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The U.S. will very likely fight a 3-front war against Russia, China and Iran, Palantir's Alex Karp says
  • “I think we’re in an age when nuclear deterrent is actually less effective because the West is very unlikely to use anything like a nuclear bomb, whereas our adversaries might,” he added. “Where you have technological parity but moral disparity, the actual disparity is much greater than people think.”

    What kind of reality does this guy live in? Like every adversary he mentions has either adopted a "No First Use" Policy or officially states that nuclear weapons are only to be used when the very existence of the state is threatened via a conventional military force or when being attacked by nuclear weapons. Contrast this to the US which "'reserves the right to use' nuclear weapons first in the case of conflict" or the UK which reserves the right to use nuclear weapons against "rogue states" (source: wikipedia article detailing all the above mentioned first use policies). How can you claim to have any moral superiority when your fucking bloc has these murderous policies in place? The western bloc has enshrined first use into its official policy and then this guy claims that only the adversaries of the West are determined to use nuclear weapons. The hypocrisy is beyond me.

  • What is/was your distrohopping journey?
  • Windows 95 -> 98 -> XP -> 7 -> 8 -> OSX -> Arch (1 month) -> Gentoo (1 year) -> VOID (3 years) -> NixOS (4 years) (transitioning to Guix System now)

    For reference, this was my editor hopping journey which started during my OSX days since I learned to program during this time: Sublimetext -> vim -> neovim -> emacs

  • Lemmy Developer AMA and Dev Update, 2024-01-26, 1500 CEDT
  • First of thanks a lot for the effort that you put into creating lemmy. You have created a really friendly and welcoming place!

    I have a question regarding licenses. When you started developing lemmy, what were the reasons for your choice of the AGPL? As you are marxist-leninists, did you also look into other licenses like the the Anti-Capitalist Software License?

  • Hey 👋 dear Linux Community,
  • If you are looking for UI inspiration, you could give ! or its counterpart at reddit r/unixporn a look. As a linux novice you might be interested in the KDE,XFCE or GNOME customizations that are shared in these communities.

  • How social media's biggest user protest rocked Reddit: The Guardian
  • Not a single mention of lemmy or kbin or any other alternative for that matter. While Reddit might not have lost a lot of traffic, Lemmy has seen incredible growth during all of this. I can still remember how empty this place was before Reddit went through with the api changes. Just thinking about how many great mobile apps we have now makes me really confident in Lemmy’s future.

  • Deutsche Bahn verpasst ihr Pünktlichkeitsziel für das Jahr 2023 deutlich Deutsche Bahn verpasst ihr Pünktlichkeitsziel für das Jahr 2023 deutlich

    Zu Jahresbeginn hatte sich die Deutsche Bahn eine Pünktlichkeit im Fernverkehr von 70 Prozent zum Ziel gesetzt. Diese Marke wird sie nicht einhalten können. Und auch in den kommenden Jahren müssen Fahrgäste viel warten.

    Deutsche Bahn verpasst ihr Pünktlichkeitsziel für das Jahr 2023 deutlich
    Atypical tips to quit smoking?
  • Not sure if it's atypical, but you could try reading "Alan Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking" and "The Freedom Model of Addictions". The basic premise of the books is, that if you really want to quit, you will quit easily, and that in order to really want to quit you need to reevaluate the reward value of your habit instead of focusing on the negatives. You smoke because you find it pleasurable. The books guide you to better understand what part of your habit you find pleasurable exactly. Is it the nicotine rush? Or maybe the you like the social aspect of it? After finding out what exactly you find pleasurable about your habit, the books will give you pointers on how to reevaluate if the pleasure you derive from it is really all that great compared to other activities or whether it really solves the problem that you set out to solve with your habit.

  • The region at the heart of Germany’s economic stagnation The region at the heart of Germany’s economic stagnation

    Facing higher energy costs and the transition to electric vehicles, once prosperous industrial districts are struggling to adapt

    Deutsche Autohersteller - Technologieführerschaft war einmal Was Auto-Aktien über die Lage der deutschen Hersteller aussagen

    Die Position der deutschen Autobauer auf dem Weltmarkt ist längst nicht mehr so glänzend wie einst. In Sachen E-Mobilität hinken sie hinter den Rivalen aus China hinterher. Das zeigt sich an den Börsenkursen. Von Stefan Wolff.

    Was Auto-Aktien über die Lage der deutschen Hersteller aussagen
    We're the creators of Lemmy, Ask Us Anything. *Starts Monday, 7 Aug, 1500 CEST*
  • Thanks for the reply! As a baby Marxist I just wanted to add that I recently listened to your Audiobook of Zak Cope‘s Divided World Divided Class and I thought that it was really eye opening as it for the first time made it clear to me, that there actually is a material basis for people in the West to buy into the liberal ideology. Living in the west one personally benefits from the bribes that the western haute bourgeoisie is able to pay its workers in inflated wages made possible by the super exploitation of labor and resources in the third world. (At least that is my understanding of the book, I‘m open for different interpretations)

    So thank you for making the book available as an audiobook!

  • We're the creators of Lemmy, Ask Us Anything. *Starts Monday, 7 Aug, 1500 CEST*
  • Thank you a lot for building such an awesome platform! Here are my questions:

    How did you get into communism? Were there any events that had an influence on you becoming communists and what personally motivates you to keep working on lemmy even though you could earn much more as developers working on proprietary software?

  • It's so nice to see them all growing, but this is just the truth, sorry.
  • All the people you find here fled from a proprietary platform that was abusing its position of power in order to profit off its users. While Sync for Lemmy is not in the same ballpark it nonetheless shares the same proprietary nature of reddit as it is a proprietary client that connects to a platform that is completely FOSS. So I believe it is entirely valid to campaign against the use of Sync for Lemmy and educate everyone about its dangers (loss of freedom, trust can't be verified, abusive relationship)

  • Stanford president resigns over manipulated research
  • Every time that concerns over the papers came up he decisively failed to correct the record and he defended the papers. As the head of his lab he was also responsible for the culture that enabled this kind of fraudulent research.

  • Stanford president resigns over manipulated research
  • It's absolutely mind boggling to me that a guy like this can build an entire career on fraudulent research in his lab and then rise to the role of president of Stanford. This guy is 63 and the first concerns over his paper emerged in 2001. And after all this they let him keep his position as a professor.

    Edit: I need to clarify that the fraudulent research was taking place in his lab but the allegations do not include him directly falsifying the research. The papers in question had his name on them and he failed to set the record straight when suspicions about their validity arose, even though it was his responsibility

  • Stanford president resigns over manipulated research Stanford president resigns over manipulated research

    Stanford President Marc Tessier-Lavigne will resign effective Aug. 31. He will also retract or issue lengthy corrections to five widely cited papers for which he was principal author after a Stanford-sponsored investigation found “manipulation of research data.”

    Stanford president resigns over manipulated research
    ARD-DeutschlandTrend: AfD erreicht neuen Bestwert ARD-DeutschlandTrend: AfD erreicht neuen Bestwert

    Im ARD-DeutschlandTrend erreicht die AfD einen neuen Höchstwert. In der Sonntagsfrage verbessert sich die Partei auf 20 Prozent. Drei Viertel der Befragten sind beunruhigt von den Verhältnissen in Deutschland. Von Ellen Ehni.

    ARD-DeutschlandTrend: AfD erreicht neuen Bestwert
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