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Treated ADHD and remaining symptoms: your experience?
  • Medication is a leg up but not a cure for ADHD. Some people can come off medication and be perfectly functional adults, others will need support for their whole life. I was first diagnosed in 1998 but we were still in the early days of really understanding it along with learning disabilities and how we treat them. In addition I was already an adult so many of my habits, and brain pathways had been established already.

    Today, I still fidget, I still forget things, I still nod my head and pretend I listened but nothing was captured or understood, I still get moments of hyperfixation and times where I cant find any motivation to do anything even preferred tasks. Probably the hardest thing for me is impulse control and executive function, and its the least affected by my medication.

    I struggle with communication and authority and can react poorly in social situations because of this impulse/executive function difficulty. Thankfully I have support other than just chemical, I have an ADHD coach (she is ok), and a Therapist who is fantastic.

    { "diagnosis": "ADHD", "treatment": ["lisdexamfetamine ", "sertraline"], "age": "43", "years_in_treatment": "25", "remaining_symptoms": [ "fidgeting", "hyperfixations", "hyperfocus","executive dysfunction","interm memory disorder","depression","racing thoughts" ], "attention_span": "45", "record_date": "31/05/2024" }

  • 'but why are you only complaining about DEMOCRATS?'
  • Money is not speech, and individuals can donate, but corporations should not be able to do so. First Past the Post always produces a 2 party system, we need to switch to something like ranked choice, or other voting system where my vote counts, and i can vote for candidates who I actually want to win. I want redistricting to be non partisan by law, and proportional universally as was the intent in the constitution. If that means that we need to expand the house (which we do) to keep at the 30,000:1 ratio defined in the constitution then we should do so. I want voting right to be treated as rights. Automatic registration, paid national voting holidays, and overturning felony disenfranchisement.

    So, these are not my ideas and they are being fed to me, by who? Also yes not a single one of them is my idea they are concepts that I have found through research, discussions, and deliberate thought.

    You keep attacking me personally but providing no rational rebuttal to any of the references or points I have made. I really am open to adjusting my opinions when provided with better evidence or better arguments (logical not emotional). I really dont understand what you want from me, do you want me to just vote for democrats because Trump is evil? Do you want me to just vote because you think every vote counts? Do you think I have an agenda to get people not to vote for Biden because I disagree with his support of Netanyahu?

    Could you please take a moment to stop attack and help me understand?

  • 'but why are you only complaining about DEMOCRATS?'
  • I would guess idiot because I have no clue what "agitprop" is.

    I am having a hard time understanding why you are attacking me, and my level of intelligence rather than providing evidence or reasoned arguments to better help me understand why my positions may be invalid.

    I dont disagree that they did not have the votes, and that is the problem, they never have the votes when they need them, and never use them when they have them. The Democrats are a loose coalition and calling them a party is laughable.

    If they want my vote they have to earn it, because every single election they pull the same shit saying that this republican is the most evil. They did it with Regan, with Bush Sr, with Bush Jr, and again with Trump. And yet somehow the most evil always shows up the next election, and nothing changes. Having a most evil is how they maintain power, and is a requirement for it to continue. If the Democrats really cared they would have already made this type of fascism impossible without having to beg and plea with the population that this time is different, and this time we just have to win to save the country, and maybe, maybe if we beg enough we can make a difference this time...

    Maybe there is a third alternative, maybe you have Stockholm syndrome and are in love with your jailer.

  • 'but why are you only complaining about DEMOCRATS?'
  • We can start with recent history first: The democrats have not had the balls to stop filibuster abuse The Democrats did watched as a justice appointment was stolen, and did nothing substantial. Remember Citizens United, and how we all knew that it would open the flood gates to dark money... Well now that the Democrats are on the receiving end you will notice how silent they are about any campaign finance reform beyond lip-service.

    What about the two most important redistricting, where were the democrats in protecting voting rights and fair elections? The Heritage Foundation enacted a plan to sweep red leaning people into key positions throughout the US in 2000 and again 2010.

    So much of this goes back as far as the 1920's

    So, what real reforms do I want, and have I been pushing for at local to state levels?

    1. Money is not speech, and individuals can donate, but corporations should not be able to do so.
    2. First Past the Post always produces a 2 party system, we need to switch to something like ranked choice, or other voting system where my vote counts, and i can vote for candidates who I actually want to win.
    3. I want redistricting to be non partisan by law, and proportional universally as was the intent in the constitution. If that means that we need to expand the house (which we do) to keep at the 30,000:1 ratio defined in the constitution then we should do so.
    4. I want voting right to be treated as rights. Automatic registration, paid national voting holidays, and overturning felony disenfranchisement.

    Its crazy, that I would ask the Democratic party to enact actual democratic policy that protects, and encourages citizen participation.

  • 'but why are you only complaining about DEMOCRATS?'
  • I am open to education, so what do they mean?

  • 'but why are you only complaining about DEMOCRATS?'
  • I somehow doubt that.

    Fair, its semi-hyperbolic as I do enjoy basic federal protections regarding free speech. The problem is that in practice and enforcement its effectively illegal.

    Disorderly Conduct
    TCA § 39-17-305:
    (a) A person commits an offense who, in a public place and with intent to cause public annoyance or alarm:
    (1) Engages in fighting or in violent or threatening behavior;
    (2) Refuses to obey an official order to disperse issued to maintain public safety in dangerous proximity to a fire, hazard or other emergency; or
    (3) Creates a hazardous or physically offensive condition by any act that serves no legitimate purpose.
    (b) A person also violates this section who makes unreasonable noise that prevents others from carrying on lawful activities.
    (c) A violation of this section is a Class C misdemeanor.
    Failure To Obey
    TCA § 55-8-104:
    (a) No person shall willfully fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order or direction of any police officer invested by law with authority to direct, control or regulate traffic. (b) A violation of this section is a Class C misdemeanor.
    Resisting Arrest
    TCA § 39-16-602:
    (a) It is an offense for a person to intentionally prevent or obstruct anyone known to the person to be a law enforcement officer, or anyone acting in a law enforcement officer’s presence and at the officer’s direction, from effecting a stop, frisk, halt, arrest or search of any person, including the defendant, by using force against the law enforcement officer or another.
    (b) Except as provided in § 39-11-611, it is no defense to prosecution under this section that the stop, frisk, halt, arrest or search was unlawful.
    (c) It is an offense for a person to intentionally prevent or obstruct an officer of the state or any other person known to be a civil process server in serving, or attempting to serve or execute, any legal writ or process.
    (d) A violation of this section is a Class B misdemeanor unless the defendant uses a deadly weapon to resist the stop, frisk, halt, arrest, search or process server, in which event the violation is a Class A misdemeanor.

    The summery is that if a duly appointed officer of the law says, even unconstitutionally, that I cannot protest, and I do not instantly and polity comply with this unconstitutional order, then I have committed a felony.

    My only redress is to prove that the request was unconstitutional in court, AFTER i have been arrested and put in jail.

    So yeah... GL.

  • 'but why are you only complaining about DEMOCRATS?'
  • No shit, its been hard watching my freedom, and my voice slowly being eroded by the fascists over the last 30 years.

    In that time I have only ONCE missed an election, and I have never had my vote elect a single person with the exception of the city council. Its hard to keep going when you have been disenfranchised for most of your life.

  • 'but why are you only complaining about DEMOCRATS?'
  • I dont think you get it, I can't vote against any of these things, they are not options in my state. I dont get choice, we did not have a primary, the democrats are NOT viable in my state.

    My plan is to stand between the fascists and my neighbors who are identified as part of any "other" group. Fascism already runs my state, and they are just waiting for the rest of the country to get on board.

    The only choice left to me is to physically risk my life and the life of my family, because even protesting is against the law in my state. So when it gets to that point, it will be what I have to do.

  • 'but why are you only complaining about DEMOCRATS?'
  • Yep, and its a real issue that I have to wrestle with in my own decisions. The good news is my state wont go for Biden because were gerrymandered to hell and back so I can vote however I want.

  • 'but why are you only complaining about DEMOCRATS?'
  • I find this situation unacceptable, I will not be held hostage to the democrats because they cant be bothered to enact real reform when they should have, nor when they bent over backwards to let the court be stacked by fascists.

    Were here, because of them, the republicans have been crystal clear since basically Nixon that their goal is a white christian fascist state. I cannot and will not continue to reward a do nothing party when they manufactured this situation to force me to vote for them because the "other guy" is worse.

    I also will keep fighting fascism, but I will NOT pick up the democrat's flag and wave it as though I support them.

    If not voting for Biden is a vote for Trump, then its the Democrats fault because they ran Biden, not mine. I will vote my conscience, and I will vote based on the best evidence in-front of me.

    If the Democrats want me to vote for them, they know where I am, and they are more than welcome to reach out and talk to me and listen.

  • 'but why are you only complaining about DEMOCRATS?'
  • Just because someone does not want to vote for Biden does not mean they want Trump to win. That is a reductive argument and its the root of the issue with the system in the US. Picking the lesser evil is not a viable method for electing people to positions of power. What if the dems also nominated someone openly fascist, not just genocidal?

    Would we pick the least fascist, fascist? The Democratic party needs reform, and unlike the Republican party they might actually listen because they at least say they will. Its either that or were already in a fascism and were being gas lit by the democratic party to think we have a voice.

  • 'but why are you only complaining about DEMOCRATS?'
  • Thats lucky, we were not given any choices in my state, we had no discussion, no primary debates, and no discussion as to the viability of running with Biden.

    I love Bernie, but his real shot was 2016 and the Dems blocked his path so they would not have to have a real vote which would have embarrassed Hillary.

  • 'but why are you only complaining about DEMOCRATS?'
  • Did you get an opportunity to suggest realistic alternatives? Or did the Democratic party steamroll your local primary and rob you of your voice?

  • Have you ever bough an external hardrive only to take the disk out of it?
  • many times, shucking is a very valid way to get large format disks for cheaper than retail NAS parts. But be aware of what your buying and make sure that the disk your getting if its a white label is a reliable disk. WD Easystore/Mybook are generally good, as are the larger format Seagate external.

  • Americans, what's the plan if Trump wins the election in November? (serious)
  • I will never suggest any form of equivalency because there simply is not one. The republican party is clearly a bad actor and comparing the democrats and suggesting they are in some way an equal evil is a ludicrous fallacy.

    But that does not mean that voting democrat is an imperative, nor that they become a valid choice because the "others" are invalid.

    The bulk of my voting power comes from republican primaries where I can have an outsized impact on which evil will get the chance to run, but beyond that my votes count for nothing.

    My point is simply that if the democrats actually cared about making a difference, they would not prop up dead candidates, they would not bend over backwards to help move the goal posts for the republicans. What they could really do is change the laws around how we vote, create automatic registration, make election days mandatory holidays with mandatory time off to vote, pass laws around campaign fiance and transparency. But they wont, because the same tools help them "win" and have power.

    Just look at Trudeau, who ran on a platform of voting reform in Canada, the second he had control he dropped that promise like it was radioactive. Why voluntarily break the system that put him and his party into power.... It clearly worked for them before. Same logic applies to the dem's in the US. They wont change the system, even while its being broken, because they still think it gives them a shot at power. We dont need power, we need actual population based representation and robust protection from corporate ownership of our government.

  • Unixporn infinitevalence
    Never perfect, but good for now


    I will never be done tweaking and adjusting things, but for now, this is how I want it.

    I do wish I had more control over things like Discord and Steam. Some of the colors and things just dont fit well with the rest of the style but o well, cant make everything perfect.

    Americans, what's the plan if Trump wins the election in November? (serious)
  • Not even close but that still does not mean I have a valid choice.

  • Americans, what's the plan if Trump wins the election in November? (serious)
  • What am I supposed to do then. I tried voting progressive and Democrat, I tried organizing, I tried donating and fund raising, I tried at the local level.

    And every step of the way the Democrats have gone out of their way to help move the goal posts to the point that my choices for a school board member we're someone openly racist or someone who is openly sexist.

    For president I get genocide or fascism... Gee really motivating me there folks.

  • LGA-1700 CPU for virtualization?
  • Im not sure Intel has any worthwhile CPU's unless you are getting them used.

    Currently E cores are mostly trash, and not all that "efficient" and letting a P Core turbo up and get the task completed uses less overall power.

    Secondly Intel is lying about its heat output, and power use. Everything from 10th gen up is a power hog if you dont limit the performance to well below "stock" settings.

    This is a good match up between an i5-13500 vs R5 7600, which is the most interesting IMO. The R5 7600 seems to be about $15 less expensive for just the CPU and uses 3/4ths the power which will be a greater savings over time vs Intel. The AMD Motherboards also still seem to trend a bit lower in cost than Intel.

    So overall its a good question. If you can get a use 13500 or one under $150 then its probably worth it, but at retail prices the 7600 will cost less to buy, and less to own while being similar in performance.

  • Linus Tech Tips (LTT) release investigation results on former accusations
  • I thought so too, but tbh it seems like the Defamation statement was actually geared at fanboys and anti fanboys.

    Otherwise it makes no sense to bring it up.

  • [SOLVED] I'm cheap and want a Linux keyboard
  • Awesome to hear, Keychron makes some keyboards that are a great value, even if they are not the best.

    I keep going back to my K4v2.

  • Partner broke the vacuum tube, so designed and printed replacements.

    Replacement tubes are only about $15 but why spend that when I can just print them!

    Down clock USB 3.1 to 5 Gbit/s

    Hey there fellow neck-beards and grey-beards!

    I have a motherboard with USB3.1 and I need to down clock it so its always 5 Gbit/s and never faster.

    Is there any way to do this, my DuckDuckGo Fu is not finding the right combination of words.

    I use Arch BTW...

    Just kidding im still running Manjaro.


    Dear Brother Printers: Eat a [Sponsor friendly words here] New firmware updates affect aftermarket cartridges - The Recycler

    The Recycler has learned that new firmware updates implemented by Brother and HP could be affecting the usage of some third-party cartridges.

    New firmware updates affect aftermarket cartridges - The Recycler

    For a while now I have been a Brother evangelist because they just worked, they did not lock you into first party only printing supplies, and they were overall a good value.

    THEN: my printer firmware auto updated and suddenly my toner cartridges were no longer recognized. Its not that they ran out and I put in new ones, simply the ones that had previously worked (3rd party already) just stopped and it reported an error.

    I managed to find a guide on downgrading the firmware, and now I am back up and running and auto update is turned off. I am also saving all the little chips from the Brother branded cartridges.

    So Dear Brother Printers, Please choke on a bag of dicks. I spent $500ish on a laser color printer so I would not have to deal with the shitification that has happened to inkjet. Seeing hostile and profiteering consumer behavior from other printer companies you decided to copy them for short term gains.

    Well I will no longer recommend your products, and I will go out of my way to fix and downgrade your older printers with the sole purposes of putting them back into use and costing you new sales.

    1 down, 1 in the cue, feel free to stop being anti consumer and breaking hardware we already paid for.

    URL referencing the last time I know they got caught messing with Firmwares:

    Down-voting without adding to discussion is as bad as not fixing videos.

    Hey folks... Yes we all saw the drama, and yes Linus probably did not understand that the criticism was of their pace and methodology rather than on a single video.

    BUT please down vote bad content, not because your mad at Linus, and more importantly if you are down-voting to protest, do it on Youtube!

    This unofficial community (of like 3 people) is not affiliated, we are not beholden, we are fully independent and have no connection to LTT. Down voting here without adding to the discussion is as bad as posting YouTube video's without fixing the errors.

    7yo decided they wanted to update their GMMK

    My 7 Year Old decided that their GMMK needed a key cap refresh, so we sat down pulled off all the old caps, and put on new ones out of my spare/surplus.


    The old Keycaps: !

    Made a custom Aluminum base

    The only real complaint I have had for my Keychron K4 has been the plastic case, so yesterday I decided NO MORE!

    I took some aluminim stock plate I had left over from another unrelated project and trimmed it down, tapped and countersunk mounting holes, and give it a hand brushed look with some 80 grit sand paper.

    So far it feels solid, and I love the diffuse reflections from the key illumination. Combining the open sandwich plate with low profile caps gives it a really cool "exploded" or raw look.

    I also added some silicone rubber to some of the larger keys to tone the "ping" down and give them a heftier feel and sound.

    I dont love the stock stabilizers that come with this board so they may be the next update. Switches and Firmware are already all custom.




    New caps makes it feel like a new board!

    Keychron K4v2, put some LSA Keychron Developer caps on it. Required a little modification to shave down the stabs but I like the look, now I just need to fix the sound since the reduced mass of the cap leaves some snap back ping on larger keys.

    3am but at least I finished my movie!

    Thanks ADHD I really needed to go down the rabbit hole for a single actor and pull all the threads. I'm sure it won't have consequences.

    Fediverse Award Token/Crypto

    So, never thought i would suggest a form of crypto or token, but it struck me that one of the best ways to help people pay for hosting services would be to create a de-centralized crypto token that when awarded to a user it is send on the back end to their instance.

    If we put this token on some of the exchanges then people could pay with either real money by buying tokens and gifting/awarding them, or converting other crypto into Fediverse tokens.

    We could even use the same blockchain to allow minting of one off or limited run tokens where users can create their own.

    Would also be cool if awards attach to the profile and are federated, but with the ability to make tokens private by the user.

    Just a thought, because someone wanted to give me gold for a post, and I linked to our donation page, but man it would be easy if they could have just purchased a token and sent it right then and there without having to go through all the different instance donation methods.

    Sadly, I am not a programmer so hopefully this idea is worth a shit and one of you smart people takes it and runs.

    Keychron mechanical keyboards unofficial support infinitevalence
    Keychron Q0 Plus Unboxing and mini-review Keychron Q0 Plus Unboxing - Album on Imgur

    Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more from users like infinitevalence.

    A while back after it was announced I purchased the Q0 to test its use as a macro pad. As part of that I figured why not do some pictures and write a little review.

    The Good:

    • Quality packaging means it wont be damaged in shipping
    • The included C to C cable is great, and a good length
    • The included A to C adapter is useful to have!
    • The Foam between the plate and PCB is good quality
    • QMK/VIA support is essential and works well
    • ALU is good quality and well machined
    • lots of little quality details, like rubber pads between the base and top of the case to keep it from rattling or shifting around.
    • USBC port is on a daughter board that is replaceable separate from the main PCB.
    • Screw in stabs

    The Meh:

    • The encoder is soldered not socketed so you cant swap it with something else or replace it.
    • The encoder feels like garbage to me, it has "scratchy drag" and a the tactile feedback extreme and each step feels like its locking into position.
    • The screws holding the case together require an Alan key, while on the inside the USBC port is screwed to the case using Phillips.... Why why are there two different types of screws!
    • PCB and Plate are screwed using Phillips as well.
    • Masonite (maybe) paper is glued to the bottom of the PCB to prevent shorts, but is a PITA to separate.

    The WTF:

    • listing says it has case foam on the bottom, mine does not.
    • gasket is way to soft for me, i would have preferred a much stiffer foam, so I will have to replace this.

    Overall, its nice, if you dont have a num-pad and are looking for a very high end, high quality one with extra macro tools this is a great fit. If you like stiff springs/switches you probably wont like the Gasket.

    Build: 8/10 Feel: 4/10 Features: 8/10 Value: 6 /10

    Keychron mechanical keyboards unofficial support infinitevalence
    Add QMK to your older K Series Home

    The Sonix QMK community has ported many Sonix MCU boards from the like of womier, redragon and keychron to the open source keyboard firmware QMK.

    If you have an older K series Keychron keyboard that includes a Sonix MCU you can flash to a custom firmware that supports QMK/VIA so you dont have to use the garbage stock software.

    What kind of hardware are yall running?

    I really want to setup an instance at home I know the MI25 can be hacked into doing this well but I would love to know what other people are running and see if I can find a good starter kit.

    THX ~inf

    infinitevalence infinitevalence
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