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It's called attaining divinity
  • Ok, so you're saying that having them wearing those Nazi badges is fine because the imperialist state department from the country that hired a non negligible number of Nazis after the Germans capitulated said the nazi patch wearing azov combatants are not doing anything wrong?

    And at the same time, using pepe the frog online is clearly alt-right?

    Just like you believe when the US state department say Israel is doing nothing against human rights in Palestine?

    You look very confused, in my opinion.

  • It's called attaining divinity
  • Guilty of making use of hyperbole, whoah.

    Now. Ukrainian military, its puppet leadership and its NATO allies are pretty accepting of fighting side by side, and providing weapons to Nazi sympathetic fighters.

    Apparently CNN is now part of Russian propaganda?

  • It's called attaining divinity
  • At which point did I defend Putin or Xi in this conversation? I used the same argument as you did to argue that there's Nazi sympathetic fighters in the Ukrainian armed forces.

    Would you defend soldiers fighting side by side Nazi symbols?

  • It's called attaining divinity
  • You acknowledge pepe the frog as an alt right fascist symbol on Internet memes. But when armed forces in Ukraine use SS and black sun on their garment, you think it's fine. Did west reclaim swastika and other nazi symbols, then?

  • I mean it.
  • I think it's fair to say that "nice cops" see themselves as civilians, and representatives of the population, trying to improve things.

    Soldiers are military, and a very different category. But! I read many US military personnel go in there because superior education is not really accessible anywhere else. So, maybe there's a gray zone, there? Cannon fodder soldiers from poor strata die first, in any war. Most don't want to be there.

    I have particular views about IDF being an genocidal maniacal occupation force for a colonising state that commits innumerable crimes against humanity. That you're probably not interested about.

    And I have particular views about NATO using disguised Nazi Ideology in puppet states to seize and control it, that I also wouldn't think you wouldn't be particularly interested about.

  • I mean it.
  • If money wasn't needed. If people had access to dignified work to pay for housing, food and health, they would have a choice.

    Cop work is always available, on a very low entry bar, paying generally better than equivalent positions elsewhere. And shitty people get to vent their violence unchecked.

    Nice cops "just" have to sell their should a bit. Some people get desperate and are willing to pay the consciousness price.

    In my opinion these positions shouldn't even be available, the whole chain of command should be replaced by people representing the oppressed classes, committed to ending oppression.

    I'm not defending police, I just think the criticism has to focus on the institution problem, not at the individual problem. Individuals are insignificant in the grand scheme of things, systems are everything.

  • Birds aren't real?

    China's revolutionary bird drone takes flight, ideal for recon and special operations missions

    One more great joke theory to be taken seriously by the stupid? I miss the days when flat earth was just funny and absurd. It looks like I'll miss the days when birds aren't real was just fun y and absurd.

    Live: Special coverage of launch of China's Chang'e-6 lunar probe Live: Special coverage of launch of China's Chang'e-6 lunar probe

    China launches Chang'e-6 lunar probe atop the Long March-5 Y8 carrier rocket from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in south China's Hainan Province. The p...

    Live: Special coverage of launch of China's Chang'e-6 lunar probe

    Rocket launch is always cool. Even cooler when it's launched by the People's Republic! :D

    Pentagon Chief: If Ukraine Is Defeated, NATO Will Be At War With Russia Pentagon Chief: If Ukraine Is Defeated, NATO Will Be At War With Russia

    ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

    Pentagon Chief: If Ukraine Is Defeated, NATO Will Be At War With Russia

    From Pepe Escobar's telegram.


    Pepe Escobar: Putin and China Send DEVASTATING Warning as Yemen Sinks US-UK Ships in Red Sea

    News on Yemen's Red Sea campaign, the consequences of blockade exemptions for Russia and China, and why.

    Ignore the clickbait tuned for YouTube click through and enjoy the analysis!

    Putin calls out Carlson applied to CIA "back in the day"

    I wonder how far did Carlson's soul went during the seconds after it.

    USSR National Anthem but its lofi

    Just found something you might like.

    Ever onward to victory, comrades!

    What is wayland?

    I know I could duckduckgo it, but I think we're at the stage at lemmy where there's space to ask basic questions.

    What is it? Why does it matter? Users at which lunix proficiency level should care about it? Is it just yet another competing standard or is x actually going to die?

    China's Cultural Revolution: The Full Story, a react by Hasanabi.

    Left wing perspective over cultural revolution, (a larger perspective on the) full story, good and bad. Nice primer for all of us. :)

    Edit: Also, not necessarily “the full story”, or the best of implied judgement by the author. Remember your own theory when listening to other people’s edition of historical events.

    Edit: I just replaced the link with a react from hasanabi, which we generally trust better.

    Original: React:

    The Deprogram Episode 107: Brazil Mentioned (Ft. @HistoriaPublicaOficial )

    Hey, the deprogram, come to Brazil! 🎉

    To everyone with questions about the Brazilian collective occupying social media, this one's for you. :)

    Korea map

    Source to Instagram comrade

    How extremist Javier Milei became Argentina's president: A story of debt, crisis, and empire

    Good luck to our Argentinian comrades, and everyone around you. :)

    Project 2025: The New Fascist Playbook

    Be ready, comrades! :)

    The Left Youtube Pipeline - The Good, The Bad, and The Hot

    Who's your favourites?!

    A good reminder about how to talk to people

    It's all about emotion and empathy. Not about pure reasoning.

    Watch British interviewer humiliation by agreement

    If anyone can come up with a better headline in the comments, I'll take it. Mine isn't the best but the content is pure gold, I swear it.

    Multipolarity: China, Russia, Israel, India, and the difficult birth of a new world

    A nice talk for background play. :D

    The Brazilian who tricked western media and was acknowledged by North Korea

    Ignore the original title, he pretended to be DPRK media, western media followed without checking and he got a congratulating letter from DPRK.

    He actually trolled western media. :)

    Feedback for this crazy idea?

    Lemmy, federation and activity pub have taken my brain to some weird places in these last few months.

    What if the world had a federated, activity pub based, passenger transport and delivery app?

    Anyone with enough tech literacy to have their own WordPress blog could also start their own local (as in, for their neighbourhood) instance of uber/lyft/doordash, effectively for free. Moderating and establishing quality and trust between customers and providers on their own communities.

    Customers could use fronted like jerboa to add as many local instances as they'd like. Or drivers could subscribe to multiple sources of passengers. Or, anyway, networks between restaurantes, delivery and customers.

    Some form of opencollective project/format could be use to fund development teams working on it.

    I know it's a huge endeavour. Can you please challenge my initial thoughts? Is the logic sound? What am I missing? Do you know of anything like it?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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