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New Cult just dropped...
  • Scientology + Klingons.. Isn't that just Battlefield Earth?

  • Turnip legs.
  • It's still a really cool piece of art! Their other works are really fascinating and well-executed too - I especially like the kiwi with the hairy butthole and the.. uh.. scrotumfruit?

  • Turnip legs.
  • Not trying to downplay how cool the piece is, but the artists website says it's acrylic urethane with real Daikon leaves:

  • You can listen to his mixes on the web
  • There's a few spiders that do this (I know some orb-weavers do) and IIRC scientists don't know for sure why, though it's been hypothesized that it could be either to confuse potential predators or to make themselves and their webs obvious to larger animals.

    Some orb weavers like Argiopes even make a thick zigzag construction in their web called a stabilimentum that we don't really understand the function of, but one theory is to make the web more visually obvious so larger animals don't accidentally barrel into them.

    Spiders are neat.

  • When life gives you lemons
  • At least it was a lemon and not a glass pickle jar

  • If you rearrange 2 letters in Queen Latifah's name, it becomes Queef Latinah
  • Years ago my GF declared that if she were ever going to be in a porn, her nom de poon would be Teen LaQueefa. I settled on Kenny Lingus.

  • MacBook pro freezes on log in and crashes
  • At first I thought this was an OG Dwarf Fortress screenshot

  • The man can't help himself
  • I read that as "when the one in the bathroom is already being used" and imagined some guy grumbling about having to pee in the kitchen sink because someone else is already peeing in the bathroom sink.

  • Game: Name a fun fact about where you're from and others will try to guess where that is
  • We have a local legend who plays bagpipes while riding a unicycle

  • Deleted
  • Wolfthorne by Old Spice smells like fruity Sweet Tart candies 💜

  • Old spice Blue vs White stuff
  • Wolfthorne is the only deodorant I've tried that I actually like the smell of (vs just tolerating it)

    If they could figure out a way to make their antiperspirant in the same consistency as the deodorant that would be amazing. Hate the white chalky feeling shit

  • Bye, Felicia
  • Bratapult

  • Abby (1974)
  • Benicio del Toro?

  • What's your favorite way to smoke?
  • It's portable for sure, but as it's manually heated I would say it doesnt feel super discrete. I mostly use it at home because I love the function and I medicate all day. It's great for taking on the trail or hitting in the car, etc but I would feel wierd heating it up out in public even here in OR (i feel far more comfortable w/ my Crafty and dosing pods if I'm sneaking a puff while out and about).

    It can be heated with just about any heat source but ive found a little butane torch lighter is convenient, relatively discrete and easier than a traditional BiC type lighter (which takes forever and doesn't heat very evenly).

  • Creating Bonsai from Cannabis (Manny's Cannabonsai)

    If you've never seen cannabonsai before, check this guy's channel out. Even if you don't grow yourself, the process is fascinating and the results are gorgeous!

    Love the colors of this girl, even if she was tiny 🖤💚

    She was started late, grown outdoors & I grudgingly had to chop her early. She’s the only plant I’ve grown that had jet black leaves, and the contrast with the bright green buds was just neat.

    My first attempt at AVB "firecrackers"

    I can't sleep and have heard AVB can used in edibles, so let's fucking go.

    Its the middle of the night so I'm looking for quick & low effort. I've got peanut butter here and I've never had firecrackers, so that sounds promising. I have some Nutty Bars here too, so let's use those.

    I have no clue on potency so I'm just using what looks like a good amount - 0.4g of AVB to 2 spoonfuls of peanut butter


    Oh Glob what have I done


    Ok it doesn't look so bad once it's mixed up, but this is prob twice the volume I will need


    After cracking open the Nutty Bars and spreading a thick-ish layer of greenut butter, I still have some left over. Whatever maybe I'll eat it later.


    The chocolate is melty and the greenut butter is a little runnier than I'd like, so after reassembling the Nutty Bars, it's into the mini-fridge for a chill.


    They should be just about ready to eat now - wish me luck! 👨‍🚀

    Recreational weed is now legal in Minnesota: What to know Recreational weed is now legal in Minnesota: What to know

    Where can you legally smoke recreational cannabis? Can you grow cannabis in your home? Is it OK for Wisconsinites to buy marijuana in Minnesota and bring it back home? Here are answers to all your questions about the new law.

    Recreational weed is now legal in Minnesota: What to know

    cross-posted from:

    > Minnesotans are now able to legally possess and grow their own marijuana for recreational purposes, after the Minnesota Legislature approved a 300-page bill earlier this year, and Gov. Tim Walz signed it into law shortly thereafter. It became official Tuesday.

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