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hexbear now showing down votes if you view from a different instance.
  • Gonna rewrite the downvote endpoint to give an upvote instead programming-communism

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • True proof that the president doesn't matter at all and the government is entirely run by unelected 'teams' of officials.

  • A good thread on installing win 11 properly
  • I dont run linux lol

  • A good thread on installing win 11 properly
  • i think theres a native option now; but i still use explorerpatcher for various other improvements.

  • Come playtest my new incremental game!
  • Yeah, slowly making progress. Haven't been able to work on it in a while, but there have been some significant updates since the original alpha release

  • Tagline material? The Rogue Dunk_Tank, a Game of Comms story
  • how the fuck do i miss every struggle session on hexbear? i visit this site like 50 times a day and i'm only now finding out about this. damn post sort lol.

  • Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • protip: don't install win11 with a microsoft account; use a local-only account. No problems.

  • A good thread on installing win 11 properly
  • In the past 3 years, I think i've only had to occasionally do an update to explorerpatcher; everything else has stayed the same. they don't ever overwrite group policy changes and such.

  • A good thread on installing win 11 properly
  • Lots of goodies for developers specifically; nice new terminal app, WSL2, occasionally some new stuff in settings.

  • A good thread on installing win 11 properly

    Setting up your USB:

    Getting the iso file for rufus:

    Register using some Auto-KMS script, something like might work, haven't checked in in a while.

    You really don't have to do scorched earth and install linux. Just do a proper install of win 11 enterprise, with Rufus, and a few minutes disabling anything else you don't like. Also, use explorerpatcher to fix various things like start menu, task bar, etc.

    No ads, no Copilot AI, no search using bing, no telemetry, etc. etc. You can safely ignore all the doom and gloom about how windows is getting worse because if you remove all the crap its actually getting better.

    “Meandering and confusing”: Trump showed cognitive decline in interviews, author says
  • From that recent Chapo episode, it seems like the interview with Biden was even worse, and i don't recall any media people saying anything bad about it

  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic 1.0 is OUT NOW! - Steam News
  • is there any mod that simplifies transportation? I remember trying to set up a train and having to specify that i wanted 'x' amount of resource picked up at station 1 and drop off 'y' amount at station 2 and peaced out. Just let me set up the connections and let the computer figure out how much you need at each station, thanks.

  • bye bye youtube
  • I'm using Vaft + ublock origin from, works great for me.

  • Vimm's ain't doing so hot right now
  • i've been using ziperto pretty reliably lately for one-off roms

  • Come playtest my new incremental game!
  • Thank you for playing and the feedback!

    1. Yeah, ill rename that i agree.
    2. The other game i based this off of, A Usual Idle Life, does split them, but gameplay-wise it doesn't make any meaningful difference, so I just cut it to simplify.

    I will be adding a 0 cost food for sure. and yeah, a rename of free time is also a good idea.

  • Come playtest my new incremental game!
  • thank you for playing and the feedback! makes me happy to hear people are liking it.

    I do want to achieve a balance between idle/active play; there will be parts where i want the player to come and optimize things perfectly to get ahead (although, there will be an automation feature later to help that). Lifespan will increase as you increase Lifestyle bonus, so that will be more fleshed out as I add more content.

  • Come playtest my new incremental game!
  • No, its meant to be spent on work/study time

  • Come playtest my new incremental game!

    Hosted at

    Hi everyone! In my spare time, I've been developing an incremental/idle browser game, working title: 'Do Idlers Dream of Electric Numbers', or colloquially: D.I.D.O.E.N. From the title, you can guess it is a cyberpunk themed game. It is strongly inspired by other similar games like 'A Usual Idle Life' and 'Progress Knight'

    Its currently just an Alpha version, meaning the core mechanics are pretty much complete, I just need to flesh out all of the content, the story, add an end game, and fix any remaining bugs after that.

    Its currently in a playable state, but mostly just the early game things. Currently developed for desktop browser, but mostly works in Mobile as well, minus some UI issues. The general gist of the game, if you haven't played anything similar, is that you slowly level up your jobs and skills over a lifetime, then when you die you start over, having gained permanent boosts to XP and various other things. And so you slowly improve every cycle until you reach the end game. Its mostly something you leave a tab open on in the background of your browser while you work or do other things and come back to check on and make changes and such.

    Please let me know what you think, and if you find anything that looks like a bug. The game is entirely written in C# Blazor, compiled to wasm, so no javascript going on for game logic. I eventually plan to open source the game after a while, though, if you wanted to look at it.

    I'm very welcome to any suggestions as well, especially regarding gameplay, the title (I'd welcome a better pun), or anything else.


    Edit: Just FYI, i've changed the url to I've also made a save-incompatible change unfortunately, so you will have to restart the next time you play. Going forward, there shouldn't be any more breaking changes to saves.
