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Does anyone actually use the windows key on their keyboard as intended by the OS?

Pretty much in the title, the only time I interact with the windows key in its standard operating condition is getting pissed off that the start menu opened. I use it in other capacities such as taking screen shots and other key commands but I got to wondering if anyone, ever actually uses it to access the start menu.

Also if anyone comes here and posts “dOnT uSe wINdoWs,” you really are cute.

Edit: I am more curious if anyone actually gets utility out of its default behavior (opening the start menu). I am aware that it is used in a number of key commands (although some are new to me).

  • Constantly. I'm a keyboard shortcut junky. I use it with several different key combos. The fact that the "super key" works slightly differently in Pop OS kind of drives me crazy. I really need to figure out how to remap it so it's closer to the same.

    Edit: I should clarify that I also use it to bring up the stupid Windows menu all the time, too. Then I will search for whatever app I'm looking for. I have turned off web searching with it, though.

    Even though most-frequently used apps are pinned, there are still quite a few others that I need semi-regularly but not enough to earn a pin.

    • Yeah I expect the windows snapping to work with the super key... I need to figure something out. I need my tiling!

      • Yes! I will complain about MS WIndows all day...but they did do a few things right and this is one of them.

  • Yes I do.

    🪟 + ⬅️/➡️/⬇️/⬆️ snaps windows into tiles on your screen or maximize/minimizes them.

    🪟 + shift + S is the shortcut for the ‘new’ snipping tool

    Sure, 🪟 alone opens and closes the start menu, but when opens opened, your curser is already the search bar so if you want to quickly open an app, it’s just: 🪟, first few letters of the app, Enter

    I don’t use it as much, but: Ctrl +🪟 + ⬅️/➡️ cycles you through virtual desktops

  • GNOME Linux I use it regularly to switch between tasks/windows, as well as windows+arrow keys to snap windows to edges or minimize them.

  • I use it as a modifier chorded with another key in Linux for a number of things, like switching workspaces, opening a terminal or browser window, resizing windows, existing the graphical environment, locking the system, toggling floating windows, starting application launchers, toggling a window's fullscreen state, or toggling playing music. I think that as a modifier key, it's fine. I don't have tapping it alone do anything, and in general, don't like single-key operations like that; ditto for F-key operations.

    It sounds like one can disable the tap-Windows-key-alone behavior on Windows via the autohotkey macro software package:

  • Yeah I use it to open the start menu. I'm on windows 10 so I have my daily used programs pinned to the taskbar, my frequently used programs organized in sections of tiles on the start menu, and for everything else I either type to search for it in the start menu or just Win+R and use the run dialog if it's a system component.

    Likely moving to Linux when Windows 10 ends support. I've got enough experience with 11 to know I couldn't stand using it regularly

    Edit: and I didn't really talk about using it as a hotkey because of your OP, but for the record I use it like that all the time too. Win arrow for window sizing, win shift arrow for moving things between monitors, win R, E, L, D, win semicolon for the emoji keyboard, win number row to quickly launch taskbar pins, win tab for the lulz sometimes, win shift S for snipping tool when I don't need to use shareX instead for a local copy of the snip, etc.

  • Yes since I use a lot of windowed fullscreen programs and it's the easiest eay to access the taskbar when I need it.

  • Definitely! Win-Tab (properly called Meta-Tab) is used to switch activities in KDE Plasma. With this simple key combination, I gain another 15 virtual desktops.

  • I hide my taskbar and sometimes it gets funky and a little shy and doesn't pop up. Pressing the Windows key pops it back up.

    Once in awhile on my home non-windows machine I use it to pop the menu out to turn off the computer. Completely mood based.

  • I used to use Super to open the application selector menu thing (similar to the start menu on my system). But I recently tweaked my keyboard shortcuts to add a bunch of ones using Super for application switching and stuff, so rebound it to Super+w.