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Can't make money off of me if I don't exist rule
  • The labor market is a market - that means it is regulated by supply and demand.

    Now, there's a demand for workers.

    Now, think about what happens when the supply goes down - prices go up.

    In other words: If there are fewer workers on the labor market, that means the price for labor goes up, in other words: wages go up.

  • Mit Ein-Euro-Häusern gegen die Landflucht (Italien)
  • Die Kosten hat man dann halt später. Der Baugrund ist zwar schön billig, dafür ist dann alles andere teuer: Spritkosten fürs Auto.

  • be punk, do vidya
  • Yeah, I try to figure out as much as I can on my own, unfortunately not everybody has that kind of time. So, information must be shared once somebody found it out. That's what we're doing when we're talking to other people.

  • be punk, do vidya
  • made up conflicts

    artificial scarcity, basically

  • Rule
  • Well it's both. Many animals can eat a very wide diverse mixture of foods. Like cows, they can eat grass, but also hay or grains. So it could be that you're both right.

    I'm not an expert though.

  • China’s new rules for finance pull the brakes on gravy train, bringing ‘greed is good’ era to a halt
  • Oh thank China for this headline, finally, I have been waiting for it for years.

  • A Share Button For The Social Web
  • On Android Firefox, you can just use the share button from the browser context menu for that site.

  • Okay, but Mötley is a pretty awesome name.
  • Honestly I find most of them pretty cool.

  • That's why we need two ssds for dual boot
  • I just put Windows in a quarantine, if I bother at all.

  • Work Chronicles
  • barely anyone has though so that's why you go unnoticed so easily.

  • rule
  • you mean potential energy? the one that goes downhill?

  • rule
  • you mean whether the other guy would fuck mother nature worse?

  • rule
  • we get it america bad. now say sth constructive please

  • rule
  • yeah it's more like driving into a bush versus driving into an active volcano. The bush gives you at least a 30% chance to survive.

  • Worst day
  • yeah and at 27 they burn out get depressed and commit suicide. no thanks

  • Mangelhafte Bildung: Von der Waldorf- zur Regelschule
  • Also meine Nachbarin hatte auch eine Waldorf-Schule besucht, aber ich habe bei ihr nie Mängel festgestellt, als ich mich mal mehr mit ihr unterhalten habe. Kontext: wir haben später teilweise gemeinsam studiert.

  • Deleted
  • yeah sorry, i didn't want to come over as creepy. You don't know me, so probably i should have been a bit more mindful and not said sth like that. Though i just wanted to poke a bit of fun to you. hope you aren't angry at me or sth.

  • Masturbieren und Samenerguss gegen Prostatakrebs: Mythos oder doch echte Hilfe?
  • Hat das nicht auch etwas mit Durchblutung zu tun? Also bei Männern, die öfters masturbieren, ist die Prostata besser durchblutet und daher besser geschützt. oder so

  • Deleted
  • you two really have a thing going now, the unofficial 196 matrix room, right?

  • U.S. ‘prepper’ culture diversifies amid fear of disaster and political unrest U.S. ‘prepper’ culture diversifies amid fear of disaster and political unrest

    The number of preppers has doubled to about 20 million since 2017 due to more people of color and progressives joining the community, experts say.

    U.S. ‘prepper’ culture diversifies amid fear of disaster and political unrest

    Archive link

    getting independent.

    so, I have been thinking: preppers often learn how to live independent of industrial production. Maybe the solarpunk movement can learn something from them?

    > The diversification of prepping was clear last weekend at the Survival & Prepper show at the fairgrounds in Boulder County, a liberal district which President Joe Biden won in 2020 by nearly 57 percentage points over Trump. Over 2,700 people paid $10 each to attend the show, organizers said, and attendees were varied.

    > Bearded white men with closely cropped hair and heavily tattooed arms were there. But so were hippy moms carrying babies in rainbow colored slings and chatting about canning methods, Latino families looking over greenhouses and water filtration systems, and members of the local Mountain View Fire Rescue team, who in 2021 battled a devastating fire in the region, giving CPR demonstrations and encouraging citizens to be more prepared for extreme events.

    > “People want to regain their agency, their sense of control, and do something to match their fears to their actions,” said Ellis, who underscored that he did not speak on behalf of the Department of Defense.

    > People motivated by climate change, Ellis said, tend to be homesteaders who grow their own food and move to more “climate proof” locations, such as the mild summer haven of Duluth, Minnesota.

    trans istors rule

    hehe ^^ trans istors are cool too xD

    explanation: it's a braindead joke about the word "trans"

    Tigers rule

    geteilt von:

    > Image description: > > AI is just a prediction engine, > just like a tiger is just molecules. >

    Tigers rule

    Image description:

    AI is just a prediction engine, just like a tiger is just molecules.

    Wanna start *real* game theory? 😏

    Referring to this.


    Explanation: "Game theory", in economics, refers to "how do you maximize your profits?", in a theoretical way. Therefore it is greed theory. It should be called as such. The term "game theory" should be reserved for the study of Zelda, or eggs/sperm cells if one so wants.

    ELUVEITIE - The Call Of The Mountains

    ELUVEITIE is a Band from Switzerland. The song is about the Alps from Switzerland.

    They are beautiful, I have been there. They definitely deserve this song.

    ready for work


    big think

    The two most important questions of our time are:

    Who do we want to be?

    How do we get there?


    motivational music

    never forget that behind every hero, there's supporters acting in the dark

    Life is not a race to the end

    Everybody who seems to be hustling, even in their free time:

    Remember, "life is not a race to the end".

    Because that end would be death.

    Enjoy life slowly, and don't be shy of not walking the shortest or fastest track.

    Having bad breath in the morning?

    If you repeatedly have bad breath in the morning, try eating a salad last thing in the evening.

    Next morning, you should have naturally better breath, even before brushing your teeth.

    Try it out and tell me your experiences. Because for me it seems to work well enough.#lifeprotipp

    gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te

    Let me fall into the darkness empty and become void.

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    Comments 683