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"I’m just focusing on the present because the future is depressing"
  • Thats crazy its almost like its a rational response to the only options in life as a worker which are to work and destroy your mind and body for the worst jobs humanly possible for the worst pay legally possible for the opportunity to have marginally more money to spend in a dying society on a dying planet or do that as little as possible

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
    Im perpetually embarrassed after abusive work ethic since I was little. Everything was attacked and work was endless. Any tips on becoming more gregarious and less ashamed?
  • I dont think the comments necessarily grasp the specific nature of perfectionism all that well. Perfectionism in many cases comes from being in traumatic environments where independence becomes subordination and you are punished for breaking others' arbitrary rules. As a result you adapt to these conditions where failing means punishment; you learn that if you want to try something you must not fail.

    The way to get over perfectionism is to learn who you are by doing hard things you didnt previously think you can do and to be active in experiencing life and high intensity emotions. Its not that your low self esteem is caused by perfectionism, but low self esteem actually causes perfectionism.

    You should if you can try to do some research into trauma itself. One of the most clear signs of trauma is perfectionism and it seems to me like healing the trauma will be the way for you to get over the hurdle of perfrctionism meow-hug

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 17th to June 23rd, 2024 - Macron's Gambit - COTW: France
  • Lol it was a "good thing all this ammo im sending to the US isnt going to ukraine wink wink"

    Underneath that it seems like the rok is very aware that russian support for the north will roll them if they give everything to ukraine so ig it was like a negotiation rhetoric type thing. Like israel and zelenskyy barking over each other for aid

  • "We need to boycott the tankie devs!!!" and other brainworms by lemmitors CW: cognitohazard
  • "First they came for.." WHO???? WHO DID THEY FIRST COME FOR LMAO

  • Has Zizek genuinely lost the plot?
  • Its pretty obvious zizek is specifically a eurocommunist with eurocommunist brainworms. Something about thinking ur a european fries the brain sadly as objective historical processes have shown.

  • DEI Japan
  • Play as a japanese man? Their name is literally YASUKE crine

  • Steve Albini, Storied Producer and Icon of the Rock Underground, Dies at 61
  • cw CP mentions

    Its well known this edgelord was seeking out CP in the 80s

    He also continued to defend well known CP publisher Peter Sotos even late into his career

  • The killing joke of liberalism
  • Productive and successful AT WHAT shoulder-grab SAY IT WHAT IS THE THING THE BIDEN REGIME IS MOST SUCCESSFUL AT DOING RIGHT NOW agony-consuming

  • Stanford Protesters Collaborate with Marxist-Leninist Organization
  • Workers world identify as ML. "Marcyite" is just a descriptor for a type of ML w a specific historical root like u mentioned but marcyites identify as ml

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 29th to May 5th, 2024 - Césaire's Boomerang - COTW: United States
  • Yea reeks of wrecker / overreaction and its literally a nonstory who cares

  • At least 17 people died in Florida after medics injected sedatives during encounters with police
  • No this one guy kept turning green and said "its clobbering time" and then looked at me!

    EMT cant even administer iv anyways theyre there to save peoples lives not help police subdue people.

  • China to host Hamas, Fatah for Palestinian unity talks
  • They already started the reconciliation process a while ago didnt they like 2013