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A cool guide to eye colour, including those induced by illness
  • I have a combination of green/gray/blue. I'll see if I can take a photo later.

  • A cool guide to eye colour, including those induced by illness
  • I have this! Maybe I can take a photo later.

  • Reward for fugitive ‘Cryptoqueen’ raised to $5m
  • I heard about this from a podcast called The Missing Cryptoqueen from the BBC:

    In a way it's a classic ponzi scheme so in that sense it's not that novel. But this Dr. Ruja, as she was known by people who "bought" OneCoin, sold herself and OneCoin super well and took full advantage of the crypto craze. The scale and then disappearance are crazy.

    Maybe this is in the article but I think the leading theory is that she's in the UAE or Qatar or something. I assume she can't really travel but she can just live like an actual queen over there and those governments won't care about where he money came from.

  • Paris wants an AC-free Olympic Village. Team USA and others aren't so chill with it
  • I have this system at home and it's great. Similar climate to Paris and never a problem.

  • 24 June 2024
  • This was a topic on a podcast called American Scandal. Can highly recommend, although the episodes on lobotomies were quite hard to listen to since it was so gruesome like you said. It made me very sad. Still, a very good listen and though horrible also very interesting.

  • Kabinet wil moordzaken oplossen via commerciële DNA-databanken, advocaten kritisch
  • Mijn partner denkt erover na om zo'n 23 and me achtige test te doen. Wel een goed artikel om naar te verwijzen, want je komt dan inderdaad in zulke databases terecht.

    Cold cases oplossen is leuk, maar ik ben echt zo huiverig om allemaal databases met DNA te hebben waar de overheid door kan zitten zoeken. Extreem voorbeeld maar voor Hitler zouden zulke databases een droom zijn om joden mee te kunnen vinden.

  • Kabinet wil moordzaken oplossen via commerciële DNA-databanken, advocaten kritisch Kabinet wil moordzaken oplossen via commerciële DNA-databanken, advocaten kritisch

    In het hoofdlijnenakkoord staat dat justitie data mag gebruiken van commerciële bedrijven die stamboomonderzoek doen. Met die DNA-gegevens kunnen coldcasezaken worden opgelost.

    Kabinet wil moordzaken oplossen via commerciële DNA-databanken, advocaten kritisch
    [Match thread] Netherlands vs France (Leipzig, 21:00)
  • I agree, my example and this situation don't compare. I was just wondering about where the line is. At what point does actual interference matter?

    Honestly I think the biggest controversy about this was how long the VAR took. They spent multiple minutes to make this decision which seems a bit crazy.

  • [Match thread] Netherlands vs France (Leipzig, 21:00)
  • I'm biased but just to play devil's advocate: where is the limit?

    Imagine everyone is on one half of the pitch except for three players: an attacker with the ball 40 meters from goal, the goalie who is 25 meters from goal, and another attacker who is right next to the goalkeeper, blocking the goalie's path to the goal.

    The attacker with the ball shoots the ball through the air into the empty goal, with not even a tiny chance the goalkeeper could ever make it. Is it offside?

    I would argue it isn't and I think almost no referee would say it's offside simply because the goalkeeper didn't stand a chance to get anywhere close to the ball.

    This is an extreme case, but I feel like today Maignon also would never have gotten that ball.

    It's difficult because you can't always know if a goalkeeper would have been able to reach the ball without any interference, but there's gotta be some sort of line between true interference and irrelevant interference that would never change the outcome of what is about to happen.

    I probably agree it's offside. As a Dutch person I'm frustrated now, but if I were French I'd be annoyed if the goal had been allowed.

  • Porque no los Dos?
  • Hablo un pocquito


  • [Match thread] Austria vs France (Düsseldorf, 21:00)
  • Yeah it's a yellow according to the rules so fair enough. I just find it so unsportsmanlike that I wouldn't mind this being a red.

  • [Match thread] Belgium vs Slovakia (Frankfurt, 18:00)
  • Only saw the highlights. Plenty of chances for Belgium, unlucky with the two disallowed goals. Silly way to concede though and now it's a pretty crazy group with the two strongest teams on paper in the bottom two spots.

  • [Match thread] Austria vs France (Düsseldorf, 21:00)
  • Was hoping Austria could score but honestly they didn't really come close to a goal (in the second half anyway) and France had a few opportunities to make another.

    Ridiculous what Mbappé did when he came back on to the field just to sit down and waste time. Would be happy if they changed the rules to make that a straight red.

  • Wells Fargo workers using ‘mouse movers’ are getting caught and fired - The Verge
  • Oh yeah I agree 100%, this whole thing is ridiculous and shows wells Fargo don't trust their employees and have to resort to this kind of bullshit.

    I'm just saying it's possible that these employees were fired merely for using this mouse moving software, not because they weren't getting much work done.

  • Wells Fargo workers using ‘mouse movers’ are getting caught and fired - The Verge
  • The article doesn't say the fired employees were doing this all the time. They could have used them for an hour here and there while they were out running an errand. Very difficult to spot that on any work review.

  • Kylian Mbappe calls on young people to vote in French election: ‘This is an unprecedented situation’ Mbappe calls on young people to vote in French election

    Kylian Mbappe says he stands for “diversity, tolerance and respect” as he urged young people in France to vote in the upcoming election. France forward Marcus Thuram yesterday called on citizens to vote and “fight every day” to ensure the National Rally, France’s far-ri...

    Mbappe calls on young people to vote in French election

    Good on him for doing this. He's super popular and I hope his words make a positive impact on the election results.

    [Match thread] Serbia vs England
  • Too bad Serbia couldn't score. I only watched the last half hour or so and they were creating quite a few chances.

  • Wat is een pollepel?

    Zoek op foto's van pollepels en je ziet voornamelijk twee typen pollepel:

    1. Een grote houten lepel
    2. Een diepe metalen lepel om bijvoorbeeld soep op te scheppen

    Ik zou voor type 1 altijd houten lepel zeggen en ben opgegroeid met definitie 2 en alleen 2.

    Wat zeggen jullie?

    Read This First! A primer for Lemmy users new to our community
  • Hello and a warm welcome from this random lemmy user! Good luck with everything, hope you stick around

  • EU elections 2024 live: Emmanuel Macron dissolves French parliament and calls snap elections after huge far-right gains
  • That shows because this article (even the title) tells you France will have parliamentary elections, not presidential. Macron will remain president regardless of the outcome.

  • predators
  • Hahaha also blue but waaaay more scary!

  • predators
  • I think most countries with their own sesame street have slightly different characters. We don't have big bird, we have the superior Pino.

  • U.S. workers are less satisfied with nearly every aspect of their jobs than they were a year ago, survey finds
  • Where I'm from credit cards aren't really a thing (they exist obviously but I think people mainly use them when on holiday elsewhere or when buying flights or something since often the card will have some sort of insurance).

    Anyway, I was wondering what you use/used your credit card for to get so much debt? Not shaming you in the slightest, just curious since I don't even own a credit card. And what is the interest on it? Do you pay interest every month? What happens if you can't pay?

    Just curious about the logistics of cc debt. I hear it from stories from the US all the same but don't understand how it really works.

  • Arsenal knocked out by Bayern after Kimmich header secures last-four spot Arsenal knocked out by Bayern after Kimmich header secures last-four spot

    Joshua Kimmich’s header was the only goal of the second leg but enough to earn Bayern Munich a 3-2 aggregate win to reach the Champions League semi-finals

    Arsenal knocked out by Bayern after Kimmich header secures last-four spot
    Community has no moderator, who is interested?

    As pointed out in this post, this community has only one mod listed (, and they haven’t interacted with Lemmy for 6 months.

    Is anyone interested in doing this?

    Also, what is even the best way to do this? Should there be multiple mods? Who decides who becomes a mod?

    Chromecast vs built-in apps on Samsung TV?

    I've never owned a TV before but recently purchased a Samsung TV.

    In terms of privacy, is it recommended I use its internal OS to log into things like Netflix or Disney+, or is it better to use a Chromecast for those things?

    I figured if I use a Chromecast I can simply not connect my TV to the Internet at all. Of course, it does mean I'll be using a Google product.

    And what privacy related issues am I opening myself up to in the first place? What kinds of things do TVs and Chromecasts track?

    Anything else I should be considering?

    Daniel Noboa wins Ecuador presidential election Daniel Noboa wins Ecuador presidential election

    Luisa González, handpicked by Rafael Correa as successor, loses to 35-year-old banana heir who promises tough line on violent crime and cocaine trafficking

    Daniel Noboa wins Ecuador presidential election
    Looking for a privacy friendly chromecast alternative

    Title says it all, I'm looking for something as user-friendly as a chromecast but not made by a company like google. I'm familiar with linux and if some open source software exists that can do this I would love it.

    Ideally it would be able to stream things like Netflix and Disney+ using a smartphone. Would be great if it can also play local files from an external hard drive, but I have a raspberry pi with Kodi for that so that's not a hard requirement by any means.

    Price range: preferably under €/$/£100 but for something truly excellent it can be a bit more than that.

    Sneijder voorlopig niet in technische staf van Ajax: 'Gesprekken on hold' Teleurgestelde Sneijder keert niet terug bij Ajax: 'Geen basis voor samenwerken'

    Ajax-trainer Maurice Steijn zegt op open dag van de club dat Sneijder voorlopig niet terugkeert in Amsterdam. Een dienstverband in de toekomst is echter niet uitgesloten volgens hem.

    Teleurgestelde Sneijder keert niet terug bij Ajax: 'Geen basis voor samenwerken'
    Ajax tegen Astana of Loedogorets in de play-offs van de Europa League Ajax tegen Astana of Loedogorets in de play-offs van de Europa League

    De Amsterdammers spelen donderdag 24 augustus eerst uit in Kazachstan of Bulgarije, een week later volgt in Amsterdam de return.

    Ajax tegen Astana of Loedogorets in de play-offs van de Europa League
    Voor welke club zijn jullie?

    Ik ben zelf Ajax fan (en ook moderator van ! Statistisch gezien misschien niet verrassend maar ook wel een beetje saai.

    Ik heb in deze community een aantal nieuwsberichten van PEC Zwolle tegengekomen... ben jij toevallig voor PEC? 👀

    Ajax contracteert Kroatische verdediger Medić (24) van Sankt Pauli Ajax contracteert Kroatische verdediger Medic (24) van Sankt Pauli

    In Duitsland speelde de voormalig Kroatisch jeugdinternational eerder bij 1. FC Nürnberg en Wehen Wiesbaden. Medic stond bij Sankt Pauli, dat uitkomt in de Tweede Bundesliga, nog tot en met medio 2024 onder contract.

    Ajax contracteert Kroatische verdediger Medic (24) van Sankt Pauli
    Oranje klopt Zuid-Afrika op WK voetbal en treft Spanje in kwartfinales Oranje klopt Zuid-Afrika op WK voetbal en treft Spanje in kwartfinales

    Dankzij doelpunten van Jill Roord en Lineth Beerensteyn mag de ploeg van Andries Jonker zich op gaan maken voor een kwartfinaleduel tegen Spanje.

    Oranje klopt Zuid-Afrika op WK voetbal en treft Spanje in kwartfinales
    johan johan
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