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What Undecided Voters Look Like To Everyone Else
  • Went to a local fair today in rural NC, and they had an entire tent set up for mark robinson. The self avowed nazi who wishes slavery was allowed, and who rails against abortion, but paid for one himself. that mark robinson. He had a tent, and it wasn't actively being set on fire or run out of town. The man posted on the comments section of a porn website about how he wanted slaves, and how he likes trans porn, while being a huge transphobe.

    It's hard to take the right seriously in any way. They're just a bunch of clowns.

  • A sorcerer appears and states that they will erase any one song from existence - which song would you choose?
  • Baby Shark. The entire time that ducking song was making it's rounds through society, I managed to avoid it. I knew it was repetitive and awful, and through good fortune and luck, it missed me completely.

    Then I watched the new season of Umbrella Academy. Those motherfuckers.

  • As School Threats Proliferate, More Than 700 Students Are Arrested
  • Alyse Ley, a child and adolescent psychiatrist at Michigan State University and the director of a program aimed at preventing adolescent targeted violence, said that “behavior is a way of communicating” — and that it is the job of adults to figure out what students are trying to say.

    Lately, she added, it seems that “kids are screaming out for help.”

  • 'Fall in love with him one day and divorce him the next': Why hasn't Trevor Lawrence lived up to the hype?
  • Rookie QB thrown to the wolves his first year. He progressed his second and third, but injuries to himself, his receivers, and his offensive line didn't help. Teams love to draft QBs without realizing that unless they're protected, they won't have time enough to make those big plays, and you only get sacked so many times before you start to anticipate it happening, which can severely undercut your performance. Just wait till he lines up against the elite pass rushers of the Steelers (a team that prioritized it's offensive line, and it's paying off even without an elite QB).

  • Trump says he won’t run for president again in 2028 if he loses in November
  • Give me a salary, and I'll show up everyday outside the fence of the prison yard, and the entire time he's out there, I'll hurl nonstop insults and heckling his way.

    "hey, here's mr. dipshit himself! is that your prison boyfriend? how's that cell treatin you, dumbass? God what a pathetic loser! walkin around alone again, huh? where's melania? barron still hasn't shown up? dang, nobody out here even talks about you anymore, how neat is that? Diddy gets more mail from his victims than you do period! they composted all your merchandise, mixed it with pig shit, and it's a great fertilizer, who'da thunk your bullshit would ever amount to something useful? druuuuuuuuuuuumpf. druuuuuuuuuuuuuumpf. loser couldn't make money off a casino his daddy bought'im! druuuuuuuuuuuuumpf. missing your gold toilet loser? yum this mcdonalds burger is soooooo good, maybe if you're good all year they might let work at one!"

    I can go all day

  • rejection anxiety and real pain
  • I feel your pain, man. I once spent months planning a costume Halloween party. Spent over a grand in decorations alone, just spooky-ing up the house like crazy. Got special desserts made, sent out invitations through email and instagram, a freaking flyer with the info, did an online poll to make sure I was doing it on the right weekend so the most people could attend, texted my best friend at the time like, everyday for weeks making sure he at least came.

    Come the night of, almost every single person had cancelled, and my (former) best friend just didn't want to make the 35 minute commute, so he didn't even come.

    Sent out another instagram message to everyone with my original party flyer but with a big "Cancelled" written across it. Ended up slowly eating all the snacks party treats over the course of a week or so. Cleaned up the decorations, and realized that now that I'm divorced, people see me different, with less respect. It's been a difficult transition, and I'm thinking about just packing up and moving to a whole new area, to make new friends, because that shit SUCKED.

    I know that the majority of them had good excuses, but the few that didn't... man. Yeah it really hurt, and now 2 years later I rarely if ever make time for those "friends." I've just spent more time on myself, growing and becoming more comfortable in my solitude. I'm at a place where, despite a lot of present difficulties, I like myself. I'm proud of who I am, and am slowly putting myself out there more (while also planning on getting the hell out of dodge lol)

  • Biden tells Quad allies: China 'testing us'
  • I mean, shit, he's right. the 60 minutes report showing their aggressive tactics in the Taiwan strait is clear evidence of this. They hope to extend their reach while the rest of the world is trying to deal with russian and israeli atrocities.

  • Seven-year-old boy denied passport by UK Home office over Star Wars copyright infringement for Skywalker name | Malay Mail
  • Private corporations tying the hands of governments with copyright BS? If I want to name my daughter Khaleesi Skywalker Gandalf Bethooven SpaceJam that's none of the governments nor some random corporations business. You can't trademark a fucking name, wtf is this bullshit? You don't get to decide what my name is, and you definitely don't get to hamstring official government agencies in their duties because you're butthurt about my sharing a name with your fictional character. Go fuck yourselves, disney. You slimy litigious fucks, this is why your brand is sinking.

  • What are the Top 3 TV Shows that define your (personal) youth?
    • The Simpsons
    • Seinfeld
    • Friends
    • South Park (honorary mention)

    The Simpsons was sacred in my house, we watched every new episode as a family, and taped them all on VHS to re-watch. I can quote from the first 12 seasons endlessly.

    Seinfeld was my introduction to stand-up comedy, which has become a life-long passion and a personally fulfilling hobby. I liked the show, but I loved watching his stand-up bits.

    Friends was a show I would watch with my mom whenever I helped her in the kitchen. I was always hanging out in the kitchen, and Friends was a staple on TV at the time. I connected very much with Chandler.

    South Park was the show my older brother watched, and I only ever got to catch once in a while, but the show was groundbreaking in its concept and execution. While being vulgar, it also succinctly expressed complicated ideas that resonate with me still to this day (When Randy talks to Stan about marijuana is one of them).

  • When will NFL teams learn? You can’t rush a rookie QB onto the field
  • I'm having a great time watching Justin Fields find his legs within the Steelers org. Tomlin is such a great coach, imo it's because he focuses on the man, and not the game. Watching him interact with Broderick Jones after he gave the Steelers like 4 penalties in 7 plays, you see him talking to the man, and in the press conference later on, he doesn't trash him in any way. Steelers also are notorious for dismissing even top-level talent if they start to become toxic, or fail to meet Tomlins expectations off the field. It's really just a great organization to support, and it doesn't hurt that they just keep winning.

    We now have Fields operating behind a fanTASTIC offensive line, and under a new offensive coordinator that is really playing to Fields strengths. I'm kind of hoping that he remains the starter, because while I think Russel Wilson may have better accuracy, Fields is so dangerous on the run, that it forces defenses to play in a way that minimizes that threat, which can open up the field for splash plays to Pickens.

  • Light has been seen leaving an atom cloud before it entered
  • So when the pulse of light is at the same frequency (wavelength) as the atomic resonance of the super cooled matter (the frequency of the atoms natural shimmy, which in a super cooled state act as a single, massive atom), the time (when measured as the amount of quantum state change as a result of the photon passing through the atomic medium) in which it traverses the atom is less than what it should be, indicating that the photon was not slowed in any way through it's interaction with the atom(s). that right? did I do an understanding?

  • ‘I’m a black NAZI!’: NC GOP nominee for governor made dozens of disturbing comments on porn forum
  • Which is wrong anyway, the Wright brothers were born, raised, and died in Ohio, had their bicycle shop in Ohio, designed/built the first airplane in Ohio, and only took it to Kitty Hawk in NC for test flights.

    Speaking as an Ohioan, NC can go fly a kite with that "first in flight" nonsense.

  • ‘I’m a black NAZI!’: NC GOP nominee for governor made dozens of disturbing comments on porn forum
  • I had some business with a guy that had successfully lobbied politicians before, he described it as paying the price of a nice meal, and a $10k check to their reelection fund. Before that, I always assumed it would have to be much more, because $10k seems so paltry, but that was literally the figure.

  • unqualified joy
  • As a side note, I think they do understand. A dog would simply think, "My pack is interacting with me, giving me attention, and while i do nothing but enjoy they're preening, it seems to bring them joy, and that makes me happy."

  • South Carolina executes first man in 13 years despite new evidence of innocence
  • The Rev Hillary Taylor, executive director of South Carolinians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, said the flaws in Allah’s case were a reminder that “the death penalty is not given to the ‘worst of the worst’, it is given to the people who are least able to represent themselves in court”

    Salient words.

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