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TIL most cultures and peoples all over the world have historically had trouble recognizing the color blue
  • I want to better understand this because the sky is clearly a specific color that has been there since the beginning.

    How did proto humans not look up at the sky and considered in their feeble brains, "everything above the ground is this very unique color. It's different from the ground, and the plants."

    I get that sea and lakes really don't look blue. But did they look up and not see some shade of blue on a clear day?

  • Nintendo Does What Everybody Else Nintendon’t - Aftermath
  • It's weird that fanboys still desire the latest tech from Nintendo. They haven't given a damn since the GameCube.

    And you know what, i still like my graphical fidelity, but thats what the PC is for. Nintendo consoles are for the great gameplay loops they always manage to develop into there games.

  • Steam Next Fest Best Retro Indie Demos! - Mega Man, Mario, and Yo-yo Zelda!
  • Thanks for the list. I've been playing indie games for about 15 years and the retro inspiration has always been the best part about them. Graphics never mattered and it meant that gameplay was put first, just like the old days.

  • I hate to say it but I haven't been very active on lemmy, but I want to be

    Hopefully things change once updates to 0.19 with scaled sorting. And maybe you guys and gals have some advice for fixing my issue.

    To keep my feed fresh I subscribed to all the big communities full of memes. They do have engagement beyond funny jokes, but I'm tired of how political everything is.

    I'm not trying to bury my head in the sand, on the contrary, im highly aware how much fascism has taken its grips on the world. But I don't need to be reminded everytime I'm on lemmy.

    So I'm hoping once scaled sorting is on, the lemmyverse will transform. I hope I start seeing my hobbyist community come to life.

    Or if people have recommendations for large communities not full of politics that works too. Maybe memes and shitposts aren't for me.

    Why we might be alone

    A public lecture from a scientist adding to the conversation. What makes this lecture interesting is he is not disproving that alien life can exist, but instead trying to curb expectations because of the little data we have to back up claims. More importantly is the message that it is important for scientists to be care of biases when discussing this topic.

    Why We Might Be Alone

    A public lecture from a scientist adding to the conversation. What makes this lecture interesting is he is not disproving that alien life can exist, but instead trying to curb expectations because of the little data we have to back up claims. More importantly is the message that it is important for scientists to be care of biases when discussing this topic.

    Casually Explained: The Levels of AI
    4.5 Billion Years in 1 hour

    Kurzgesagt took 4 years to put together this video. It's quite profound if you stick with it, with a great soundtrack. We really have been here in the blink of an eye.

    [Fresh Album] Closure in Moscow - Soft Hell Soft Hell

    Closure in Moscow · Album · 2023 · 12 songs.

    Soft Hell

    A couple weeks behind, but life's been busy. Can't believe its been 9 years since Pink Lemonade! But this album was worth the wait. I absolutely love how his voice reminds me of Cedric Bixler-Zavala from the Mars Volta.

    Rock music has been good lately.

    It would be nice to give less active communities more weight in your subscribed feed

    Lemmy is still small and growing, so trying to use your subscribed feed of smaller communities, mixed in with larger communities leaves you with a very uneven feed as your scroll. I like being subscribed to the largest Technology community, but also I am subscribed to the Movies and TV community. One is more active with posts and more comments, and the other is not so much. In this scenario, the current algorithms will always show a feed full of technology posts for pages, and you wont end up seeing Movies and TV until you scroll for a awhile.

    I understand that the issues is, "The community isn't active enough". Fair. But could prioritizing smaller communities in the algorithm help these small communities become more active then?

    If there was way for the subscribed feed to better spread out all of your subscribed communities over your front page, I think this would help smaller communities get more attention. Plus it would be nice to see my smaller communities showing up at the top of my feed. Instead it shows 5 Lemmy Shitposts, 5 Memes and 5 Technology posts, before I see anything else.

    Im no programmer, so Im not going to act like I think this would be easy or possible, but I thought id throw this idea out there and maybe it will get some traction.

    [Fresh Track] Starfucker - Always/Never Always / Never

    STRFKR · Song · 2023

    Always / Never

    They haven't done anything innovative in a quite some time, but they are consistent. Still love their style and sound.

    Recording Spotify to your DAW, can this get your account banned?

    Does Spotify have a way to see if your computer is recording with your DAC's stereo mix? And if so, is there a way around it?

    [Fresh Album] Yukon Blonde - Shuggie Shuggie

    Yukon Blonde · Album · 2023 · 9 songs.


    So these guys have really travel across the genre-verse. I think their entire discography is great, but there has been a slow evolution of their sound over the years. I think its great a this band can keep up with quality and change after 14 years.

    [FRESH ALBUM] HONEYMOAN - Sorry Like You Mean It Sorry Like You Mean It

    HONEYMOAN · Album · 2023 · 11 songs.

    Sorry Like You Mean It

    Hailing from South Africa and giving us some neo-psychedelia you would expect from the Aussies.

    [Fresh Album] Millionyoung - Ocean View Ocean View

    Millionyoung · Album · 2023 · 9 songs.

    Ocean View

    Millionyoung is the other chillwave artist that kicks ass (beside neon indian) still going strong with new tunes.

    List of defederated Instances

    Is there an on going recorded list of the defederated Instances from

    Help Me understand Steam Deck vs SteamOS compatibility

    From my understanding Steam Decks come with SteamOS preinstalled on them. Yet when you look at the list of games on steam that are compatible with Linux + SteamOS, its a small fraction.

    But what confuses me is this page

    It shows your games that are compatible with the Steam Deck which has a Linux based OS. And almost my entire library is compatible with the Deck. Can someone help me understand how this is possible? If games are compatible with the Steam Deck, why wouldn't they also work on Ubuntu for example?

    Trying to find a website that shows the threadiverse active user number over a long period of time

    unless im missing something, seems to only track this stuff over the course of the past 14 days.

    I want to see active users on Lemmy/kbin over a long period of time. Where can i see this data?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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