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xkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
  • I mean, I wouldn't call riding a motorcycle "safe".

    I'm not even arguing against them, it just feels like calling it "safe" makes it easy to dismiss all the safety precautions you should take and safety gear you should use whenever you do ride one.

  • Guys is this real?
  • Imagining scenario's in an attempt to prepare for them.

    Successfully! I remember reading about research into how folks survive scenarios, and having thought about it ahead of time was one of the big ones.

  • Christian Life International
  • So, I grew up in a super religious environment -- which is where I grew up, not necessarily the folks in this picture. But if this was from my childhood, I would imagine it went down like this: there are quite a few people who are 100% bought in to the religious teachings. A few of those folks probably got together and developed this idea. No double entendre meant or understood. But there are also quite a few folks who are at least aware of the real world. Those folks saw this trainwreck unfolding in slow motion. But the problem is, sex is taboo. So what are they going to do? Raise the alarm? Explain to everyone who doesn't know what a clit is? And then, worst of all, explain how they know what a clit is? Oh hell no. That's just never going to happen. So if the team embarrasses themselves, well, I guess that was just God's will.

  • The comment is part of the data analysis so I didn't crop it
  • Wow that's crazy. I still remember some of the questions that supposedly made me and my partner 99% compatible. That's such a drastic shift for them.

    Edit for unrelated story: My second highest match was like 97%, but she clarified in her profile that she was looking for a bi third to join her and her partner. OKC kept recommending her so eventually I just messaged her to say "I'm not what you're looking for but good luck!"

  • *opens calculator app*
  • I feel like that's what the percentage was meant to approximate. Because more people in a party are likely to have a larger bill and will definitely be more work. Of course there are more variables and one constant percentage won't always result in the same reasonable wage for their work.

  • No hablo ingles
  • In the last panel, the void is lying in order to avoid answering for its earlier lies. Pretending you don't speak English is a fairly common tactic, though I suspect more so in jokes/as a joke than seriously.

  • "In a first, cryptographic keys protecting SSH connections stolen in new attack" In a first, cryptographic keys protecting SSH connections stolen in new attack

    An error as small as a single flipped memory bit is all it takes to expose a private key.

    In a first, cryptographic keys protecting SSH connections stolen in new attack

    I read most of this article trying to determine if I was impacted, so to save you the trouble:

    > The researchers traced the keys they compromised to devices that used custom, closed-source SSH implementations that didn’t implement the countermeasures found in OpenSSH and other widely used open source code libraries.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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