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Would it be a bad idea to code Gnomes as autistic in the game system I'm working on?
  • I don’t know anything about gnomes and barely anything about TTRPGs, but this question makes me think about social vs. medical models of disability. In our modern-day society, the social model would mean that autism is only a “disorder” because society doesn’t accommodate our needs well enough (or, sometimes, at all). It isn’t a disorder to be allistic because it’s “normal”, “the default”, nothing more than that. For example, in a hypothetical society where people widely use language very literally, the behaviour of not taking things literally could be labelled a disorder. Or if the vast majority of people had sound sensitivity, then someone without it who often forgets to keep their voice down might be seen as disordered. So if you do decide to go with this idea, I think there might be something to explore there when gnomes are interacting amongst themselves vs. with other groups.

    If you’re concerned about “game author compares autistic people to gnomes”, is there a different class to use that might be a better choice? (I have no idea, but it sounds like maybe gnomes have a negative stereotype?)

  • Epilator recommendations?
  • I’ll second the recommendation for the Braun Silk Epil 9, though noting I never used one pre-HRT. If battery runtime is a concern, there are also several corded models which work well.

  • FIRST READING: First Nations never said there were mass graves at residential schools | NatPo
  • I hadn’t realized, yet am completely unsurprised, that we did such a bad job of listening to what Indigenous people actually said. 😞 Thank you for sharing this.

  • DigitalCoreClub has open signups ‘til Aug 15

    General purpose private tracker. Not the largest archive by a long shot, but it’s decent and people there have filled my requests quite quickly when I’m searching for hard-to-find media, so I haven’t needed to go elsewhere for TV and movies. 🙂

    Long press on story link
  • I’d love to have this feature, too. I typically use the in-app browser (web view), but sometimes would rather open a link in Safari proper. Probably so I can leave the tab open for two months until I finally admit I’ll never read it. 😅 But seriously, I’d use this feature, too. Even just a “Copy URL” to clipboard option would be helpful!

  • has been defederated
  • Let me know when you find out what the word “disingenuous” means.

  • has been defederated
  • Don’t be disingenuous. Genuine consent practices also consider that not everyone else consents to witnessing their play, so they don’t do it where it’s not welcomed. And it’s not welcomed on Blahaj Zone, in this case. That’s all.

  • has been defederated
  • is this concern based in fact, or emotion?

    Ada was clear in another comment thread that yes, emotion was absolutely involved in her decision. That isn’t a bad thing. Why is there a social attitude that decision-making is only valid if it’s cold and unfeeling?

    Personally I’m in the camp of “let consenting adults do adult things”

    Me too. I don’t think anyone is arguing against that. Anyone can still access LemmyNSFW’s content elsewhere, Blahaj Zone simply isn’t going to relay it anymore because some of it is incompatible with Ada’s goals in nurturing this community.

    But if it is in fact legal, and well moderated, then is there a problem?

    Yes. Legality has nothing to do with acceptability. This instance already bans lots of content that doesn’t actually violate any laws. It’s a judgment call.

  • Recently played You Don't Know Jack. I got EXACTLY $0.
  • Congrats!! 🥳

    No, really, I used to end with negative scores all. the. time. 😅

  • Calckey rebrands to Firefish
  • Good question! Whether it’s actually infringement is a legal judgment I’m certainly not qualified to make. 🙂 But my understanding is that it hinges on whether a court thinks a “reasonable person” could be confused. For example, a clothing brand called “Firefoxy” would probably be in the clear since Mozilla isn’t in the clothing business. And maybe even a clothing brand named “Firefox” might be okay! For example, Apple Computer and Apple Records (founded by The Beatles) coexisted nicely for a long time until Apple Computer started getting into the music-selling business. I forget how it got resolved (maybe a licensing agreement?) but The Beatles’ music wasn’t available on the iTunes Music Store for a looooong time while that dispute was going on.

    Firefish is an online service and software package, the very space Mozilla operates in, so there’s at least a case to be made that reasonable people might incorrectly assume it’s from Mozilla. It’s come up many times in this discussion already, and we as active Fediverse users are already pretty well informed about this!

  • I really miss being able to downvote bigotry and harmful content across the fediverse.
  • Truthfully, bigotry and harmful content should be reported, not downvoted. 🙂 Our local admins are very responsive, and they’ll defederate from any other instances that sanction or defend that stuff.

  • Calckey rebrands to Firefish
  • The name is way too similar to the Firefox trademark and could create the impression that Firefish is associated with Mozilla. I suspect some lawyers are currently in a huddle trying to figure out how to send a Cease and Desist letter that won’t completely piss off the community.

    (Trademark law, at least in the US where Mozilla is headquartered, requires organizations to actively defend their trademarks. So just ignoring Firefish would be risky, even if they don’t actually mind the similarity.)

  • Little bit of family joy to share
  • Hah, good one. 😆 And ‘grats to your sister! It’s a big step. 😊

  • How are cishet people viewed in general in the LGBTQ community?
  • 💯 A cishet person who treats “ally” as a verb is WAY more helpful than one who only wears it as a noun.

  • How are cishet people viewed in general in the LGBTQ community?
  • Other people here are already doing a great job of covering the “what we think” and “whether welcome in queer spaces or not” aspects of your question, so let me dive into this part instead:

    …someone who’s not in the space or actively an ally. I would more accurately describe myself currently as a “don’t care” person in the sense that to me it genuinely does not matter what someone identifies as or who someone is attracted to.

    Ever watch the TV show Ted Lasso? There was a scene in the final season where one of the players on the football (soccer) team came out as gay. The other players tell him they “don’t care”, meaning to be supportive but not actually succeeding. Ted gives a speech and, as his character admits afterward, makes a poor comparison — but still does a good job of communicating to the others that they should care.

    So, like… I’m glad you’re not antagonizing any of us, but that’s just kind of the bare minimum for being decent, you know? And that is somewhat similar to racial discrimination: as a white person in North America, telling Black people I “don’t care that they’re Black” would tell them I haven’t considered that being Black is something core to their identity and how they experience the world because of the way society works. It would tell them I still see whiteness as the “default” but it’s “okay” to be something else. It would tell them that I might say something if I witnessed blatant racism happening, but they shouldn’t count on me to do so because I haven’t made any effort to learn how racism actually works and I might back down if I feel speaking up would put myself at any risk. But I do care, so I try to educate myself, and I look for opportunities to practice anti-racism. I absolutely make mistakes, but they tend to be easily forgiven so long as I show a willingness to listen, learn, and try.

    But hey… I freely admit that I was way older than 18 when I finally started listening to people and began understanding all of this! So I absolutely don’t mean to “rake you over the coals” or anything. I just tell you these things because I hope you grow into a better person faster than I managed to. 🙂💜

  • Canada condemns use of cluster munitions following U.S. decision to send weapon to Ukraine
  • not supplying them to Ukraine gives russia an advantage, thus being against the US supplying them to Ukraine is de-facto a pro-russian stance.

    I strongly disagree with you here. I’m not against providing any weapons to Ukraine, I just believe there are better options than cluster munitions — options which won’t still be killing civilians in the decades to come. I don’t believe that cluster munitions are in any way essential to Ukraine’s defence.

    Ukraine and its allies can’t do anything (short of surrendering, which I certainly don’t advocate) to stop Russia’s use of them, and there will be long-term consequences. But that doesn’t make it a good — or even neutral — idea to add on additional long-term consequences. The more unexploded ordinance, the more danger to residents in the future.

  • Canadian health care should put patients first by ending faith-based refusals
  • As someone who has endured religious bigotry for much of my life, Catholic “health care” infuriates me. I really wish we’d take all that public money and invest it in facilities that don’t push their dogma on other people in their most vulnerable times.

    I have a complex enough medical history that I have it printed on a wallet card. (Two reasons: in case I’m incapacitated, and in case I have trouble remembering all the details.) One of my big fears is that someday I’ll be unconscious and paramedics will fail to see or respect the bold-print “Do not take me to a Catholic hospital” instruction, and the Catholic hospital will treat me extra-poorly when they see it.

  • how to explain lgbtq to 5 year old?
  • I know it sounds fun, but that will almost certainly backfire. Most likely it would feed the “persecution complex” many religious groups feel even when they’re in the majority and convince them to “dig their heels in” and become even more staunch in their wrong-headed beliefs. 😔

  • Canada condemns use of cluster munitions following U.S. decision to send weapon to Ukraine
  • I read this more as a condemnation of the US (as opposed to Ukraine) for enabling further use of an indiscriminate weapon that will have civilian consequences for decades to come. But alas, it’s what I expect from those warmongers to our south. 😔

  • General reminder: you can be non-binary and still use she/her if you want!

    I really wish I’d understood this much earlier in life, but hey, it’s never too late. 🙂

    Cities: Skylines 2 has a release date!

    Coming on October 24th… and this looks so good, I might finally upgrade my GPU. 😄

    RIP SimCity, thank you for all you gave to gaming, but your time is even more over now than it already was.

    leigh ‘Leigh 🏳️‍⚧️

    I'm queerly the 'Leigh you searched for! 😉 I do tech things, enjoy pinball, try to draw, make a little music now and then, occasionally jump in the ocean and breathe underwater, and marvel at how I’ve lasted this long in this world. Trying to do my part to make it better.

    Trans demigal (she/her)

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