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  • find me at the mountains of muscles doing muscle shit alex-supplements

  • OMG the Russians don't have a stock of hostile currency! Their economy has collapsed.
  • don't understand why libs call Russians "orcs". Like, I know it's supposed to be racist and dehumanizing, but like, aren't most Russian people white? Is it cause they aren't western European white? But then like, how come Ukrainians are considered white and not called orcs even though there is no physical differences between the two countries other than an arbitrary geopolitical border?

    Am I thinking too much about this

  • Stores like CVS are now making employees paid $7.25 an hour wear police body cams to stop someone from stealing a $2 tube of toothpaste.
  • When I worked at whole foods they told us to be "aggressively nice" to anybody we suspected of stealing. Like follow them around and ask if they need assistance and shit.

    I never understood the co-workers that made it their top priority to stop folks from stealing. I'd notice folks steal all the time and didn't give a shit. Hell, I used to steal all the time too.

  • A game where you play the bad guy, a petite bourgeois.
  • A cozy life sim where you gentrify a historic neighborhood and displace and forcibly remove the previous residents and eradicate the culture and open up a poke bowl fast casual restaurant underneath a 5 over 1 while maximizing value for your shareholders and buying up all the local real estate to flip and sell homes that are worth at most 80k for a "steal" at 450k to a family of 2 that needs more room for their purebred french bulldog.

  • AI is actually coming for your job. It came for mine.
  • lmao i just started my software engineering degree last week


  • Citations Needed makes its first appearance on the prestigious Media Bias Chart® (Podcast Edition)
  • Rev left is genuinely good and informative along with Red Meance and Guerilla History. "Misleading" lmao

  • NSFW
    Genuine screenshot. Google ai is doing wonders. (Clippy preg.)
  • Who up needing they clippussy ate

  • Lazy workers.
  • In a just world, the person advocating this belief would be sent to a work camp for their rest of their life.

  • What descriptors instantly kill your desire to play a game?
  • first person shooter

    "hack and slash"

  • Locked
    Why are Palestinian protests filled with feds?
  • “we support October 7” and “we stand with Hamas”

    This but unironically.

  • New level 5 dwarf paladin in Everquest with his spell casting mercenary.
  • Idk why but in every game where they give you a choice between dozens of races/classes it's like "cool thanks for that just gonna make a human Melee/tank cheers mate"

  • New level 5 dwarf paladin in Everquest with his spell casting mercenary.
  • Oh wow this takes me back. EverQuest was the only bonding experience I ever had with my absentee father. Spent a summer break with him during 2002 and made a Shadow knight that I ended up leveling up to 47. Went on raids with him and joined a guild. Fun stuff. Kinda miss the innocence of games like this.

  • Post your homescreen
  • OLauncher, random background image everyday

    Simplicity to keep my screen time under 2hrs a day, and using a vanced version of yt music cause I just never got into spotify

  • When was the last time you felt like you got your money's worth for an item?
  • I got a first gen kindle like 7 years ago from a thrift store for $5. Definitely would've paid upwards of $20 for one. (I have no idea how much they actually cost)