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My lib friend, unprompted, posted this bullshit
  • I'm impressed by how accurate this is

  • smdh my dick head
  • And Xi pays Kim, virtuous cycle of influence

  • The .J is for Josef Stalin

  • Législatives 2024 : les Français sont-ils de plus en plus racistes ?
  • J'ai manqué de nuance, c'est vrai que cet amalgame existe, mais déjà il existe surtout chez les crypto-droitistes comme Soral, et tout ça n'empêche pas que

    les résultats du baromètre tendent à montrer que les opinions antisémites restent largement structurées par les vieux stéréotypes parmi l’ensemble des sondés

    Ça veut bien dire ce que ça veut dire, l'idée que désormais c'est la gauche les vrais antisémites alors que le RN est désormais clean c'est ahurissant

    Après j'avoue j'y vais fort quand j'accuse le journal d'être complaisant avec cette idée, je comprends qu'on ne partage pas ce sentiment

  • Législatives 2024 : les Français sont-ils de plus en plus racistes ?
  • Malgré l’émergence d’un « nouvel antisémitisme » chez les musulmans et une partie de l’extrême gauche « qui s’appuierait sur un antisionisme amalgamant et diabolisant “juifs”, “Israéliens” et “sionistes” », les résultats du baromètre tendent à montrer que les opinions antisémites restent largement structurées par les vieux stéréotypes parmi l’ensemble des sondés.

    Traduction : mon opinion sur une question est contredite par les faits que je cite mais bon je vais quand même le formuler d'une manière tordue parce que c'est très important que les gens pensent que la gauche est antisémite quand l'extrême droite est aux portes du pouvoir

  • Something I think everyone here should internalize 🤗
  • Yeah honestly it's pretty good : not too condescending, decent advice, not completely obvious

    As far as campaigns for kids go this is A tier

  • Does it still count as low hanging fruit if it's an OP from a lib on an instance we are federated with condemning HYPOTHETICALLY killing ACTUAL FUCKING HITLER?
  • Killing figures is destabilising for any movement. When movements need unity around a certain problem they can default to whatever the leader says. When the leadership becomes unpredictably vacant, there can be succession struggles leading to splits. There's a reason the CIA attempts to assassinate leaders

  • The US is cooked. It really is.
  • Yeah tbh if someone asked me this question genuinely I would ask myself if there's some kind of counterintuitive truth. I can imagine learning that they would have something called "the shell" but that is not actually a chicken egg shell or something. Because science have a lot of surprises, there are actually good reasons to be unsure about any science related question

  • Fundamentally Detached From Humankind
  • I watched it, morbid curiosity. It's not even "funny because bad" tier, just upsetting

  • "She asked you a followup question; obviously she was planted by our political enemies to make you question your Faith to Labour." --- Labour Board Runner
  • Very close to realising that the UK Labor is a bad faith party with zero willingness to do what they promise

  • I thought this was a bit, but it wasn't. I keep waiting for the punchline and there is none.
  • I think she would say something like women should've be nice to their husbands so they consider letting them the right to vote

  • Another cumbag discovered ✍
  • If you're into dirty stuff there's a small scene of left wing black metal called "rabm"

    I recommend Wolves in the Throne Room and Yellow Eyes (not political but spoke out against fascists) some small more Marxist bands are Clarion Knell and Sankara

  • I cant believe Hamas invaded its own land, smh.
  • Because evil 👿

  • Any fellow black coffee drinkers here? What made you come over to the dark side (pun intended)?
  • My deep rooted masculine insecurities make me want to take the manliest option

  • Check this out
  • Sounds fun tbh

  • NSFW
    The sacred courts 🙀
  • You know fascism is running deep when the outrageous fascist dehumanises the left less than the self-proclaimed moderates

  • Revolutionarythot- You Are Not Normal (And That's A Good Thing)
  • Wow that's awesome thank you for the transcript! Since it is very long I suggest that you put it in spoiler mode so it is easier for users to scroll the comment section

  • Yea
  • Unlimited elections in the first world

  • Guess
  • I don't understand bagels actually. Why put a whole in a sandwich?? It's just worse ergonomics than a regular sandwich! I'm sure it's some capitalist shenanigans to trick people into thinking it's cool and containing more food than it actually does

  • Resources on deflection, desertion and political asylum?

    We kinda lack info on how to defect here. I'm often thinking about that stuff... What would I do if the fascists ascent to power where I live? If it happens, it probably will be before anyone is ready to fight back. Fleeing looks sometimes necessary especially if you're unable to resist.

    Does anyone know where to look to? Any historical or current examples of how people defect? What countries could be open to communist defectors from the West?

    I'm super surprised Tom Nicholas was invited

    From what I saw he's a "Orwell is a great socialist author" and "the USSR was fascist" kind of terminally white bourgeois British dude. Did he, like, watched a Hakim or JT video before accepting?? I hope it's because he's having a redemption arc or something

    Wikipedia debubking itself epic style



    Oh yeah the source of that claim is a LA Times article that doesn't mention this blatant contradiction at all

    Class politics in beauty contest versus pride parade

    I had this reflection when discussing the subject of trans people participating in mass media beauty contest, with in mind the Miss Universe contest. This question is your typical imperial core opinion divider : a useless debate between two tendencies of the bourgeoisie.

    The truth is, there is no question whether or not trans women would be allowed to run because in fact this contest goes against everything the feminist and LGBT+ liberation movement is for.

    Historically, beauty competition were used at the height of society to match the most desirable women (matching body standards, pretty, but also witty and talented, but always docile, just like in the Misses contest) with the most powerful men. There would be "seasons" organised with dances and other events for the young men and women to socialise. When a men desired a young woman he would ask her father if his rank was high enough for him, and if the father thought his daughter might get better he could refuse. The life of the daughter was being gambled for prestige. The daughter was a transactional resource.

    The criterias of desirability haven't changed, objectification by quantifying their quality as individuals, physical and mental, is still the same. The ranking and comparaison, an assignment to an absolute, comparable and fungible value is still there. Miss Universe is in historical continuity of the practice, which explains why culturally no one cares about Mister Universe. Men don't have to be judged and standardized, men objectification exists but as a curiosity, something just for fun. For women it's part of their condition.

    The LGBT+ and feminist liberation movement stand against this standardisation. The beauty contest ought to be replaced by something that actually already exists: the pride parade. The pride parade is massive, inclusive, doesn't rank anyone, it just shows forms of beauty without judgement. The beauty contest is the bourgeois way of celebrating human beauty, by transforming standardized individuals into commodities with an assigned value. The pride parade celebrates beauty in its diversity, and provides intrinsic, non-fungible and incomparable value to individuals while including them in the mass instead of putting them above.

    Therefore the pride parade is proletarian, it is a manifestation of mass, a resistance against bourgeois historical values and practices. It is the proletarian way of celebrating beauty.

    The two-party system of the US is more than an "illusion of free choice"

    An entire institution is rarely justified by simply setting up an illusion for the average person to fall for. The US duopoly is a good example for this.

    There is a very material incentive for the bourgeoisie to have precisely two parties alternating, that is, the importance of donors.

    If the blue team were to lose only a small amount of donors, they would inevitably lose to the red team, and vice versa. If there were more major parties, losing donors could be a calculated decision to not alienate a part of the electorate, because the donations would go to one of the major parties. But in a duopoly situation, the donor's money go straight to the other party, doubling the relative loss. On the contrary, a monopoly situation is not ideal because the importance of donors is diminished since the campaign is less important therefore money matters less.

    This system therefore ensures maximum control over political parties by the bourgeoisie, because it optimises the bargain that donors have over party politicies

    Education Hub lil_tank
    Struggling to find info on Iran

    The imperial core has some strong color revolution fantasies, but at the same time it is hard to dismiss something that isn't just "freedumb and democracy". The whole thing around Iranian women specifically, looks like a hijacking of a legitimate struggle. Has anyone produced an informed analysis of the situation?

    In France, 200 people lead by a mayor committed an act of genocide against Romani people by destroying their settlement

    Romani people are a generally nomad ethnic minority Europe, against whom it is deemed perfectly acceptable to be racist for most whites. It must be noted that Romani people were victims of the Holocaust, though that point is rarely brought up in any discussion to defend them.

    No less than two hundred people assaulted and destroyed the belongings of already impoverished and marginalized people, while being led by an elected representative. This is a very clear sign that fascism is alive and growing in France. It is only fair to say that participants of the heinous act are fascists and should at least be jailed. However I doubt any of this will happen as the judiciary system will never be on the side of Romani people.

    Meanwhile no armed anti-fascist force has the power to shut down fascism in this rotted country. This time the Soviets won't save the day, I'm afraid. As usual I only hope to be proven wrong.

    Tomorrow is time to face succdem relatives wish me luck

    Need to vent caus dying from cringe is definitely a possibility. Can't disclose too many details but basically they are big time anti-China propaganda propagators, literally fingers on the left hand of imperialism. I really don't want to dunk on them because they're sweet, humanly, so I'm just gonna not say much... but literally hiding isn't really an option since I already did defend our boi against them

    Avatar 2 is really fucking violent

    No spoilers

    The villains are obviously based on the US/colonialists/capitalists, like in the previous one. The little difference is that the movie strongly establishes them as pieces of shit, so it can take a more sadistic attitude towards them during action scenes. Like, there are a lot of more grusome deaths against basic soldiers than usual, and I was really like "AHAH DIE COLONIZER". Very cathartic, and great spectacle overall.

    Education Hub lil_tank
    Sources for pre-WW2 non-agression pacts

    I've read a lot of comments on our communities pointing the fact that western powers have refused the Soviet proposal to unite against Germany and that they all signed diverse pacts before the, now overplayed, German-Soviet pact. Although those comments never had a source to back that claim, and obviously search engines would never find this for me. Anyone know where I can find about all of this?

    Education Hub lil_tank
    Lady Izdihar - We Soviet Wives

    Most based stuff I've heard in a long time, absolute must watch

    I'm drunk give me based takes

    Hey people if you have based takes for me to read that's the moment I wanna read your based takes (I love lemmygrad thank you for being based)



    Damn he finally remembered that he wrote a book about this

    lil_tank lil_tank
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