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TikTok wants to be YouTube now, tests 60-minute video uploads
  • Meanwhile youtube is heading in the opposite direction.

    They're trying to take market share from each other, but failing to realize how annoying it is for those who only use one of the platforms precisely to avoid the content-style from the other.

  • What band or music group would you not have minded if they didn't have a certain band member?
  • From my limited understand8ng of their formation history, GnR was the result of fusing members from LA Guns with some other band named something Hollywood Rose. Axl came from the latter.

    The LA Guns vocalist was Tracii Guns who took part in forming GnR as a guitarist, but left shortly after and Slash took his place. I'm curious how things would've turned out if he'd remained as only a singer.

  • What's the best wax-on-wax-off-style advice you've heard that you can attest as being helpful in certain situations?
  • It was far from a life and death situation, as it was a highly controlled activity.

    But it was meant to mimic a life and death situation for practice: Anyone who travel by helicopter in the North Sea are required to go through this course which includes an emergency water landing drill. It involves sitting inside this thing that is reasonably close to one of the common helicopter models used in the north sea. Same seats, same belts, and similar windows.

    This "simlator" hangs from a crane over a pool. So that you can practice escaping from a ditched helicopter. "Brace brace brace!" dunk
    This is done while wearing a survival suit that has a rebreather. Each passenger has a dedicated scuba frogman to make sure you don't panic and drown.

    First dunk emulates a successful water landing. Helicopter remains floating for a while, but then goes under. Release window, unclamp, and swim out.

    It gradually increases in fuckery, to the poin where it's emulating a helicopter that goes under right away and flips around as it does.

    I'm fairly light weight, so this survival suit gives me a lot of buoyancy, and this collar-like thing around my neck tended to catch on the window as I was going through. In the beginning, this was not a problem, but it became a pretty big one on the last test.

    The disorientation from being flipped made it hard to compensate for the extra buoyancy, so I got stuck, upside down in the water. I immediately knew what happened, but I remained calm, moved back a little bit. With one hand to keep track of the window, I used my other hand to pretty much pack and squeeze collar as close to my neck as possible, preventing it from catching. There was no panic, but there was a slight worry that the frogman hadn't intervened. Thanks to the rebreather I could stay pretty calm and focus on what needed to be done to get through the window.

    When I reached the surface the frogman explained that he saw that I was having some problems, but decided to let me continue, as he saw that I was calm and reasonably in control. In a real scenario such as this, panic would've killed me.

    Slow is smooth. Smooth is survivable.

  • What band or music group would you not have minded if they didn't have a certain band member?
  • Lostprophets. It should be obvious who and why.

    I also think Guns'n Roses have soome fucking awesome riffs and songs, but I find Axl Rose to be an insufferable cunt of a diva. Slash, Izzy, Duff, and Adler should have released Appetite for Destruction with a different vocalist.

  • Take-Two CEO says he's 'not trying to be cute or difficult' with vague answers about the fate of the Kerbal and OlliOlli studios, but is kind of being cute and difficult
  • ShadowZone on youtube has a pretty good analysis of what we know, what we don't know, and lays out some possible (and realistic) scenarios as to what's going on.

    My personal (un)educated guess regarding the lack of official news is due to the fact that T2 will be releasing an earnings report shortly, and needs to keep things quiet. I hope the release more detailed statements once the quarterly is done.

  • X now treats the term cisgender as a slur
  • My refined interpretation: He's desperate to be liked, and as long as his Xitter-circle cheers him on, he'll continue to be a Xithead shithead. He doesn't have a circle of friends to keep him grounded in reality.

  • X now treats the term cisgender as a slur
  • As one of the most average dudes in the world, I can't help but feel threatened and marginalized, which of course means that the gay agenda is to blame for everthing that has gone wrong in my life.

    Just to be on the safe side: That was sarcasm.

    My gender: You can safely make assumptions based on appearance.
    Orientation: Straight and boringly sprinkle-free
    Favorite dinosaur: Triceratops
    Opinion on this: Fuck Elon. Let people be people, for fucks sake. If he feels threatened by increasing specificity in language, he must have some real identity issues boiling underneath.

  • Qualified experts of Lemmy, do people believe you when you answer questions in your field?
  • Yeah, I've found that the best thing to do when you (accidentally or intentionally) kick the tankie-hive is to block the ones who don't realize that not everything needs to be debunked or even commented, and then move on and forget about it.

  • TGIM

    Controversial hot take, I know... but in certain cases, normalcy and routine is the desired state. After a long weekend of family events, too many kids (of which most are my own), too many pets (of which roughly half are my own), and the house being drafty with the entire in-law clan and then some for the past few days, things are now finally back to normal.

    Kids are in school, SO at work, and I'm in my home "office" (I use my bedroom), arranging the coming week. I schedule most things to "ot today" because now it's MY time. When picking up some supplies this morning I even bought one single beer that is for my lunch, and beyond that my work day will mostly be centered around waiting for various balls that are in other people's courts.

    Anyone else who usually welcome mondays when they arrive?

    I think I figured it out - A retrospective

    Not sure if this is a good post for casual conversation, but I think I figured out the source of my success and failures. Also, a disclaimer: I'm not a wise man. But at least I gained some wisdom recently.

    Anyways, here it goes: If you're wondering where you are and where you're headed in your life, I think this post might be for you.

    Going with the flow is perfectly fine. Going with the flow and meeting challenges as they appear works. For the most part. They'll allow you to learn as you go, and pick up new things as you experience them.

    But they won't take you anywhere new. At least not to something new that lasts. Something you could build upon.

    And that's the retrospective part. I'm technically "older" while (in my opinion, at least) being far from old. Just now I found myself looking back at my life, and started thinking about what was, what is, and things that never were but that could've been.

    In short, I'm now at a place where I am reasonably content with who I am and what I do. But there were always these avenues that never came to fruition. And I think it's because I mostly went with the flow my entire life. Because it made me happy there and then. And looking back, I have no regrets. It made me happy then, and it resulted in a lot of happy memories that required no personal investment beyond being present and submerging myself in whatever was going on around me.

    And then there are the avenues that actually did result in something. These avenues, related to a career that is closely tied to my interest, turned out really fucking well. Earlier today I started wondering why. Why not any of these other interests that I have and once had?

    Because what I currently do is built on the ONLY time where I actually gave a damn. Instead of just going with the flow, I pretty much decided. "No. I will chart my own path forward.". Going with the flow is fine. But it never resulted in anything, simply because it never resulted in actively pursuing what I wanted out of life.

    So the obvious question then is: What would've happened if I had started actively going after one of my other passions? Well, I don't know. Maybe my life would've turned out completely different, there's no way to tell, really. The only thing of which I am sure is that if I had been as active and proactive in all of my interests is that I would've probably burnt out 20 years ago.

    So in conclusion... going with the flow and reacting to things rather than taking the initiative is fine. But you need to take the initiative at some point. Before it's too late.

    Do what you enjoy. Take one day at the time. And if someone tells you to "apply yourself.", take a look around and evaluate whether you should in fact do so with what you're doing, or if you should do so elsewhere.

    I'm not sure if this rambling of a post makes sens, but if at least one person finds it helpful, then I've done what I set out to do.

    Live long and prosper.

    What are some interesting communities on Matrix worth checking out?

    cross-posted from:

    > What are some interesting communities on Matrix worth checking out? > > Title, pretty much. I'm in a couple of niche communities, and thought I should expa d into more generalized communities. All things tech are of interest, really. > > Which communities are you in?

    What are some interesting communities on Matrix worth checking out?

    Title, pretty much. I'm in a couple of niche communities, and thought I should expa d into more generalized communities. All things tech are of interest, really.

    Which communities are you in?

    Which microsoft certification would be the most useful for me when I am primarily not a Microsoft guy?

    So, my employer suggested that it would be good for me, professionally, to get my certifications up to speed, and told me to pick a few that I found the most relevant at their expense. As I mainly deal with networks and Linux servers, and have done so for decades at this point, this was easy enough: renewing my CCNA that I took some 20 years ago, as well as getting my CCNP. The latter of which is closely related to what I already do.

    However, my employer decided that I must pursue at least one Microsoft certification, and I honestly don't know where to start, as the only microsoft software I use is Outlook.

    I've been thinking of my status as the walking embodiment of the "old man yells at cloud"-meme, and thinking it's probably time to turn into "old man embraces cloud". I know that a lot of our infrastructure runs in azure (something with which I have no experience. I did use some Oracle cloud VMs at one point, that's it.), and I know there was a huge ordeal last year that involved doing a lot of dataprocessing on temporary azure architecture, and I figure I should probably get in on that at some point.

    Is perhaps something Azure related my best bet?

    Which vendor makes decent work laptops nowadays?

    12 Years ago I had a Sony Vaio. I quite liked it. Then in my next job, 2017 or so, I went for a Toshiba Portege, and absolutely loved it.

    Guess what the above two have in common? Yup, they stopped making laptops for the professional market. So now I'm a bit at a loss. Any recommendations?


    • Lightweight and easy to carry around.
    • 13-15" display, preferably
    • Decent battery life
    • It absolutely must have an RJ45
    • Works well with linux
    • Good keyboard quality
    • ISO keyboard availability
    • Touchpad. Bonus points if it has the touchpad buttons ABOVE the pad itself.
    When anything is better than nothing. I present to you, the Semple Tank

    Summarized back story of this legendary beauty: When NZ was drawn into WW2, some heroes began thinking of armored defense. Bob Semple decided to make one, making this the best (and only) Kiwi tank ever built.

    Dagens dusjtanke: "Militarisering" av svenskegrensa

    En tanke slo meg tidligere: Nå som den geopolitiske sikkerhetssituasjonen er littegranne mere skjør enn før, og mange land ruster opp, så er grensevakt på sin plass. Og med tanke på at vi har en enormt lang grense mot sverige så bør denne og bemannes, selv om de også er på vei inn i NATO. Men som de fleste her kanskje er enige i, så er faren for invasjon noen av veiene ganske lav.

    Hva ville den diplomatiske effekten vært om Norge bestemte seg for å utplassere en garnison på svinesund bestående av kun én soldat? Delvis fordi jeg synes grensekontroll er viktig, og delvis fordi litt lavterskel skjitkasting over grensa (begge veier) er på sin plass.

    Mest fordi at jeg er overtrøtt så har jeg et lite ønske om at dette skjer, og at situasjonen eskalerer til en anspent stillingskrig hvor sverige svarer med samme mynt og sender sin egen soldat. Da får korpen vår (han må seff minst være korporal, han er jo tross alt vaktsjef, garnisonsleder, sambandsmann, samt lagfører) selskap av noen han kan prate skjit med. Slikt blir det god stemning av.

    A story of how mental illness almost crashed a plane - The importance of reform regarding approach to pilot health evaluation.

    The second part of the title is my own interpretation. I fly myself from time to time (Only recreationally, I have no plans on going commercial. I like my current unrelated career), and have been made aware of the medical requirements for pilots. While strict rules should apply, the regulations are outdated. I find it naive to think that there aren't any pilots currently flying with, for example, ADHD, and while that would in most cases in itself be a disqualifying diagnosis for pilots, it's even more disqualifying if it's medicated.

    The video is about a compelling story and focuses mostly on mental health, but I feel that it hilights the same underlying problem; Pilots are incentivized to keep quiet about mental health issue due to an outdated approach because of a ruleset that basically states "No medication, no diagnosis".

    There were supposed to be 15 commandments, but Moses accidentally dropped and broke a tablet. What are some of the five missing commandments?

    And I know we're mostly atheists here, but please keep the theological discussion to a minimum and appreciate the lighthearted hypothetical scenario for what it is.

    Friendly reminder

    This is your annual reminder to do a snapshot (timeshift or whatever you prefer) before doing relatively minor changes to your system.

    I was supposed to be in bed now, but instead I am stuck troubleshooting xorg refusing to start after an apt-get dist-upgrade.

    And as far as friendly reminders go, I should've given myself an unfriendly reminder beforehand, as it's not the first time....

    UPDATE: Fuck nvidia 545. All my homies hate nvidia 545. 535 4 lyf!

    Could 2024 be the year of the diagonal linux desktop?

    Thanks to for providing a better link. This post originally linked to tomshardware.

    Could 2024 be the year of the diagonal linux desktop?

    xrandr allows you to rotate the screen resolution, thus supporting diagonal setups. Some guy claims this is ideal for his software dev setup, with the IDE taking up most of the space, while smaller windows reside in the open corner.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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