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Google Chrome’s plan to limit ad blocking extensions kicks off next week
  • They messed up 10 years ago when for some reason it took ages for Firefox to load compared to Chrome, and sadly it never really recovered the user base even though the performance is vastly improved.

  • T-Mobile's Forced Arbitration
  • Somebody tried selling me a locked phone on eBay despite listing it as unlocked. The seller refused to be helpful so I filed a claim with eBay, waited the 10 days, eBay sided with me, got a refund and shipped the phone back, waited for the refund to process, then spent $100 more to buy the same device from Amazon.

  • AI nowaday is like Bluetooth 20 years ago: they put it everywhere where it's almost never useful
  • It saves a ton of time. I've worked with clients before and I'll put a lorem ipsum as a placeholder for text they're supposed to provide. Then the client will send me a note saying there's a mistake and the text needs to be in English. If the text is almost close enough to what the client wants, they might actually read it and send edits if you're lucky.

  • To be honest, it is quite complicated now as well with all of the proprietary software
  • Oh that setting is super easy to change, just go to run, type in regedit, expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE then just scroll until you find CLSID-73838-abf83-c758d57-87a90ba, set the value to zero and reboot!

  • I think the original name was "dysaesthesia aethiopica."
  • If people could just get hired for the jobs that interest them the most instead of somebody always playing gatekeeper then this would be a non-issue. In fact I'm not even sure it's a current issue for employers, considering the stock market recently hit an all time high.

  • At least one society is decent enough to take out their antisocial billionaire parasite trash...
  • Also how does it get to 12.5 billion before people do something? Had they intervened with something less severe at 1 billion then there would still be 11.5 billion and a life not lost.

  • A remarkable likeness.
  • Cindy you look just like Misses Cane!

  • Scraping scraping scraping.
  • Be careful with linseed oil as it spontaneously combusts! My friend used it on something and left the rag in the garage, and it literally burnt their house down.

  • Has this ever happened to you?
  • This reminds me of the time in HS when a letter broke off my laptop keyboard and my parents insisted on taking it to the shop for a repair. Turns out they really just wanted the shop to turn over my search history and chat logs. I already knew my parents were nosy so I would always delete it anyway.

    One day I came home from school and they said the shop fixed the keyboard but just needed my password to test it and do updates. I said no it's fine if he can type in anything into the password then obviously the keyboard works, and I already did the updates regularly.

    They literally had to beg me for the password and they were like pleasssse just give the shop the password so they can finish their checklist and you can get your computer back, and I was like fine if it's the only way I'm getting it back. Of course nothing came of it because there was nothing to discover.

    Then my parents got the computer back but kept it in the trunk of their car for a week, and I accidentally saw it when we were leaving Old Navy which started a whole "I don't believe this!" discourse in the mall parking lot.

    Moral of the story just talk to your kids instead of spying and lying, because they know and it won't work!

  • 36 flavors
  • Shellac flavored

  • Time to delete your Glassdoor account
  • My company blames me when people fill out forms with junk data just to get to what was already a public link, then I have to go in the CRM every morning and delete a dozen "your moms" and "nunyas".

  • Reddit's new paid ads look exactly like user posts
  • So now they're just charging people for what they were already doing anyway.

  • You had to hold it up to a candle.
  • In HS photography class the teacher gave us CD-RW discs to use as flash drives to keep our pictures on and they actually lasted all semester using them every day.

  • Pray for their safety
  • A lot of malls in Asia have signs that say not to walk on the escalators. So yeah I guess if it breaks you're SOL if the people in front of you aren't rule breakers.

  • The 4-day workweek was a longshot. The UAW isn’t giving up
  • If the conditions are still the same that cause people to want to ask for a 4 day work week, then people will keep asking!

  • Trig
  • In HS trig class I asked the teacher what was the actual logic behind the tan function, and she said "well it's just programmed into your calculator" and I said I realized that but how did it work, she told me to go ask the AP calc teacher.

  • Youtube has started to artificially slow down video load times if you use Firefox. Spoofing Chrome magically makes this problem go away.
  • The YouTube viewing experience on FF is terrible. I have premium no ads and still manage to break the interface occasionally by clicking a new video or seeking the video playing.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • This does happen though when they cc me on an email that has nothing to do with me, and expect me to dig through the whole thread to see why it's relevant.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • It's like the movie Sliding Doors, except it's a pocket door to your parents guest bathroom.

  • White Supremacist Killer Testifies He Was Radicalized by Conspiratorial Content Like Infowars
  • How do these people watch conspiratorial content and miss the fact that pale male European colonialism literally is the conspiracy?

  • United States | News & Politics llama
    Four Volunteers Have Locked Themselves in a Simulated Martian Habitat for a Year Four Volunteers Have Locked Themselves in a Simulated Martian Habitat for a Year

    NASA's Mars habitat was created to prepare crews for the physical and mental challenges of living on another planet.

    Four Volunteers Have Locked Themselves in a Simulated Martian Habitat for a Year
    United States | News & Politics llama
    New Car Market: Prices Are About To Plummet Due to Oversupply New Car Market: Prices Are About To Plummet Due to Oversupply

    The U.S. car market has shifted into lower gear in only a matter of months. After average car prices hit record highs as recently as last summer, some analysts now predict that an oversupply of...

    New Car Market: Prices Are About To Plummet Due to Oversupply
    Darci - Wild Horse (Official)
    United States | News & Politics llama
    Whisper it, but the boom in plastic production could be about to come to a juddering halt Whisper it, but the boom in plastic production could be about to come to a juddering halt | Geoffrey Lean

    A proposed plastics treaty could join the rescue of the ozone layer as a landmark success, says specialist environment correspondent Geoffrey Lean

    Whisper it, but the boom in plastic production could be about to come to a juddering halt | Geoffrey Lean

    SS: Single use plastics legislation and plastics treaties in the works could dramatically lower the amount of plastic products firms are allowed to produce in the near future.

    Technology llama
    Ford CEO says Tesla's Cybertruck is only for 'Silicon Valley people' and he's not threatened by it: 'I make trucks for real people who do real work'
    Ford CEO says Tesla's Cybertruck is only for 'Silicon Valley people' and he's not threatened by it: 'I make trucks for real people who do real work'

    SS: Tesla isn't a brand or aesthetic for the everyman, and Ford thinks it can do much better brining electric vehicles to the mainstream American market

    Derek Pope - Going Under

    Going Under (2022) by Derek Pope from the album Miracle Mile. Anime Music Video by #TRASHGANG and song produced by Derek Pope. #music #hiphop #hhh #hiphopheads #rap #derekpope

    Any progress on a GME instance?

    Someone on reddit mentioned there were rumors of a new GME instance being planned that would have communities for different aspects of the company and investing. It could even be a large instance for WSB or stocks, which might make more sense but I'm not sure. Would love to see this! 👽🔫🐀

    United States | News & Politics llama
    53% of parents say climate change affects their decision to have more kids 53% of parents say climate change affects their decision to have more kids

    Parents around the globe are making decisions about how many kids to have, where to work and what to buy based on climate change.

    53% of parents say climate change affects their decision to have more kids
    United States | News & Politics llama
    Biden's White House furious as red states kick over 1 million people off Medicaid on paperwork technicalities. Florida's in the lead. Biden's White House furious as red states kick over 1 million people off Medicaid on paperwork technicalities. Florida's in the lead.

    Florida has dropped several hundred thousand people off Medicaid, by far the most among states.

    Biden's White House furious as red states kick over 1 million people off Medicaid on paperwork technicalities. Florida's in the lead.

    Many states have instituted "fill out this paperwork or lose your coverage" policies that prey on the disabled by hoping they forget or aren't informed or able to complete the paperwork, resulting in the loss of their Medicaid coverage.

    United States | News & Politics llama
    The IRS could recover $12 for every $1 spent on scrutinizing the ultra-wealthy's taxes The IRS could recover $12 for every $1 spent on scrutinizing the ultra-wealthy's taxes

    America's highest earners are pretty adept at not paying the taxes they owe. Scrutinizing them could yield a lot more revenue for the public.

    The IRS could recover $12 for every $1 spent on scrutinizing the ultra-wealthy's taxes
    A place for Hip Hop Heads




    Can't believe this song is already like 4 years old


    Phonk trance type song

    llama llama

    I'm a llama and I eat casserole.

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