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Eat shit Spotify.
  • Just to clarify definitions that probably wouldn't be considered deafness, it would be an audio processing disorder. Ability to hear music but inability to process the words.

    Deafness is "binary" in that it just means ones ability to hear sound or not. If you can hear sound even slightly then you just have a hearing impairment and are not deaf.

  • ‘We’re in 1938 now’. | The dominos are in place. Putin must be defeated now to prevent a very real third world war.
  • I don't think Russia will militarily invade NATO (at least at first). All he needs to do is install enough puppets like Hungary and Belarus to weaken the alliance, and an axis of dictatorships (Russia, China, and Iran) could then overtake the west.

  • [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?
  • A vegan diet - which only contains plant-based foods - can lead to deficiencies in calcium, iodine and other vital mineral nutrients. This is particularly risky for people who need extra nutrients and for growing children and adolescents. For these reasons, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung (DGE) [German Nutrition Society] advises against following a completely vegan diet.

  • [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?
  • It wasn't a personal attack. I could see how it could be read that way but the second sentence was a point of science not insult. It's hard to convey intention in text.

    They are just my observations and interactions with vegans, and the science is clear that most vegans have nutritional deficiencies. It is extremely difficult to actually get everything you need without meat, and you essentially have to plan every single meal in a food planner. I know... I've tried it and even planned to a tee it is near impossible to have a balanced diet without meat. I wish it was.

  • What looks easy peasy lemon squeezy but is actually difficult difficult lemon difficult?
  • you didn’t know how to wipe your own bum until I taught you. I think I have a handle on 9/11, liberal vs. conservative politics

    I agree completely with the one exception being the current aging generation that is so completely brainwashed by Murdock et al, that think the working class are the badies, among other misconceptions...

  • How many communities do you have blocked?
  • over 30. I personally prefer more serious discussion because I'm a dork. I'm not into most sports, jokes, video games or other whimsical stuff. I like some of that stuff IRL, but I consider the internet primarily of use for deeper discussion of topics that most people might not necessarily have an interest in. Like NASAs nuclear powered project Orion spacecraft in the 1960s.

    Peoples eyes normally glaze over when I talk about that stuff offline, but there are billions online, and usually someone else finds that niche stuff as interesting as me.

    It would be nice if you could select which topics interest you rather than having to block every community that does not.

  • Climate damages by 2050 will be 6 times the cost of limiting warming to 2°
  • Because you can very easily already calculate the increased cost of natural disasters; droughts, floods, severe storms with wind and hail damage, crop spoilage, etc that is occurring right now. The future disasters will be worse.

    As explained in the article they take the cost of current disasters and multiply the known effects of global warming to calculate what costs will be. They can only calculate what they know.

    The costs are probably more like 1000x anyway because there is no way to really apply an accounting system to a complete calamity that would happen if numerous very likely feedback loops happen, as they hint to in the article.

  • A Huge Number of Homeowners Have Mortgage Rates Too Good to Give Up
  • People don't live in rural areas primarily because of the distance to their jobs and a lack of infrastructure. Otherwise most people would choose rural living over living in a dense city if all other factors were equal.

    Closeness to nature, lack of pollution/ city noise, free use of the earth and land, etc.

  • Feedback from all moderators
  • Admins, mods, users; we're all human. I dunno if it's some big secret but I use /c/asklemmy posts as informal posts, and just consider the highest comment as the most popular opinion. Imperfect but effective.

    I asked what community Lemmy most needs, and the most up voted comment was 'cranes trains and excavators and stuff like that'. I made the sub and it's been pretty popular. Maybe you guys could take the same approach, just an informal asklemmy post asking for input before any site changes?

  • Feedback from all moderators
  • Is there an alternate survey site that could be used other than Microsoft? The site is pretty much impossible to see in dark browser mode as well (light grey text on white background).

    Aside from that though, what is the difference between Lemmy and sublinks?

  • Darpa Project Orion (1958) - Theoretical 8 million ton spacecraft the size of a small city. Darpa Project Orion (1958) - Theoretical 8 million ton spacecraft the size of a small city. - Lemmy.World

    Darpa Project Orion (1950-60s) >Project Orion was a study conducted in the 1950s and 1960s by the United States Air Force, DARPA, and NASA into the viability of a nuclear pulse spaceship that would be directly propelled by a series of atomic explosions behind the craft. >Non-nuclear tests were condu...

    Darpa Project Orion (1958) - Theoretical 8 million ton spacecraft the size of a small city. - Lemmy.World
    Is there a good screensaver program for linux?

    This is probably a dumb question, and maybe there is a way to do this with native applications, but I can't seem to turn on a screensaver. One with the funky art just to run for a few minutes or so to remind me, hey you left the computer on, don't forget to finish what you're doing.

    In synaptic there is: gnome screensaver, cinnamon, kodi, mate, ukui, screensaver, and a few others. The last one, Xscreensaver, was the one recommended when I searched online but I also found a forum post where it was mentioned this was no longer maintained and not recommended anymore.

    I guess a more broad question is how does an end user using Synaptic package manager know if the package is actively maintained or likely abandoned? Stale is ok, but it seems like using a project that hasn't been updated in 15 years could possibly be a bad idea for security.

    Bagger 293, heaviest land excavator in the world

    >Bagger 293, previously known as the MAN TAKRAF RB293, is a giant bucket-wheel excavator made by the German industrial company TAKRAF, formerly an East German Kombinat.[1][2]

    >Bagger 293 is 96 metres (315 feet) tall (the Guinness World Record for tallest terrestrial vehicle, shared with Bagger 288). It is 225 metres (738 feet) long (same as Bagger 287), weighs 14,200 tonnes (31.3 million pounds), and requires five people to operate. It is powered by an external power source providing 16.56 megawatts. The bucket-wheel itself is over 21.3 metres (70 feet) in diameter with 18 buckets, each of which can hold over 15 cubic metres (530 cubic feet) of material.

    >It can move 240,000 m3 (8,500,000 cu ft)[3] or[clarification needed] 218,880 tonnes of soil per day (the same as Bagger 288).

    man in small skyboat

    >The Colomban Cri-Cri, also spelled Cricri, is the smallest twin-engined manned aircraft in the world, designed in the early 1970s by French aeronautical engineer Michel Colomban.

    World's fastest jet propelled aircraft

    Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird

    >No reconnaissance aircraft in history has operated globally in more hostile airspace or with such complete impunity than the SR-71, the world's fastest jet-propelled aircraft.

    really big lifting stick with wheels

    >LTM 11200-9.1 - The largest Liebherr mobile crane.

    >Max. load capacity 1,200 t

    Keyboard Simulator Keyboard Simulator

    Design and test virtual keyboards

    Keyboard Simulator

    i dunno if this is what you were looking for but it's kinda neat.

    really big dirt mover

    LIEBHERR R 996 B

    >The digging and the breakout forces during backhoe operation are 1,500kN and 1,670kN respectively.

    603 kmh / 375 mph

    L0 Series SCMaglev

    >As for the fastest speeds ever reached by a train, the honour of fastest train in the world goes to the L0 Series SCMaglev in Japan.

    [Followup post] What small community do you wish was on Lemmy?

    So I made a post earlier asking what small community people wished was on Lemmy and the top upvoted suggestion was:

    >One that shows big machinery. Like cranes, trains, excavators and stuff like that

    So a made a sub with that topic and put some relevent pictures. I figure an XKCD style title would keep things light. Feel free to make this your own if this was your interest as I was just trying to plant the seed for some ideas.

    Cranes, trains, planes and excavators and stuff like that


    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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