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  • I have some Goldenrod plants in the backyard where every summer a few hundred 5-banded Wasps congregate. The males mob a few plants to show themselves off, covering every leaf and branch and stem until they're weighing the whole plant down, while the females buzz about checking out the dudes to decide who to mate with.

    I'm grateful to support that colony; they've been on and around the neighborhood longer than I have, and honestly, they're pretty chill. They're not going to attack unless you do first, and they're pollinators.

    And for those people who view a mob of several hundred wasps on a single plant as being "gross", just chill. They got a right to life like we do <3

  • London cinema drops AI-written film after backlash
  • Created by Peter Luisi, the movie has been marketed as the "first feature film written entirely by AI".

    It follows a celebrated screenwriter called Jack who finds his world shaken when he encounters a cutting-edge AI scriptwriting system.

    After initially being sceptical, Jack realises the AI matches his skills and surpasses his empathy and understanding of human emotions.

    This sounds like the dumbest movie ever written, by AI or otherwise.

  • Meet Nami
  • Yes, though it was my sister in law who named her, and this was years before the Netflix version, if that might matter. I don't know if it does or not, I didn't finish season 1 :)

  • Meet Nami
  • Adorable.

    Can you pay the cat tax by providing an image of said cat? :)

    We had a very special cat who did a lot of chirping and trilling, and at night in the summer we'd keep the back door open with the glass screen door shut, and all sorts of animals could come by and she'd watch them and make various excited noises to let me know when animals were around.

    Possums, raccoons, other cats, groundhogs, they all brought excited trills to let me know we had a nocturnal visitor.

    One night she was making agitated sounds, but before I got there to see what it was, she made a clear as day "uh-oh" sound, but with a meow. I hurried over to see a fox staring down through the glass at her, while she stared back nervously. Never heard the "uh-oh" before or after except that night.

  • Meet Nami

    We're currently Cat-Sitting for family members, this is Nami! She barks little meows like a dog, and absolutely loves staring out the window all day. :)

    Elk, Jasper, Alberta, Canada

    Taken last week, apparently it posed somewhat majestically

    Rose Breasted Grosbeak

    First time spotting at the feeder. Nice!

    Hypurrtia Sounds

    Our 12 year old Bombay cat, Hypurrtia, and the sounds she makes.

    "Hypurrtia" is intended to be a cat pun of "Hypatia".

    I hope her sounds fill your hearts with joy

    Purple Finch (edit: Not a Spring Cardinal)

    My bad y'all Purple Finch

    Original text below: I have no text to write in this space. A cardinal, atop a bird feeder

    The Cloud Forest at Pretty River Valley, Ontario

    Posted this in a random thread yesterday but figured it probably deserved more views. This is from a rainy day last August, near the peak at Pretty River Valley Provincial Park, Ontario, on the Niagara Escarpment. I watched the clouds rolling in, and then they rolled into and through the forest, creating an absolutely magical scene.

    Hikers are welcome. Trails are very poorly marked. Start at the bottom of the valley for maximum elevation gain. :)

    Planet/Ploehrliou Visit Strawberry Hill, a pink grass paradise in Ploehrliou (59)

    White grass planets are nice, but pink grass is so much more chill. Add to that blue-green seas, pink skies, and a wonderful view of a neighboring ringed planet + moon, and you've got a premier destination for anyone visiting the Galaxy 59 core. Sure, there are some minor storms every now and again, but the pink serpent-butterflies and blue-white nighttime nebulae make up for any intermittent weather inconvenience. Visit today!



    Planet/Hicanpaav - Visit Panache!! Hicanpaav - 50A0FBFFC005


    Visit Panache, a major tourist destination at the Hicanpaav (99) core! It has cool colors! Awful storms! Horrible weather! Cool colors! Style!


    Age: 9 Hobbies: Sleeping, Sunlight, Chasing Shadows Likes: Carrying clean socks around the house while meowing for attention at the prize she's found Dislikes: Belly rubs

    A cat shrine I built

    Located at the Zavainlani (Galaxy 150) core, on a lovely planet of Orange grass and False Storms. Built in honor of Stubbs, a cat I once knew who was wonderful

    Coordinates - 10AB06002FFB

    I make geometric, functional mazes

    This one's 30x40 acrylic &amp; acrylic markers on canvas.

    First night at his new forever home

    Three years old and the most gentle, affectionate little one I've ever met. Love him like mad already. Still haven't got a name, though

    A Chipmunk in my birdfeeder Chipmunk.exe

    A chipmunk in the birdfeeder


    The birdfeeder required refilling, but this little guy was impatient

    A chipmunk at my bird feeder

    Birdfeeder was empty and he couldn't wait for a refill.

    Not a spoiler alert: the birdfeeder is now full.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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