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HomeAssistant on RaspberryPi doesn't boot anymore
  • Ah, I didn't make it a link to be clickable, sorry, fixed it now for everyone else ^^

  • HomeAssistant on RaspberryPi doesn't boot anymore
  • I think you should be able to click on the image and make it bigger.

  • I'll break the cycle...some day....
  • Pro tip: Install PieFed, it's much easier to run because it's just a python script and it's way easier on the resources than Lemmy.

  • HomeAssistant on RaspberryPi doesn't boot anymore

    I run my HomeAssistant on a RaspberryPi 4 from a SD card. Two days ago I did a upgrade to the newest version (I don't remember if it was HomeAssistant or the Operating System) and since then it does not boot anymore.

    I connected it via HDMI to a screen and got those errors:


    It looks to me that the SD card is corrupted or something. Any idea if I can fix it in any way or do I need to redo the setup from scratch?

    Why self host a password manager?
  • I use KeePassXC and use syncthing to sync the database to each devise I own. This way I always have the newest version if the database everywhere and don't need to worry about Internet access at all.

  • YouTube is now hiding the skip button on mobile too
  • It is an ad-jumper!

  • YouTube is now hiding the skip button on mobile too
  • And SmartTube on the TV.

  • had my first bottle explode. have you?
  • Yeah you need to find good bottles, I had some explode too.

  • Verschwinden Sauerkraut und Kaffeefilter aus den Supermärkten?
  • Ich hab noch mal genauer geschaut. Ehrlich gesagt dachte ich immer es sei Metall, aber das scheint irgend ein Plastik zu sein:

  • Verschwinden Sauerkraut und Kaffeefilter aus den Supermärkten?
  • Unserer ist teil der Maschine, kein verschleissteil.

  • Verschwinden Sauerkraut und Kaffeefilter aus den Supermärkten?
  • Unser Filter ist ein Metallsieb. Funktioniert so gut dass ich keinen unterschied merke ausser dass ich nicht immer filter kaufen und wegwerfen muss.

  • Besides bars/clubs/restaurants, where else do you go/do when you want to get out of the house?
  • Since we got the baby I can't do it anymore but especially when I was single it was one of my favorite things to do. I had a semi professional photo camera and I would go out and do street photography. I would go to another city for a daytrip just to do that.

  • Besides bars/clubs/restaurants, where else do you go/do when you want to get out of the house?
    • Public swimming pool
    • Public library
    • Public park
    • walking path by the river
    • espresso bar
    • public bath (with the little one)
    • friends house
    • family (in law) house
    • mall / department store
    • cinema
    • walk or bicycle around the neighborhood
    • supermarket
  • Neo-Nazis head to encrypted SimpleX Chat app, bail on Telegram
  • What I always wonder is why they don't go for something self hosted where they have the control over it.

  • Huawei laptop teardown shows China’s steps toward tech self-sufficiency
  • Yeah, I like how they call their Debian based distro a "Chinese-made operating system".

  • heroism
  • "For faking an assassination attempt in which a real person died"
    Uhm what?

  • Which way
  • Those are the only two ways? What about:

  • Why do podcasts have preroll ads now?
  • It has nothing to do with AntennaPod, it just downloads the file from the server and the server looks at your IP address and just chooses what add to put at the beginning of the file.

  • Mamma mia what is your favourite pizza?
  • By far the pizza napoletana. Especially the dough is something between pancake and bread, so delicious!

  • Väter Jeena
    Schlafen legen darf nur noch die Mama

    How the turn tables ...

    Unser kleiner ist jetzt 19 Monate alt. Im ersten Jahr war ich mit ihm Zuhause und hab ihn praktisch zu 90% schlafen gelegt. Es war schon immer schwierig und hat immer gedauert aber das war auch ne gute Zeit nur fuer uns Zwei.

    Aber seit drei Monaten ist er jetzt im Hort fuer ca. 6 Stunden am Tag, ich bring ihn um ca. 10 Uhr hin, und seine Mama holt ihn um 16 Uhr ab. Mit der Zeit hat ihn immer öfter seine Mama schlafen gelegt, weil ich ab und zu am Abend noch Meetings habe.

    Mittlerweile darf ihn nur noch die Mama schlafen legen. Wenn ich nur andeute dass wir schlafen gehen rennt er gleich zu ihr. Aber es ist immer noch schwierig und dauert manchmal bis zu zwei Stunden. Manchmal hat seine Mama genug davon und holt mich zum ablösen, wie Heute.

    So bald er merkt dass sie aus dem Zimmer raus gegangen ist fängt er fuerchterlich an zu weinen. Und da hilft auch keiner meiner alten Triks. Tragen hilft nichts, auf dem Schoss halten bringt nichts, kuscheln schon gar nicht, der Schnuller fliegt durchs halbe Zimmer wenn ich ihn nur in die Nähe bringe. Trinken ist auch nicht interessant.

    Heute hat er mir 20 Minuten ununterbrochen ins Ohr geschrien, bis die Mama es nicht mehr ausgehalten hat und wieder zurueck ins Schlafzimmer ist. Aber dank meiner Arbeit ihn zwanzig Minuten zum Schreien zu bringen ist er dann mit der Mama im Zimmer innerhalb von 5 Minuten eingeschlafen.

    Papa sein ist manchmal nicht einfach.

    How Israel Built a Modern-Day Trojan Horse: Exploding Pagers

    > > > The Israeli government did not tamper with the Hezbollah devices that exploded, defense and intelligence officials say. It manufactured them as part of an elaborate ruse. > >

    New terminal apps: Warp and Wave

    I was excited to learn about two new terminal emulator app which seemed to have a lot of cool new features, warp and wave. Then I looked closer and found that both are a no go for me.

    Warp is closed source and you need to create an account to use your terminal. Jebus Christus, no, thanks, but no.

    Wave is an Electron app. While that's better than not having a Linux version, I've seen how Electron apps behave. They are the ones which hog all memory and get killed by the OS first. So that's a no from me too.

    I guess I keep my Tilix for now.

    What movie did you watch as I kid which you shouldn't have?

    My dads brother visited us one time - when I was around 7 years old - and they sent me to bed and watched a movie together on TV. I'm not sure where my mom was, perhaps taking care of my little brother, but I quietly went down the stairs and saw them watching the movie, and I stayed very quietly so they would not know I'm there.

    It was a Bruce Lee movie, "The Big Boss (1971)". In that movie Bruce works at a ice factory and his boss kills some people and puts them into the ice. That's not the worst of it. They then have those big ice blocks and a big blade saw and that saw cuts the big blocks into smaller peaces. It also cuts those bodies in the ice blocks into smaller pieces.

    I couldn't believe what I saw and went back upstairs and couldn't fall asleep. I never told my parents.

    Väter Jeena
    Messe "Kind und Jugend" - Das große Geschäft mit dem kleinen Nachwuchs Messe "Kind und Jugend": Das große Geschäft mit dem kleinen Nachwuchs

    KI-Babyphones, Luxuskinderwagen oder Massagewippen - Produkte rund um die Bedürfnisse Neugeborener können junge Eltern viel Geld kostet. Und die Hersteller werden immer einfallsreicher. Philipp Wundersee.

    Messe "Kind und Jugend": Das große Geschäft mit dem kleinen Nachwuchs

    Habt ihr irgendwelche dieser Luxus Sachen für euere Kinder gekauft? Ist da was dabei was sich wirklich für euch gelohnt hat?


    Today on the way to the Kindergarten we saw a squirrel! We live the middle of the city but where we saw it there is a small forest close by and many trees by the road.

    A symbol for the ⁂ fediverse A symbol for the fediverse ⁂

    We propose the symbol ⁂ to represent the fediverse.

    A symbol for the fediverse ⁂

    > > > We propose the symbol ⁂ to represent the fediverse. > >

    My two favorite sodas

    Those have been my two favorite sodas for decades. Coca-Cola cherry and Dr Pepper. Both I think I had the first time at the end of the 90's when I went back to Poland on vacation to visit relatives. Now there are also those zero sugar variants.

    Germany says China was behind a 2021 cyberattack on a government agency and summons its ambassador Germany says China was behind a 2021 cyberattack on a government agency and summons its ambassador

    Officials in Berlin say an investigation has determined that “Chinese state actors” were responsible for a 2021 cyberattack on Germany’s national office for cartography.

    Germany says China was behind a 2021 cyberattack on a government agency and summons its ambassador
    How did you find your significant other?

    Let's hear some stories from the thready-verse about how you guys met your significant other.

    For me it was during the first year of COVID, my company asked who from Europe (I was living in Sweden) wanted to go for a three month business trip to coach a big Korean automotive supplier on how to do modern software development. Most of the other people had families and especially during COVID nobody wanted to travel. I said I could do it, even though I never coached before. But because nobody else volunteered they sent me and and another guy who also was single without a family, etc.

    I was convinced that the other guy would have good game with the women here, and thought that there is no harm in installing some international dating app and to try my own luck. During COVID I just lost a ton of weight and found new confidence and it was far away from home and what happens in Korea stays in Korea and so on :D

    Anyway, to my surprise during the first two weeks I got some matches and I hit it off with one of them. We met and started dating and very quickly fell for each other. Then when the 3 months were over, I asked the company if the customer would still have some use for my skills and they said yes and send me for 3 more months. I had to go back to Sweden to get a new Visa and spent another 2 weeks in quarantine (as the first time). But then the second tree months were over too and I asked again for more. By that time I was really sick of all the time in quarantine and asked if they could move me from the Swedish office to the Korean office and they agreed.

    I went back to Sweden, threw away most of my stuff and put the most valuable things up on a friends attic and moved to Korea with one suitcase. I stayed at AirBnB's for two more months and then we found an apartment and moved in together.

    She has a daughter from a previous marriage and we now have a 1.5 year old son together and we still live in Korea :D

    Sunrise in Korea

    We went to the Korean east sea and had a hotel with a great ocean view so I got up at 4:45 am to photograph the sunrise.

    Interestingly the photo looked amazing on the back of my camera but once I pulled in the raw file to Darktable it needed quite some work to get it to look like the JPEG on the back of the camera, but I got quite close.

    Suprising obvious fact: The Sun is a Star

    I was about 30 years old when I talked to my mother about some program on TV about astronomy when she mentioned that our sun is a star. It's like all the other stars we see during the night, it's just closer to us so it appears bigger. My mind was blown. I didn't understand how I could have lived for 30 years and never thought this thought.

    Yesterday me and our 10 years old were talking about the universe and things in it, and I mentioned to her that our sun is just a star like all the other ones we see during the night. I saw that her mind was as blown as mine was back when my mom told me this fact.

    Actually even in the song "Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are." it encourages us to think about this fact, but it took me 30 years to do so.

    Political Memes Jeena
    It's something with the ear
    jeena Jeena

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