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Trump Camp Says State Menstrual Surveillance Programs are A-OK
  • "Early menopause? Nah, we think you have had 4 abortions this year. Prove you didn't or go to prison."

    I guess we shouldn't expect better from the party of bad female anatomy, sex education repression, and couch fucking. Weirdos.

  • GOP congressman rips Haitian immigrants, warns them to get 'out of our country'
  • He sure looks like a colonizer to me. Maybe he should be deported. We'll probably have to butcher him to send the appropriate proportions back to their respective countries of origin, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.

  • Gaza Bombed by Passive Voice, Media Claims — The Shovel
  • The media should learn to write anonymously in the active voice. Instead of saying "thousands have been killed" say "bombs kill thousands." Active voice, but still no need to blame shift, excuse, or dissemble. [Sarcasm for the slow]

  • Trump Says People Who Criticize Supreme Court Justices Should Be Jailed
  • Yeah, let me guess, the convicted felon also thinks he shouldn't be punished. If there is someone's opinion that is less valuable on this topic, I don't know who it might be. He literally wants to protect his cronies from prosecution so they cam protect him. Blatant public corruption on a scale rarely seen in this country. Dare I say Putinesque? Yeah, that's pretty apropos.

  • Jan. 6 investigator says he has ‘receipts’ on Clarence and Ginni Thomas
  • I want to ask "Hey, Clarence, is it true that you think your vote should only count for 3/5ths of mine?" and "is it true you think the all of the constitutional amendments were mistakes?" until he has a heart attack.

  • Fuck, I hate Adobe. Can we please hate this company more?
  • I would probably buy PS, but I will not subscribe to it. Gimp does what I need on the rare occasions I need to do something.

    Acrobat is just dumb. I don't see any benefit to it over free/cheaper alternatives.

  • Actual Activism?

    I am not much of an implementers, but if we wanted to do something to target and reform our screwed up society, I have an idea. The great vulnerability of our capitalist culture, especially in the U.S. and Western Europe, is fractional reserve banking.

    For those that don't know, a quick summary is that any given bank only has to keep a small percentage of their deposits on hand. This allows them to invest other people's money for fun and profit. Many resources explain the concept and its evils in far more detail than I can get into here.

    So how is this an exploitable weakness? Well, if you have seen It's a Wonderful Life, you probably already know. Because banks only hold a fraction of the reserves needed to cover their depositors' accounts, they are vulnerable to "runs." A run on a bank happens when the customers lose confidence that the bank will be able to cover their deposits and rush to withdraw their money before the bank runs out of money (FDIC insurance was setup to protect depositors from this phenomenon).

    How do we use this to fight the bankstas? We deliberately cause runs on banks. Of we can get enough people to withdraw their money from a bank, the bank won't be able to return people's money to them. Even if you don't have an account with the target bank, you can help by spreading fear (Big Bank is the targetof an internet attack, ge yourmoneyout before they collapse - you don't want to have to wait for the FDIC to give you your money, do you?) An additional collateral attack than can be made is to simply not pay any debts (mortgages, credit cards, etc) owed to that same bank. The non-payments will accelerate the time frame for which the bank will run out of money.

    Also, if you short the bank's stock before the run or when it starts, you can profit from the banks collapse.

    The real key to the plan (the part I haven't figured out yet) is how do we get enough people to panic over a particular bank to get the party started. Subsequent banks should be easier after the first.

    Be aware that some states have laws that make inciting a run on a bank illegal, although the constitutionality of such laws is still up for debate. Truth is a defense to libel, so if there is an attempt to sue for that, you get to conduct in depth discovery on the financial condition of the bank (just how bad are all of those loans and derivative instruments they hold? How low is their cash in hand compared to their depositors receipts?)

    Natural gas is actually migrating under permafrost, and could see methane emissions skyrocket if it escapes - another feedback loop Natural gas is actually migrating under permafrost, and could see methane emissions skyrocket if it escapes

    Beneath Svalbard's permafrost, millions of cubic meters of methane are trapped—and scientists have now learned that it can migrate beneath the cold seal of the permafrost and escape. A large-scale escape could create a cycle of warming that would send methane emissions skyrocketing: warming thaws th...

    Natural gas is actually migrating under permafrost, and could see methane emissions skyrocket if it escapes

    We'll melt some permafrost and release trapped methane that will melt even more permafrost.

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