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usb rule
  • coffee instead of personality

    get out of my brain.

  • is this pixel 6 pro salvageable or should I return it?
  • Sorry, but you kinda got scammed on this one. You can buy a good used P6 pro for the cost of a screen replacement.

    Return it if you can.

  • Italy!? You must mean Pizza
  • As a Michigander I am greatly offended.

  • hair(ule)
  • I just yolo'd it through the mullet phase, then once it was long enough I trimmed everything to the same length.

  • Prepare your Firefox desktop extension for the upcoming Android release
  • uBlock has been available on stable for a long time now.

  • Primes
  • It pretends to be prime and we all go along with it to avoid hurting its feeling.

  • rule
  • Gender seems like more trouble than it's worth.

  • NSFW
    I love systemd
  • I love systemd. Anyone who has tried to write initscripts or manage dependencies will agree with me.

  • Favorite Terminal Emulator
  • I have it bound to capslock. What else am I going to use that key for?

  • Favorite Terminal Emulator
  • Yakuake. <3 drop down terminals.

  • Any suggestions to find LTT content that are Floatplane Exclusive?
  • No and no.

    It's a video/streaming platform that pays creators fairly and doesn't rely on ads or harvesting user info.

  • Quick and easy two ingredient burrito
  • Are we doing beans again? Lets do beans again!

  • Trying to use a Shelly Plus 1PM to monitor my pool's SWG, but the switch function isn't working
  • What's your end goal? To be able to control the SWG with either the timer or shelly, or just monitor power?

    If you just want to monitor power, leave shelly on all the time and don't use the switch input at all.

  • Scientists develop game-changing vaccine against Lyme disease ticks
  • There used to be a vaccine approved for human use, but it was discontinued because it wasn't profitable.

    Yay capitalism.

  • I think I'm ready to start up my nuclear plant.
  • Lol, I know. Just want to make a joke about way too many shiny green rocks.

  • Normies trying to use Lemmy rule
  • First yiff is free.

  • A vanilla soy latte is a type of 3-bean soup.
  • Both pizza and open faced sandwiches are actually just toast.

  • Package Managers
  • dnf packages or you might get paper cuts.

  • Factorio °˖✧ ipha ✧˖°
    I think I'm ready to start up my nuclear plant.

    Or maybe I should stock up a few more chests =P

    ipha °˖✧ ipha ✧˖°


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