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Can The Lord of the Rings Ever be Remastered? (Jesse Tribble, 21 minutes)
  • Now you will not be able to unsee green tint in old LOTR memes

  • Cat distribution
  • Yes!

    This one said to me "You can't get away while I'm under the gas pedal." It was a (confirmed) stray barn cat. The most lovely and patient cat i ever knew.

  • YTA, NTA, or ESH?
  • Being older than 30, I can understand that a being older than 1000 would get confused about their age (especially if the time unit changed since they started counting!)

  • Ohio sheriff condemned for saying people with Harris yard signs should have their addresses recorded
  • Time to inject noise in this database and put H signs everywhere at random

  • AskReddit is over run by bots
  • How much can I make with a 10 yo account with average karma? Where can i sell it?

  • How 'financialized' landlords may be contributing to rising rents in Canada
  • "We're not tasked with providing clean affordable drinking water. We can't be there. We're in business."

    "We're not tasked with preventing food poisoning or affordable healthy food. We can't be there. We're in business."

    What other examples can we make where "business" is an excuse for acting in a sociopathic way?

  • Woman who was denied a liver transplant, after review highlighted alcohol use, has died
  • Notice that they never state she was an alcoholic. They also never atate she was a "high level" alcohol user. Just that she was an alcohol user.

    You can make your own assumptions about her alcohol use, but in general these rules would also excluse a "normal" alcohol user with a congenital liver failure...

  • Woman who was denied a liver transplant, after review highlighted alcohol use, has died
  • In Canada, drinking more than 3 drinks per week is medically considered "high alcohol use" for a woman... (6 for a man). This limit keeps getting lower year after year

    If this can prevent you from getting organ transplants, then it encourages lying to your medical doctor about your current habits... That lady was not considered alcoholic, she just used alcohol in greater amount than the limit considered acceptable by doctors.

    Latest stats show that almost 4 out of 5 people has exceeds that limit at some point in their life. This woman died only because she was honest with her doctor about her alcohol use. (Note that the article says her partner was a compatible donor but the system refused to accept him because she used alcohol. It's not about lacking donors.)

  • Nearly two-thirds of Canadians support tariff on Chinese-made EVs, poll finds
  • We should remove tariffs for European cars as well. Why can't I buy a small 4wd in Canada, when they have them all over?

  • Blood Meal
  • Don't look at bone meal (in the same section of the store)

  • Natural Inspiration
  • The house and pole line would fit in Quebec backcountry place or the maritimes, but the rock walls and the mountains don't fit as well.

  • Hips Don't Lie
  • They're so terrible at being lizard that they turn out to be birds...

  • Does anyone consume scene music?
  • Although I never took the time to check myself, I heard multiple reports about how streaming music has crappy dynamic range, and that the same song on CD or ripped vinyl always has much better range.

    It would be my main reason to use the scenes...

  • `"☹️".reverse() == "🙂"`
  • "🙂".reverse() == "🙃"

  • Blocked 🚫
  • Yeah, I meant to say that the incompleteness theorem proves that math cannot be perfectly pure and fundamental. I don't exactly care which field claims it, because I don't like to encourage artificial boundaries between disciplines. It's nice to use information theory results in physics :)

  • Blocked 🚫
  • Following from this, then math isn't useless!

  • Blocked 🚫
  • I was about to say "incompleteness theorem"!

  • Not all ai is bad, just most of it
  • I'd like all ai service to publish the energy used in training the model and performing inference.

    "Queries uses an average of X kWh of power. A model training run requires X MWh, and the development of this model over the years required X TWh of power."

    Then we could judge companies by that metric. Off course, rich people would look for the most power-draining model for the sake of it.

  • Analysis: We consume up to a credit card’s worth of plastic *every* week
  • Yeah. There'll probably be a long period before plastic can be biodegraded, like it happened for wool/cellulose in pre-historic periods.

    At some point, a mushroom will learn how to use it efficiently and then it will all be degraded.

    We will be long gone by then.

  • Removed
    I guess we doin'
  • Yamaha's got wood!

  • Word to replace "weird" when used in a positive context

    Now that it seems decided that the word "weird" should be used in a derogatory way against sociopathic narcissists in politics, I have to be careful about how i use this word.

    In the recent years, I usually used it to describe someone or something that was different in an interesting and charming way. I am neurodivergent in a way that is easily hidden (not that I make coucious efforts to hide it), I would often describe myself as just "slightly weird". I no longer want to use this word to describe myself anymore because of the above mentioned reasons.

    In old literature, I've seen the word queer used as such, but today it doesn't really carry that meaning anymore. Although I wouldn't really mind if it confused people about my gender, I don't really worry about that. 😁

    Any other suggestions ro help describe myself that wouldn't put the focus of the discussion on neurotypes?

    Web Comics i_love_FFT
    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Conscious Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Conscious

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Conscious

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Conscious
    Web Comics i_love_FFT
    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - AAAAAAAAAAA Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - AAAAAAAAAAA

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - AAAAAAAAAAA

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - AAAAAAAAAAA

    I love how Zach doesn't event need to explain what they are screaming about.

    Web Comics i_love_FFT
    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Precarious Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Precarious

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Precarious

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Precarious
    Web Comics i_love_FFT
    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Relatable Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Relatable

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Relatable

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Relatable

    Here's a joke for you: what's the difference between dogs and cats?

    Web Comics i_love_FFT
    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Pronounce Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Pronounce

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Pronounce

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Pronounce
    Web Comics i_love_FFT
    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Co-Op Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Co-Op

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Co-Op

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Co-Op
    Web Comics i_love_FFT
    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Springtime Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Springtime

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Springtime

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Springtime

    So it should be called "the big boing" instead of the big bang?

    Rattler II and clustering

    Today I updated my missile racks and put a bunch of cluster missiles (Rattler II) on them because i remember they used to be the beast next then.

    Now I notice that they often hit the target without splitting into smaller missiles. Is there something like a "minimum split distance" or just a bug about them?

    I like how overwhelming the number of pips becomes when they work well! 😎

    Web Comics i_love_FFT
    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Scribe Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Scribe

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Scribe

    Web Comics i_love_FFT
    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Transporter Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Transporter

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Transporter

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Transporter

    Your soul is quantum-entangled with the computer during the transfer, so don't worry! Unless you believe in the many-world interpretation of quantum mechanics, because there's a bug in the software about that specific topic!

    Web Comics i_love_FFT
    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Paradigm Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Paradigm

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Paradigm

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Paradigm
    Web Comics i_love_FFT
    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Epic Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Epic

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Epic

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Epic

    The Epic of Mr Bean is a documentary on the typical 20th century lifestyle.

    Web Comics i_love_FFT
    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Conscious Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Conscious

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Conscious

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Conscious
    Web Comics i_love_FFT
    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - River Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - River

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - River

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - River

    I wonder what Rivers Cuomo would think of it.

    Web Comics i_love_FFT
    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Copyright Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Copyright

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Copyright

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Copyright
    Web Comics i_love_FFT
    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Purity Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Purity

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Purity

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Purity

    This comic is isomorphic to an xkcd joke.

    Web Comics i_love_FFT
    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Gods Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Gods

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Gods

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Gods
    Web Comics i_love_FFT
    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Bang Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Bang

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Bang

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Bang
    Web Comics i_love_FFT
    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Symmetry Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Symmetry

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Symmetry

    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Symmetry
    i_love_FFT i_love_FFT
    Posts 32
    Comments 245