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  • My company's culture is such that we even call other departments "clients". I was like oh cool, so this is like working consulting except without a sales and legal team covering my ass.

    I miss academia so much. Just let me dick around trying to prove theorems and lecture all day again please.

  • Whistleblower warned Boeing of flaws in 787 planes that could have ‘devastating consequences’
  • I think it's still the safest mode of transport, mostly thanks to how overengineered planes tend to be and regulations. But yeah crazy how quickly business school people might dismantle the industry.

  • Whistleblower warned Boeing of flaws in 787 planes that could have ‘devastating consequences’
  • Plot twist: it was actually an MBA warning that it has too many safety features and they could save like $3 per plane with only 7% mortality rate!

  • Landleech error in my favor?
  • My guess is a judge would view the typo based on intended meaning. You can defijirely get away with paying the same rent as before the lease expiry, but paying nothing may be a dangerous game.

  • Landleech error in my favor?
  • And even then I could see plenty of asshole judges going "clearly they didn't mean that" and ruling in their favor anyway.

    I don't think it's unreasonable to identify "obvious" typos and treat them with their intended meaning. But yeah, rich people probably get this more charitable interpretation more often.

  • DuckDuckGo is serving AI garbage now

  • Fundamentally Detached From Humankind
  • Microsoft already rolled out and rolled back a massive security vulnerability lmao.

  • Ain't paying shit.
  • 4.) Lose even more ad revenue somehow

    5.) Fire your entire ad sales team

  • Ain't paying shit.
  • That famous twitter live streaming feature people use.

  • Holy fuck, r/neoliberal just destroyed communism, shut this site down
  • Neoliberalism - dad owns a law firm

    Social democracy - dad is a non-managing partner at the law firm

    Communism - dad is only an associate at the law firm

  • Holy fuck, r/neoliberal just destroyed communism, shut this site down
  • Americans famously never caused deaths of Vietnamese people.

  • Holy fuck, r/neoliberal just destroyed communism, shut this site down
  • The top reply being an "I make money and you have to work" comment is really funny. Bro we know, if you didn't have a fake job at daddy's lawfirm you wouldn't be a neoliberal.

  • Lmaooo

    I thought this was gonna be about a recession, it's boomers mad they can't harass the zoomers without getting sued
