIs can be a bit clunky, unclear, or just slower. Since this is a hobby for me, I’m trying to look past those in favor of saving some $$, but it’s not easy after over a decade of Adobe.

  • Inbound Barge | XE-1, 28mm f3.5, Portra 400
  • Really cool photo! Grand Haven? I need to get there when some big ships come through. Never seem to get the timing right and all I see are all the small ones with Trump flags on them 😅

  • Mozilla downsizes as it refocuses on Firefox and AI
  • Imagine spending hours writing and editing something with care only for an LLM to “summarize“ it, completely missing any nuance or sarcasm, removing any creative bits or humor, while also making the wrong point altogether. To top it off anyone unwilling to read your story, their time is valuable after all (but not yours, apparently), will now repeat the LLM’s interpretation to anyone they’d like, whether it’s accurate or not.

    It’s an abysmal direction to go for misinformation and even more abysmal for writers. Good content becomes irrelevant and people become less and less willing to pay for a writer’s time and expertise. Why not write with an LLM if a large percentage of your readers summarize the piece with an LLM anyways? Just need more eyeballs to justify our Google Ads spending.

    Built into a “private” browser or not, it’s just another nail in the coffin of a web built by and for humans.

  • New laptop time. Thinkpad recommendations?
  • My T480 does everything I need. Picked it up for $200 and spent another $100-$150 to get brand new batteries, a pretty good screen, much faster storage, and upped it to 24GB of RAM. Pretty awesome. Pop!_OS runs like a charm.

  • Apple's Vision Pro lacks any real vision
  • I think something with this, too (and that you sorta hinted at), is that it doesn’t seem to provide any additional benefit to what we already get with the iPhone, iPad, Mac ecosystem. That’s an ecosystem with a huge and established user base. Obviously this could change as developers step in to do the heavy lifting, but… Will they want to? Is it a good investment to spend thousands of hours on an app that a fraction of users of an already niche product will use? I think it’s very telling that some of the biggest developers (like Spotify and Netflix) opted out of Vision Pro.

    It’s going to take some very talented, very risk-tolerant developers to make a $3,500+ headset go anywhere. And as of now, Apple is providing very little incentive.

  • PineTime Duplicate Notifications

    I recently got my PineTime, and so far it's a very cool gadget, especially for the price. However, it is giving me every notification twice. Anyone know if there's a way to fix this? Currently running Infinitime 1.13.0 connected to an Android phone via GadgetBridge. It is only happening with some notifications... But so far I'm not seeing why some do and some don't duplicate.

    Struggling with all-or-nothing mindset

    I have been trying to take my digital privacy more seriously as of late, but I find myself falling into a cycle of all-or-nothing. I will do a little bit to improve my privacy and then will suddenly feel like I need to go full-on down the rabbit hole. This leads to burnout, and then I'll convince myself that it's all futile and I should just use what's most convenient.

    How do you all find a balance that works for you? Or do you just change things constantly?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Hi, it me.

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