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China's commercial 'artificial sun' achieves first discharge
  • That site gets used for academic analysis of media bias and has been shown to agree near perfectly with other third party media bias ratings. It would be nice to have a "nationalist" bias ratings as well included but I suspect it would be an unbelievable amount of work and nearly impossible to make balanced beyond their press freedom ranking and overall bias reports. And it's not agonizingly difficult to read primary news sources and competing perspectives while sticking to sources that have a reputation they care about protecting regarding vetting sources and publishing reasonably accurate news.

    You however seem to be suggesting that media honesty is hopeless anyways so you may as well take blatant propaganda "news" sources with poor fact check ratings, from nations with deplorable press freedom as equal to any other. Which is an incredibly dangerous and frankly idiotic perspective to have.

    The NYT is obviously biased towards western interests in key ways, the BBC and NPR are even government funded news agencies. They are not in any way equivalent to RT or SCMP let alone the Global Times. There is a level of press freedom, academic freedom, transparency, and freedom to criticize that is completely incomparable.

    TLDR: Fuck off tankies, authoritarianism is not welcome in lefty circles as long as I have something to say about it.

  • A cool guide about bullying
  • I think by dictionary definition that's the definition of harassment actually isn't it? Bullying generally involves harassment but has other social connotations as well right?

  • The debate gets interesting sometimes
  • As one party loses power it changes strategy to regain it, as one party gains power it is able to differentiate more amongst different ideologies within the party. If this goes far enough it can cause one party to fade to obscurity and a new party to emerge. There is no perfect candidate who represents everyone perfectly, you pick the candidate that is closer to the place you'd like to be. Also, third party votes work much better bottom-up vs top-down. Statistically no amount of crazy upset will cause a third party to actually win the top position despite no groundwork being done. Support third party candidates in small races where small grassroots efforts not funded by major political action groups are actually likely to make a difference. Then when you get a good candidate, organize and vote to see them advance to higher positions. It is batshit lunacy to expect third party candidate votes to matter in a presidential election when we don't even have a single third party state governor, zero third party national representatives and only 4 independent senators, none of whom even represent a third party, and none of whom are presidential candidates this election (let alone viable ones). Campaign for and support third party mayors, city councillors, comptrollers, sheriffs, union representatives. You have a very real shot with them and if enough people do that and enough of them move up to higher positions, then that party can start to swing some weight around at a higher and higher level.

    Edi: Oh, and if you don't see an option in your local elections, run or encourage others to do so!

  • Mandela effect?
  • It's named after the liquour, if you follow the chain of naming it goes beyond the mountains regardless but the color is named after the color of the liquour, not the colour of the mountains.

  • Mandela effect?
  • Chartreuse is named after the liquour which is named after the monastary which is named after the mountains which is named after the village which is of ambiguous origin but likely named from a Gaulish tribe. So you're gonna have to rewrite an awful lot of history if you want to come after chartreuse.

  • AMD's Dr. Lisa Su on the role of artificial intelligence in gaming: 'Not everything has to be rendered'
  • No, I'm saying you are fundamentally misunderstanding what technology they're talking about and are thinking every type of AI is the same. In this article she is talking about graphics AI running on the local system as part of the graphics pipeline. It is less performance and therefore power intensive. There is no "vast AI network" behind AMDs presumptive work on a competor to DLSS/frame generation.

  • [SOLVED] A scifi movie/miniseries or episode inspired by Childhood's End

    I don't remember a lot of details but I remember the human race ends up allying itself with a seemingly friendly alien race that agrees to give humanity advanced medicine and technology, but with the goal of slowly wiping out humanity through slowly making the species sterile. It follows a couple that is trying to conceive but has so far been unable to and the overlords keep reassuring them thR everything is fine just keep trying but the woman does digging and figures out what is happening but it's already too late. I think there is a time travel story where humanity is prevented from either coming into contact with the aliens in the first place or is warned away from making the deal.

    Thank you thank you, it's driving me crazy.

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